Robots, what makes you feel like you don't fit in on r9k?

robots, what makes you feel like you don't fit in on r9k?

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I hate anime and Jow Forums

I don't find traps attractive at all.
I don't fall in love with camwhores.
I'm not desperate for sex exactly, but rather marriage and kids.
I'm not a manlet.

The only thing I come here for is (You)s.
I've gotten along better with people on Discord who browse other boards rather than this one.

>not manlet
>rather Jow Forums
>hate traps, trannies and all this shit
>don't like anime
>has job
>don't like to look at stacies

But according to wizard test, I am a true robot (38pts).

Only board I fit in too is s4s.

(You)s are the best thing, right? I heard that there are people who lurk these boards without ever fishing for (You)s, I can't understand that at all. But maybe I'm just desperate for attention.

I don't want a gf or a bf.
I don't want to be a normal person.
I'm not constantly sad.
I have a disability and real problems.
I don't have friends and I don't care.
I have no social skills.
I have no job.
I don't study.
I don't want to self improve.
I'm not pretending everytime to be a "le epic sadbot".
I don't use leddit or any other social media, just image boards.
I'm apolitic, amoral, I don't follow any philosophy, ideology or give a fuck about the world.
I don't pretend to be "le crazy weirdo who use Jow Forums xd".
I don't have autism at all.
I don't like traps.
I'm not an orbiter.
I don't want to be a girl.
I'm like this incel meme, it's just retarded.
I'm a virgin and I don't care.
I don't want to have sex or a relationship with anybody.

And the reasons just goes. I don't know why I'm still here, this is a normalnigger board now.

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Ive had sex a few times and I dont really like anime

I don't like this incel meme*

Sorry about this mistake.

I'm female

in an original manner of course

>young so my failures don't bother me as much
i dunno

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im female and i like to have sex with men

I have been warned in the past by writting "in an original manner of course". But mods can't do they fucking job right. If they send a warning/ban sombody it means they MUST do that with everyone. But probably you will just get away with it.

I had oral sex before. I regret it and still feel a lot of shame for doing it.
I don't care if I get into a relationship or not, because I like being alone.
I never want kids. Never never never.
Memes (mostly new ones and dank/ironic shit) don't make me laugh. On that note I don't really like many things from the 2010s either.
Animals are better company than people.

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I've been warned too, motherfucker, twice in the past month.

Well, I'm not insulting you or anything, in fact I think mods shouldn't ban the "original" thing added to a post, it just frustrates me that they don't do their job like baning the shitposters but instead warning a simple post for trying to be original.


Just kidding, same here LOL

This is possibly the most relatable thread...

I can't find the appeal of anime. I have tried, but I find passive mediums boring and need to be doing something at all times.
Waifus would hate me, just like 3d people hate me.
I completely could care less about politics, about cars, about most things in the tangible world. I just wish to live in escapism. Part of that is because I question if reality is even real.
I don't understand banter. Every time I talk to some robot that says to join a Discord, they end up being normies who use banter and all this other stuff that makes no sense.
I don't like judging others. I hate myself, but it is unfair to give expectations to others beyond wanting them honest and caring.
I can't relate to other humans. The games I play are not games you play. I mostly play Quake shovelware.
I tried playing more modern games, but was too retarded to follow a tutorial and so failed to get it working properly. All I know is old school titles.
I hate most things. In fact, I live in black and white, but most things are on the hate side. I have very few interests. Main reason I am not on some interest board.
My music is not music you would find on /mu/. It isn't something most people would be interested in, it is too unique for me to ever belong.
I mostly talk to people who end up trying to become some advisor or mentor, thinking they know better than me. I get found too immature, too strange. I don't connect with Jow Forums people. I don't connect with anyone.
I am mostly harmless, but I have convinced people to kill themselves. I don't believe in staying alive if you don't want to be alive.
I am legitimately an alien and have been living in this human host for 20 years.

I'm a chadbot. I'm rich and I've had multiple LTRs. But I'm a hopeless autist.

I have no friends and have never had even the chance to ask a girl out despite not having any problems talking to people, yet everyone else here is a turbonormalfag.

Oops, replied to wrong post.

I just read and laugh, is that Evil?

>I don't understand banter. Every time I talk to some robot that says to join a Discord, they end up being normies who use banter and all this other stuff that makes no sense.
A thousand times this. I've always been looking for a Discord friend where we could have long discussions about the interests/hobbies we're both autistically passionate about, but every server I have been in I always drop out of because I just am not the kind of person who talks banter or cracks memes or inside jokes all the time

I'm not a very funny person and I like to have serious and deep conversations. I have no friends so I can be there only for you, respond if you are interesed and I will add you to discord.

i'm a robot by choice so the constant pining for a gf threads get tiresome and seems to be almost normalfagish. also i don't like cartoons.

everyone here is desperate for a gf/bf but I can't even imagine myself with someone. current Jow Forums seems like a bunch of normies trying to fit in.

I've become such a recluse from everything that I now don't know how to interact with the world in even the most simplistic forms.

because i am more of a brainlet failed normal than a robot.

I still have a fear of death
I don't watch anime
I play games on console (PS4)
I like summer irl

t. literally no clue what robot even means

im not racist, mainly.

>mfw share no interests with anyone
Sorry user.

Besides my social life, I'm not a total failure.
I don't share the majority of this boards interests either.

I am handsome, sexy, smart, rich and funny.
And humble.

Same desu senpai. What a gay world to live in though