Why do so many autistic people pretend to be INTJ when in fact they mistyped themselves, and are really ISTJ or INTP? Is their need to feel special just that strong?

Either way, they're giving us a bad name and should stop.

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To be fair, accurate typing isn't easy by all accounts

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>accurate typing isn't easy
If you lack self-awareness, unlike INTJ.
Sounds like normies and the aforementioned mistypes.

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What are you trying to imply here, I don't get it

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That not mistyping oneself is easy to do as a young adult and onward as long as you do not lack self-awareness and honesty.

why do ISTJs always get shat on??
fuck you guys

What's your typing method?

>implying ISTJs are ever mentioned

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I did this test and got ISTP, good or bad?

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clearly in OP's pic and others like it

From one istp to another, no.

Easy there, not shitting on ISTJs here. You guys do get a lot of hate, but that's just because robot ISTJs are rare compared to normie ISTJs. I have seen enough of you guys in these threads for me to consider you all officially part of the robot club.

Pic related is official ranking of types from Robot to Normie.

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>What's your typing method?
What do you mean?

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>duty fulfiller
>is black
Oh the irony

pretty good, as far as I'm concerned
one of the most intelligent sensors, I think

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Who's the lady for INFJ?

no clue, originally sorry

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How do you go about typing people accurately, such as yourself?

>ISTP that high

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This whole thread is full of faggots but OP you really are on a whole another level.
Have fun niggers with the horoscope of 21st century.

>How do you go about typing people accurately
You first start with the letters test. Go from one letter to the next and see if they are one way or the other.
You have to know the person pretty well. Functions aren't useful here because you can't look into how people's minds work like would be necessary,
So, you just read profiles and see whether it aligns with what you surmised. Pretty simple.

ENTP is really easy to identify, for example.

gonna need answers, guys

I'd say look at the letters to try to decide what side they fall on, but beyond that, try to think of each type as not just a combination of binary traits, but a personality in itself. Sometimes you can just sense that someone is a certain type without heavy analysis.
Of course, there's a margin of error since you're not actually inside a person's head.

Cause they want to feel better about themselves and be the cool mastermind rather than the turboautist or worker drone

>Cause they want to feel better about themselves and be the cool mastermind rather than the turboautist or worker drone
That's what I thought

That's a reliable method in the sence that it's consistent but it's not accurate. MBTI dichotomies frequently mistype people

>MBTI dichotomies frequently mistype people
bet they weren't INTJs typing

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I got ISFJ-T for me, is that good?

>is that good?
you're a mere human bean

Lol. Doesn't matter who is doing it, it's inherently inaccurate.

At least I'm worth more than you

to other human beans, indeed
hope you enjoy it

>no true INTJs
I know I use Ni, so there's no way for me to be either. And I'm too much of an asshole to be an INFJ.
The best type is ENTJ, I wish I was one.

>At least I'm worth more than you
>to other human beans, indeed

I didn't know you yourself is a human bean

you are giving yourself a bad name

>I didn't know you yourself is a human bean
I'm not.

>wishes they were any other type than INTJ
not an INTJ

Yet you are though

hint: "human bean" is slightly derogatory here

there is only one personality test that has some credibility: Big Five. Results are not absolute, but relative, unlike in MBTI, which assumes people can be categorized way more than modern neuroscience would give reason to. Also, MBTI only gives positive results, where as with Big Five, your results are almost certainly negative in one aspect or another

Looks like the main female lady from LOST

No, I can just admit that a type which uses identical functions in an order that decreases the risk of the Ni-Fi loop and has stronger Te is more desirable.
Thinking you're the best thing in the world just makes you an unhealthy INTJ

They are not mistyped, INTJ is the more agreeable type compared to ISTJ so it's more likely for autists to be INTJ.

Ah, personality quizzes. The horoscope of the 21st century.

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My biggest (heh) problem with Big Five is that no one writes profiles like is done with MBTI, so you don't really know what the trait combinations correspond to, practically.

big five observes behaviour, MBTI/Jungian Cognitive Theory observes cognition. The idea is that while behaviour can and will vary wildly from person to person, the actual underlying cognition can be categorized into different types.

It's because MBTI tests ask stupid questions like, "Are you imaginative" and every S type says yes of course I'm not a boring loser and then they get an N. Or they ask, "Are you often late?" and then they say of course I'm not late and then they get a J. And then the type description at the end is so vague that it applies to anyone.

>Thinking you're the best thing in the world just makes you an unhealthy INTJ
you're definitely not an INTJ if this is the type of thinking you default to
didn't say INTJs were the best; was implying that a real INTJ would be completely satisfied being their own type, because it's that good
And all types have a primary-tertiary loop, fyi


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>INTJ is the more agreeable type compared to ISTJ
what? I don't understand what you're saying here


That INTJ and ISTJ are similar but that INTJ is the more agreeable of the two.
They are some of the most self aware types, it's those extrovert normies who can't self reflect.

well yeah MBTI is nice and cooler but the problem is exactly what you think is a good thing. With Big Five you can have pretty much infinite number of personalities (there are limits to that yes) which makes it duller and not as exciting but science is generall boring (if psychology can even be categorized as one)

>They are some of the most self aware types,
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh lordy I can't I just can't with this one

INTJs are a bunch of masturbatory pseudo-intellectual snobs who mistake reflecting on what tortured and isolated geniuses they are for having an ounce of self-awareness. INTPs can be self-aware -- they're autistic, but they understand and accept it. ENTPs can be self-aware -- they know when they're being babbling edgelords and just feed into it because it amuses them. But INTJs? All they do is parade about trying to show everyone else that they're the smartest people in the room by mimicking the actions and thoughts of intelligent fictional characters they enjoy.

well yeah, but the problem is that Jung had very little to work with and right now with the new neurological findings he almost certainly would have dropped his own theory as gibberish and perhaps came up with something more in touch with the findings of science. Not to bash MBTI, I think it's a good entry-level theory into personality, but one should progress from that fairly quickly imo

>is the more agreeable of the two.
I disagree. It's been said that INTJ is the coldest human. True, they understand what other people are feeling, but that doesn't mean they cater to those feelings, or care about them.

so there's no point or use to it except jerking off about how "scientific" it is
got it

What should we be moving onto?

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I left r9k for some time, yet its impressive to see manga autist shitting up MBTI threads. Feels almost like home.

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It can't have been that long if you're referring to a manga autist

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Why do you think science contradicts Jung?

If you don't agree with this you're most likely retarded

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Guess I must be retarded then

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fuck off, ISTP is a curse
you end up becoming the "follow ur passions!!" meme or you fall into alcoholism

I like your way of acknowledin your failures, but if you wanna move on onto the next level, some action has to be made. Do you like being here? Doing that purposeless debate only to end up saying "lol im a retard". It might be a win for you here, but what about your overall life? You could be the one participating to something greater right now then this.

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Anyone who is an actual intj thinks MBTI is retarded.

I doubt that. Even so I don't believe in greater things enough to put the effort in.

INTJs love mbti what are you talking about? Ni really likes this sort of thing

Attached: A Centaur's Life - c038 (v07) - p004 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg (2176x3056, 1.16M)

ESTP here
having a one-track mind isn't very fun

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>retarded INTJ
Well fuck a duck

Put INFP and ISTP to shit tier and I agree

>INFP isnt in the shit tier
My day of salviation is finally at hand

>Everyone should just be a boring drone or an insane workaholic or they're shit

I think turning into that meme us good. There's no such thing as stability anymore and doing the right thing can make you fail or be miserable. It's better to chase dreams until you die because there's no better alternative

>you will never find a little hobbit community of INFPs

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>he's the "idea guy"

They're very self-reflective, but not self-aware in the social sense. They come across as spergy due to unconsciously acting on emotions.

>he's the "can't into abstract so abstract is stupid" guy

I realize I come across as spergy but I don't care. People's fee fees are less important than my self expression. It's their fault if they are uncomfortable with me.

>he's the drone who makes the idea guy's vision a reality while he sits back and enjoys 99% of the rewards guy

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at least you're not some boring Int*itive type.

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>implying an ISTP has the right to call anyone boring
Making interesting things with your hands doesn't make you an interesting person to be around.

>all this in-fighting over letters
no matter what letter combination you have, we're all societal rejects and gene trash

>ESTP God tier
>ESFP shit tier

The masculine thot type is good but the feminine thot type is bad, could this be the patriarchy at work?

You mean
>he is the guy who actually gets shit done and makes his own ideas reality while the "idea guy" jerks off about his "ideas" and dies in poverty having achieved nothing

how so? they can outthink anyone except for ISTJs and you can have conversations with them without them trying to sound like intellectuals.


>My type and the types that are as sociopathic as my type
>Types which are autistic and devoid of 0ersonality and, therefore, non-threatening socially
>Types which have feelings and friends and enjoy life and care about things
>Types which make me feel threatened socially and intellectually
Why not just cut to the chase?

You mean
>he is the type that thinks building a bunch of random shit because that's all he's good for is somehow impressing his will on reality and that anyone who aspires to more than just building shit will inevitably fail because he's too much of a brainlet to think more than two days into the future

How did you arrive at this hypothesis, oh big brained one?

imagine being this assblasted. Kek.

>literally so incapable of abstract conversation that he has to result to internet buzzwords to give the illusion of superiority

This is a low-resolution personality theory supported by ZERO facts, so only the minority of INTJs should be interested in the theory for more than two weeks because intelligent people don't fall for this meme usually

take a guess, wannabe intellectual. Personal experience.

MBTI is mostly bullshit but it's bullshit that gives way to an opportunity for boring and socially challenged people to circlejerk about how their having a certain combination of letters means that they belong to something greater than themselves

There has been no signs of his theory being supported by evidence derived from neuroscience etc. so that by itself makes MBTI a weaker way to explain personality. Big Five is always updated, because it is "updatable" due to its relative nature

imagine being this mad because some s*nsor called you a masturbating pseud.

>Anecdotal evidence
Come on son I shouldn't have to tell you about this

Because INTJ fulfilles every stereotype about themselves they've ever gotten from media, fiction, and people.
The loner, emotionless nerd is a super genius and better than everyone and no one can understand them because they're just too dumb uwu.
It's all part of a fantasy they have to believe is true to keep from killing themselves. Otherwise they'd have to deal with the fact that if they want to succeed in the world, they have to actually interact with it.
Actual INTJs can be pretty top tier though.

Imagine being so mad that these pseuds believe themselves to be smarter than you that you have to take every opportunity to neg them to feel less droney

>implying (((neuroscience))) is all that's involved with understanding personality and the human soul

I knew you were going to say that, though I don't see whats wrong about this when it comes to a meme subject such as mbti. Anecdotal evidence is quite literally the only reliable evidence which isn't completely theoretical in this case.

Big Five, as I already suggested. It has way more grounds than MBTI has and vast amount of actual psychological research behind it (and generally accepted among psychologists reasearching personality, whereas MBTI is supported by pretty much no experts, except the "MBTI experts lulz").

No, I didnt say that, but to ignore evidence alltogether because a smart man named Jung had a theory with no grounds to stand on is ridiculous

You're not wrong, but in that case why are we even bothering with all the he said she said crap to try and elevate ourselves above other strangers who have different meme letters to us in the first place? It's like a pissing contest where we just piss down each others throats