
can someone tell me why fat people still drink full cal sodas? Coke Zero sugar tastes exactly the same as normal coke, but for some reason you just have to drink the full cal version. And don’t give me your fuckig cancer bullshit there are tons of other daily activities you do that give you more cancer than diet soda.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>drinking soda
>not being a fagit
Pick one OP

They don't taste the same you mong

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To the people who are addicted to this shit, diet and regular soda don't taste the same. My mom's only drinks diet coke. Growing up drinking that made me partial to it.

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Dos diet coke/coke zero really have low calories?

>Coke Zero sugar tastes exactly the same as normal coke

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They're fat for a reason, smartypants.

are you unable to read a fucking nutrition label? they have 0

Diet coke tastes like shit with a really bitter aftertaste

Diet coke has chemicals in it that are like 10x worse than what you drink in regular coke
But hey at least no calories or sugar amirit

>And don’t give me your fuckig cancer bullshit

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you're right
diet coke tastes better

I just drink regular soda in moderation.

My brother and his gf told me this but they are anti-vaxxers so I wasn't inclined to listen to them.

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It's not bullshit. Never drink diet anything.

I dunno about coke but Diet Dr Pepper absolutely tastes worse than regular dr pepper.

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>Drinking soda AT ALL
Just cut that shit out.

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>Drink absolutely nothing but water cause fuck variety
>You cannot be trusted to drink in moderation so you must drink only fish piss

>tfw diet coke with lemon slices

Tasty af.

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[citation needed]

dissproved by every health organization worth anything

I drink coke zero.
At first yea the taste difference was noticeable.
Now, I'll try a sip of regular coke.
No difference. Enjoy my Coke Zero.
Don't worry about empty calories.
If it spikes my insulin then it's no big deal, I already watch how much sugar I consume in a day.
And if it doesn't and that's a meme, then it's good to go.

fuck off with your mom science and try actually reading up on a subject before talking about it you retard

seriously what the fuck are you an AI or something? Fucking kill yourself fucking retard fuck

>give you more cancer

fat people are after a buzz, sugar gives them that

>Coke Zero sugar tastes exactly the same as normal coke

Umm, no?

Coke no sugar>>>Pepsi lite

Where's the avocado guy watermark?

Not only does sweetener induce weight gain, but fucking carbonated water induces weight gain

Don't drink soda. Uncarbonated sweet drinks are acceptable during exercise and thats it

Phenylalanine has been linked to a decline in good gut bacteria.

Zero unironically tastes better.

Good thing I live in a country where companies are forced by law to write on the label if they use aspartame or sweeteners :^)

Dunno about that senpai. It tastes different and some times normal coke is just tastier. Though I love that zero doesn't give you this shitty sugar coating on your teeth

As a kid my parents and siblings kept saying that all cola tasted the same. I kept saying that they taste very different which is why i like some of them and dislike others. They didnt believe it so we did a blind test with different brands and different tastes like pepsi twist, pepsi max, coca cola, coca cola light and so on. I got every single one right. So fuck you, you degenerate shithead who doesnt have working tastebuds. Also thanks for reading my blog remember to click that like button and subscribe!

Why don´t they make core with 1/3 the sugar and no sweeteners?
It would taste much better.

there are great alternatives to drinking sodas... why do you like soda so much? you can eat so many nice things for the same "calorie-price" as one can of soda...

It's just the amazing taste, it's not like I'm addicted to sugar or anything. I's worth the money since water is so boring.

>water is so boring
digits wasted

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>Do you have health problems of any kind?
> Its because you drink diet soda

Get a water filter and experience the wonder of clean water.

good quality cold water will always taste better than any soda

Montesondo strikes again

all those
etc taste like shit, I seriously prefer to drink tap water from this fake-sugared trash which tastes like plastic and perfumes mixed together