
Are you guys seriously into this guy?

>his numero uno student
>1+ year of instructed training, dude is still squatting babbyweight (155lbs)
>"300 pound deadlift... A near 300 pound deadlift"

This is fucking normie standards shit. If you don't 1/2/3/4 for reps after 1.5 years of lifting (if you start from a healthy weight), why even try?

Attached: soyboy_155lb_squat.jpg (2880x1800, 320K)

Dint question Mr Based

said deadlift is @ 5:42, squat @ 8:44,

dude he's not a strength coach nor is he a bodybuilding coach. He just wants to get the kid fit and give him a base for athletics, he literally trains athletes

strength doesn't mean shit in the long run, everybody has different goals. No matter what you or he says, I will always take the words of an educated person with decades of experiencing in the field vs your anonymous critique


Get out.

I lifted first 1.5-2 years from 72kg/158lbs to 93kg/205lbs. Was 212 at my heaviest with a 245 bench for 3x5, 360 diddly for 3x5, 250 squat for 3x5. Now cutting down to 165 and I've maintained most of my strength.

And this athlean-fag says that culting and bulking is a meme.

Strength does means shit in the long run

>induce muscular contraction which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles.

>When properly performed, strength training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being, including increased bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament strength and toughness, improved joint function, reduced potential for injury,[1] increased bone density, increased metabolism, increased fitness[2][3] and improved cardiac function

Pics very related

Attached: export.jpg (800x360, 92K)

He unironically looks fine

Better than 100% of natty Jow Forums

I remember in a video, Jeff did a 700lb dead lift for reps. I might be wrong

the guy in the vid looks better trained than you

>I lifted first 1.5-2 years from 72kg/158lbs to 93kg/205lbs. Was 212 at my heaviest with a 245 bench for 3x5, 360 diddly for 3x5, 250 squat for 3x5. Now cutting down to 165 and I've maintained most of my strength.

wow, good job dude.

I benched 225 after 7 months of lifting and pulled 400 by my 8 month mark. This was all between 165-185 lb. Even I recognize that people have different goals and the only reason I reached such high numbers so fast was because it was my GOAL, that's not his GOAL. I dealt with injuries and overuse, was autistic with my routine and diet, but because it was my GOAL, I stuck to it. Can you honestly not recognize that not everybody lifts for the numbers??

You look worse than the guy in the video, like most "strength" fags do lmao.
Surprise surprise.

I agree.

He’s a physical therapist, not a bodybuilding coach. This is Jow Forums not fucking /bloat/. If you’re really so interested in his stuff...

> haha lel Jeff btfo
> I only went out of my way to watch his stuff to prove that he sucks, duh

then check out those range of motion/shoulderwork videos he has on his channel with Jinder Mahal.

Are you having trouble understanding that the pictures go left-to-right?

no i think they understand

Nah I'm bigger than he is, with a lower bodyfat, but you'll never catch me posting in CBT's

You look like fucking trash on the right. That's not unfortunate fat distribution genetics, that's shit posture, shit lower and middle back, and you being a fat sack of shit.

Lmao keep trolling. Absolutely nothing of what you said is true. For example, pulling lifts are by far my strongest

Then why the fuck do you almost completely lack obliques and why does it seem like your lower abdominals completely lack the sheath to hold them to closer to your hips? You realize that your abs aren't supposed to just give up past your navel and flop about right? That's your shit posture and, in turn, your shit core. Work on standing up straight, lay off the milk, and do some reverse/daiphragmic breathing you fucking pig.

Keep trolling, as I said :)

hes not trolling

>fucking trash
>my trash pull lifts are better than my garbage fire push lifts
nah you look liek shit tho

Different goals. And from what I understand this kid was in an accident and couldn't train for like a year. Jeff's well educated and knows what he's doing more than the majority of people on Jow Forums and I'll take his advice over yours any day.

>jeff's whole program is focused on perfect form instead of lifting heavy with shit form
>"Lol they don't lift heavy things very good"
Don't you have some more knee joints to fuck up?

You unironically have an hourglass figure for your lack of obliques.

I don't follow his routine.
I follow his health and form advice.

this doesn't make sense, 155 squat should be a starting squat, same with 300lb deadlift

thats kind of what I started with if I remember correctly, something like a 145 squat and 240 deadlift to work on form

Attached: 34r440zMBe8ASwwNzP3XFhwhn6aVp-Zy4li-WrFTTBQ.jpg (1024x716, 79K)