w-what kind of p-panties are femanons wearing r-right now
W-what kind of p-panties are femanons wearing r-right now
sorry to kill your benis
sweeties you cant wear boys underwear
>tfw no frumpy boxers wearing fembot gf
I only wear panties on my period. Rest of the time it's boxers, I like the loose and airy feeling. It's like going commando without actually doing so.
Do your boxers have the hole in them for men to go pee? I would love to stick my benis through it and fuck you while you still had them on
boyshorts, they're super comfy
>i will never smell a girls dirty boyshorts
lace thong
if u dont like it youre fat
I mean I just get guy boxers so yeah they have the hole. Could be neat since I also wear cargo pants/shorts sometimes, so could leave the button on but unzip the fly, and then hug a bf in public front to front but actually getting dicked standing with him doing the same.
I've had the same exact fantasy before, would be hot as fuck except for the fact you're wearing cargo shorts
i want to sniff a femanons period panties
the bf would have to be shorter than you to be able to dick you like that
blood stained boxers
smells like blood and uteral lining bro
Also do you have discord or something? You're making me hard and I would love to do this with you irl
wtf i thought it smelled like strawberries was i lied to?
I have the hots, suck my dick ass wipe
umumumu slurpr omomomo p-p-p-puss yyyyyyyy omomom
Nah, I've done it with an ex that was like 2 cm shorter than me.
It's pretty neat for the novelty but other than that I'd rather pick her up and fuck her while carrying her than have her standing.
Big comfy briefs because period happened.
just use a comma then you idiot
Furry here with a panty fetish.
This thread is right up my alley.
i guess my joke was stupid as ur stupid vagina
So do girls find it weird that I have a whole drawer of stolen panties that I like to fap with/into?
Do femanons wear cute panties just because or do they use whatever sloppy ones they have lying around?
Comfy ones because it's not as if I have anyone to show cute/pretty ones to.
You could show me user and I could show you whatever you wanted a look at
I'd only ever show someone I was in a committed relationship with.
They wear slutty thongs for Chad
Chad is disgusting.
You say that but you know you want him.
Lets exchange contact and see if we're a match then desu
Absolutely not. Chad isn't comfy.
Post yours and I might consider chatting because I'm bored. No pantie talk.
Wearing thongs for Chad everyday must be tough. You can wear your cute comfy panties with me though.
I never wear thongs. I never attempt to impress chad. I hate chad. He's boring and uninspiring. His looks are generic and without quirks. He's loud and confident and wouldn't appreciate my personality and interests.
>no fembots have posted their panties yet
That's fair, here's an email where I'll give discord [email protected]
You sound like you wear problem glasses and have colored hair. What are your interests?
I'm not wearing any right now
Boyshorts are sexier than thongs if I'm honest
I hope i didn't spoil your enjoyment of them but you should have seen this coming
They smell so bad. You really don't
Kind of a dick move considering underwear is pricey as shit
Yeah, but they're so soft and feel great against my cock. Best fapping experience ever.
When I was in college the dryers were always filled with like at least 30 pair
Why do you buy so many?
I've got 8
Femanons is it true that you only wear black panties when you're going to fuck a guy?
Im wearing some fairly ordinary cotton ones with butterflies printed on
Personally I favour comfy ones over pretty ones
only really wear those if I'm feeling fancy :^)
uh no. who told you this?
i dont think about men when choosing the color of which piece of fabric should protect my sweatpants from my vag, so no
>implying i'd ever have sex with a gross sweaty man
>Im wearing some fairly ordinary cotton ones with butterflies printed on
Show us
Okay then, what color panties do you wear when you're going to fuck another girl?
ye to make sure it happens
atm wearing pastel green bikini panties
i have mostly black and grey underwear, so black or grey. i dont put on underwear and think "im gonna have sex in these"
I thought girls would put more thought into it to avoid the embarrassment of having Chad see your old granny panties.
Femanon (male) here. Just a black thong with a benis/balls container underneath. :3
I'll pass on that thanks
"bikini" style with purple leopard print. They're old and raggy so I use them as period panties, and I think I'm going to get my period very soon.
You probably have like at least $100 worth of underwear there. I hope you at least buy your victims nice presents for brithdays/xmas etc
I'm not sure if guys feel this way about their underwear but I think most girls get kind of attached to it (especially rare comfy AND sexy bras) so it just kind of accumulates. That's my excuse anyway
Also periods. You don't want your best stuff to stain and depending on how heavy it is and stuff sometimes I have to change pants like 3 times a day (2 at least, as I wear them to bed too with a towel in)
look at these fucking guys
you fantasize about wearing cargo shorts?
>try on a pair of panties out of horniness
>actually like it a lot
>feels far more comfortable than the boxerbriefs I've always used
How do I buy women's underwear without looking like a freak
Let me tell you about the power of lying. You just buy them and nobody will suspect anything, but if they do you tell them your gf has a birthday coming up and you want to get her something nice. The person may even recommend stuff that you can buy which will feel even nicer.
D-do boys actually care about what underwear I wear
mine wears nuttin'
No, I said that the cargo short part was a turn off
It's not a deciding factor for guys since pussy is pussy, but a girls choice of underwear is still big for us.
Uteral lining?
This. Boyshorts are the patrician choice.
What're your o' so eclectic interests?
Online shopping m80
You know that weird skin stuff you get on milk? It's kind of like halfway between that and some kind of natural clingfilm. It's usually dark red or brown (or anything in between) and smells like gone off meat.
It's the lining from one of our main reproductive organs (the uterus)
>mfw I can flip my girlfriend's skirt up and look at her panties whenever I want
white granny panties with skidmarks
>white granny panties with skidmarks
user please I don't want to masturbate right now
does that mean she's a slut then for wearing something sexier than 'sexy' clothing?