>live in Germany
>not racist
>see dyel immigrants
Live in Germany
germans proved they have inferior genetics by losing ww2. you have no right to be racist as an inferior being desu
Thanks for this funny thread poltard
Now go back
>Germany vs the entire planet
Lol Krauts so weak guys amirite! xDDDD!
germans basically lost to other proto germans
>Entire planet
I don't know about all that but germans were autistic af for even picking such a fight.
For one country against the world they did a shockingly good job desu. I doubt any other country at the time could have come close under the same conditions.
Brainwashing young men to become psychopath monsters who barely resemble humans is a way to make good killers yes.
Revering child killers and genocidal maniacs that tortured millions of civilians isn't a proper way to prevent another world war user
>I doubt any other country at the time
America could have 1v1'd everyone else desu.
Lmao american edumuhcashin
We could 1v1 anyone anytime desu.
t. not a Europoor
Have you looked around lately? We desperately need another war, preferably with a scorched earth invasion of California.
>literally can't beat malnourished rice farmers with 30 year old kalashnikovs and ieds
>can't beat
>destroying one of the highest revenue producing States
Good idea chief
>jew shill: "Notice how whenever you confront one of these people they never come back to you with facts and logic. Just inaccurate infographics and insults. Why is that? Is it that they don't have an argument? Or maybe, just maybe, they are so blinded by the racist echo chamber of their internet dark spaces that they don't feel any need to personally compose one."
I hope I'm alive when they come for the chan
>they have zero production capacity and their revenue is largely silicone valley based
>businesses are already leaving (lowering GDP) to escape the regulatory hell
>they export degeneracy across the nation and destroy other States like a cancer
It's a wonderful idea and you know it.
imagine america was only the size of texas.
>Zero production capability
What did he mean by this?
I honestly forgot about this, but I suppose when America loses there's no reason to remind people.
>Computer and electronics industry makes up a little over 4% total GDP
>Highest revenue state in the union by far
>Barely top 25 as far as debt to GDP ratio
Look if you want to bash California for our pride parades and Hollywood jews that's one thing, but California is an economic powerhouse subsidizing quite a few red flyover shitholes, and don't you forget that.
shockingly good job of what? killing off 60% of their own male population leaving their woman to be raped by mongoloids from siberia? ok then....
Fucking based, this shit should be pinned.
>55:1 k/d ratio
>pulled out only because gooks were no longer worth the money of a bullet
What do they teach you yurodumbs at the state-run Mosques?
>be german
>europe is good
>foul german instinct to destory europe takes over
>import millions of shitskins to destroy euopre
Personally, I hope we finally exterminate the hun after next war.
>against le world
Kill yourself Stormfags. Every country that fought the Nazis was attacked first. The only reason "le whole world" was against Germany was because Hitler was stupid enough to think your inferior genetics could handle it.
imagine falling for jewish bullshit this hard
>Jow Forums
>An echo chamber
It's cute when redditfags use the insults thrown against them and try applying them here. The way Jow Forums is designed, all posts are almost equally displayed...the only difference is the amount of (You)s a post gets. This means that the posts that will be seen most are either:the most funny, agreeable or controversial. This counters the effect of an echo chamber because of the constant appearances of opposing views being discussed (like me responding to this)
Reddit, on the other hand, is an echo chamber because it hides posts that are disliked by the community via voting and relegates unpopular views to the bottom of their threads.
Big if true
the other countries were being dicks to them for losing the first war
nippon were busy doing their own thing so they dont really count and Italy counts negative (obviously)
Had Japan not attackted pearl harbor for literally no reason USA hasnt a reason to join and japan could attack russia and germany had won.
>A N T I F R A G I L E
>dont care anymore if german woman die or get raped because they all deserve it for being retarded and m-muh humanity
Feels pretty gud desu
Japan had little fuel because of USA oil/gas embargo on them,if they pushed into Russia they would have gotten stranded in Siberia and left their Chinese and Indochinese gains in a precarious situation
Wow I just learned about that word today and now I'm seeing it and the context in which you are saying it makes sense to me what a coincidence!
okay japan counts negative as well
>Germany nearly won the war with ZERO countries against every country in the world
Who else's favorite plane is the D9?
Imagine how different the world would be if the Polish-German anti-comintern pact had managed to be signed
Wrong egg gif
wtf is going on
why is there shit all over the floor