How to get rid of belly fat

How do i fucking get rid of belly fat?
Whats the secret

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get rid of all other fat first

Secret is to get rid of all fat. As a tubby myself, I feel you bro

Planks, crunches, rubber band crunches

What do you mean
Most of my fat is on my belly
It looks fucking awful
Arms look like baseball bats next to it

those digits

Cutting is the only way to lose fat. Eat less read the sticky and lift heavy things.

I eat all the right things but still have belly I NEED to exercise? Or can I just not?

it means as a human being most of your fat deposits go to protecting your organs you dumb fuck
so they're the last to disappear

your fat in your shoulders, arms, legs, back, they go first.

Eat at a defecit until it’s gone. Continue to lose weight.

>I eat all the right things but still have belly fat
fuck off retard
there are no "right things"
there's only eating less for caloric deficit

I have little fat on other parts of my body.

You probably don't eat "all the right things". Count how much fat, protein and carbs you get from food; read the packages. Then count your maintenance calories (google it). Even if you eat right things you may still overeat.

Yes, and they need to go first retard

How hard is it for you to understand? It's like that for everyone.

The little fats you got need to go before the belly fat.

Why even ask such stupid questions?

Expend more calories than what you ingest. you will eventually loose weight. CICO, it really is that simple

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>do I NEED to exercise?
why the fuck are you on this board ?

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Lmao, so what? Ive made little change while gradually eating less and less. I still have little fat on my limbs while having most of it on my stomach. Do i just keep on doing this?

Yea you keep doing it

Just start eating Vegan
That'll get rid of your gut

4x8 fork putdowns
4x8 table pushaways

I'm on the path too bro.

I'm in the middle of recomping down 67 lbs.

Belly is still there, and I think it's usually the last thing to go. Stick to it.

Make a meal plan for me

Squats and oats

I still have to eat red meat though right?
I sound like a retard but real question since idk

low carb , IF
work to get to omad

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How to get rid of moobs? Same as fat generally?


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My moobs have really receded recently. Unneeded info but as an op im gonna add that

>Just start eating Vegan
no don't

Mostly just breast meat, haven't noticed any milk really. Sad thing is, I amn't really that overweight, just really skinnyfat. I plan to lose about 10 kg, from 76, hoping that will get rid of the moobs.
Awesome, how much have you lost?

22 or so pounds.

- Eliminate virtually all sugars
- Work your core and abs (not just squats and deadlifts)
- Keto + IF (OMAD is ideal)

I sorta started going on Jow Forums not too many months ago. Can u explain IF and OMAD to me?

Stay strong, bro. You're an inspiration.

Damn that actually means alot for an user to say to me. Thank you bro, i wish the best of luck to you for real. We can and will do it.

Keep going you sick cunt

It's a shame guys don't ever show some human emotion. We should try to get more out of life, emotionally, even when it's on an anonymous Nepalese knitting forum like here. I get inspired by other people struggling and fighting to reach their goals, especially those fighting battles similar to mine.

You're a lion, bro. We're lions.

Fasted cardio + yohimbine hcl

consume less energy than you spend for a long period of time

it's literally all there is to it

Thanks man, same to u. We can do it
Yeah i agree with you. Hearing ppl here reach their goals and succeed when they came from the bottom is inspiring asf to me. It proves almost anyone can do it. We form a real pride together, all of us in some way.

PayPal me $300 first

IF = Intermittent Fasting. Basically you don't restrict your calorie level too much (unless you want to lose weight very quickly) but simply eat within an 8 hour (or shorter) time window. IF essentially gives your body time to attack stored glycogen and fat for energy.

OMAD = One Meal A Day. A more extreme version of IF. You restrict yourself to one massive meal a day with a one hour time window. Both of these methods help to induce larger insulin spikes over shorter frames so you end up with lower insulin over a longer time frame (insulin inhibits fat burning, so you want to minimize the time that levels are high).

I dont know how to count calories..i cant do math..