Black guys

Specifically African American black guys
are the most alpha men on the planet.

They are super redpilled when it comes to women and treat them like shit and use them as cum dumps

I wish I was a low IQ, thug black guy
I would be having so much sex

im a loser at 19 years old and never had a girlfriend

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Niggers aren't human and they don't belong in civilized society.

They find low IQ women with shit values, so who gives a shit?

I'm black, it's bad

No amount of sex fills the void of loneliness.

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Very few black men are these 6'5"+, chiseled from stone with a 10" inch cock black chad types that you see in cuck porn.
The reason why black dudes from the ghetto are impregnating a bunch of women is that they cast an incredibly wide net. They will stick their dick in damn near anything, no matter how repulsive it is.

the only beta men on the planet are white guys. everyone else treat women like shit and before you say asian guys are beta look around. the asian guys are more mimisogynist than black guys, its a culture thing and women know their place.

learned real fast is how long? after she fucked 20 or thirty and not one took her anywhere, borrowed money from her and fucked all her friends and impregnated her mother.

He has no idea how bad it is for us

Just say American Black god damn how difficult is that.
Im not from Africa

yeah as in the dumb white whores are knocking at my door all night long and they never get my size right when they by me shoes

i'll bet youre really close to the mark

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>Niggers aren't human and they don't belong in civilized society.

This is not MY America.

I hope you guys don't elect trump again

yes. alpha Asian power

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>I hope you guys don't elect trump again
We will, the great white hope

I wish I was a true asian but I'm not. I literally never had a normal conversation with a girl until I was 20 because I had a huge phobia of them since none of my relatives that were my age were girls and literally as a kid anytime I was watching tv and a girl was in the commercial/show I'd have to change the channel

Actually Jews are the most alpha on the planet since they fucking own us like cattle, call us cattle, and treat us like cattle and most of us know nothing of it. We're livestock to them. Then whites since we're really the next in line after them. Then it's a toss up between everyone else.

The woman in this picture seems a little too old to be saying this kind of stuff online.

Maybe you are low IQ

>white women
>piece of ass

pick one :^)

im indian and you're wrong.

jews are good people that have done more social welfare projects than any race

im asian and you're wrong

Have you ever met a jew?

>Whine about being a loser at 19
>Has his whole twenties to get his shit together.
You are a literal babby, OP. A goddamn child in diapers. You're not even out of your teenages maturity wise.

Idk if that's a rhetorical question or you're implying that Jews are betas. You're thinking in way too a typical way in what an "alpha" is. Who's alpha, the big burly slave with muscles and the strength of a horse? Or the slavemaster who controls every aspect of his life?

just get fit and make a lot of money, retard. if you're white this shouldn't be hard, but you're probably some 56% faggot.

>I had to change the channel

user if you ever reproduce, please be a better parent than your parents

>the great white hope
The great white hope was trump seriously I know you faggots are stupid but come up with something better

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Jews don't actually treat goyim like 'slaves', hell, most Jews don't know what a goyim is and marry them more than they marry regular Jews. Jews are only 19 percent of the forbes list, it's a ton of rich kikes but its not like they're slave masters or anything

this society is such a cucked joke

You're wrong, I teach swim lessons and black people have different bone density than other races.
They have the hardest time floating at any age.
I just got done teaching three black students and even the girl was heavy as fuck and had large amounts of muscle.

I mean I pity you and you will just end up another incel jacking to BLACKED porn and contemplating suicide, and you're right, white girls want to be dominated by criminals then find a man to settle down with later.

If Trump hadn't run there would be a woman president and no white male would ever be president again, ever. Either brown, black, gay guys and girls. White americans put Obama in the white house twice, and they got jack shit so this is a case of going black and running back.

They literally refer to goys as cattle and 19 percent of the forbes list is a vast over representation, not that a forbes list is in any way relevant to the conversation. Jews are encouraged to not marry goys.

You're full of it. Half of millennial Jews have only one Jewish parent, and most of them marry goyim. Israel is a completely different story, but American kikes are dying out. The only ones who say goyim are cattle and can't be married are crusty old rabbis.

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Jeb, Cruz, or Carson could have easily beat clinton.

Im black and it's not that bad. What do you not like about being black?

No way. There was too much momentum for Hillary so a major disrupter was needed and he blew it up. Not saying Jeb is a bad guy but Cruz is too conservative

Hillary was just plain stupid and retarded but Obama did hell a lot more Good things then trump seriously the fucking fag is creating a shithole in the trade world and he's fucking over allies to be the ALPHA MALE

>white girls want to be dominated by criminals then find a man to settle down with later.

Reminder that "learned real fast" means after the 10th or so guy and a kid or two.

>us white girls
Uhhh who is she trying to fool? Beaners and niggers? No white girl is gonna look at her and think she's white.

I'd just refuse to have sex in such a society. Treat me bad? I don't need no man

wtf i love fat coal burners now

The orthodox community isn't as affected by this as badly and is the reason there still is any two parent households.

And orthodox jews don't run shit like the liberal jews do.

The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The BLACK man's demeanor is one of aIphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(wh*te dogs)