Who else here has given up on dating?

Who else here has given up on dating?

>be 37 yr old virgin (have slept with hookers 3 times but that doesn't count)
>been rejected multiple times by various women
>be fit, have money, not socially retarded but the girls I've asked out always say no for different reasons

Yeah, this dating shit ain't for me.

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I have given up dating because I wanna be lean, but I had sex every fucking day being 230 lbs, you are just an incel beta

Who is this girl pls

Just get tinder plus and get an overseas gf.

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Exactly what I did, although it wasn't because I had to, just really didn't want to end up marrying a roastie

kim kardashian

sorry buddy you're probably ugly

You are probably ugly as fuck or you always look for girls above your league (so you are delusional or just dumb)
Most normal people can find a partner without much problem, how can you be 37 fucking years old and be in that situation?

>3 hookers

Well, if the dating thing doesn't work out you should work on improving that shitty math

Lindsey pelas. Apparently a very high dollar escort in the UAE and LA, and famed instathot

23, I've given up on dating and women in general too. I took the lookism pill and I am legitimately a 2/10. Add into my short height and small penis and it's just all such a joke. My insecurity is so high and nothing can ever repair it because all the lookism stuff is actually factual information.

>be 37 yr old virgin
not fitness related

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I can only tell this to you anons because others would laugh at me. I broke up with my gf and do not plan on dating anytime soon because I want to become a professional boxer.

gib milkies


Actually I'll be diving back into that world soon, been living like a hermit for the past three years and I'm done. I honestly don't give a fuck if I have to date fat chicks, I've resolved to not die alone.

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george sodini is that you?

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How is this even possible dude.

You're obviously socially retarded

im 26 a kissless virgin and i have never even asked a girl out. i have never had the desire to. also dont cry about no gf and have no desire to see a hooker

not like im some lone wolf chad or something. im just an ugly, shit person

25 years old here. Have only had sex once, with a hooker

I haven't given up on getting a girlfriend, but no longer actively trying. Well, to be honest, I guess I never really was actively trying. I have social anxiety and saying more than one sentence to a girl makes my face turn beet red. So I never talk to girls.

If a golden opportunity presents itself, I would probably take it. But I think my ship has sailed, as sad as that is to say. I missed out on so many experiences. My brain is probably so fucked up at this point. The odds of me killing myself before the end of this year are better than the odds of me getting a gf by the end of this year

do you have friends? i am and while i am pretty ugly and weird, i probably could have gotten a gf if i had friends. i have never had problems making people laugh, even girls, i just have never really had friends since the start of high school

i really dont think people who have friends and a regular social life could be a virgin for too long

No I don't have friends. Partly due to my social anxiety, and partly because I don't really have a strong desire to make friends.

But I'm actually decent looking and have a likable personality. I've had girls show interest in me, and I've always been a well liked guy at every place I've worked.

But yeah, I agree that having a social life is key to getting laid. One BIG reason for that is alcohol. When people start drinking at social events, they become less shy and more horny. And I've only been to one party in my life, so fuck me...

Wrong. You can land chicks if you just try man.

My friend is literally autistic and ugly but fit and plays the numbers.

He's fucked a few chicks and actually got married to a girl that met on Diablo of all places.

Start going to bars by yourself and introduce yourself to bartenders.
Tip well and often.

One day you'll be recognized and you'll essentially buy your way into the group.

im not just talking about sex with drunk people at bars/parties though. if you have friends and a social life, you are more likely to go out and do things, which in turn means you will be more exposed to people which gives you a larger base of people to see or interact with, some of whom will be girls. and you then have confidence that you wont come off as terrible because you have friends you can show them.

not having friends is basically a self esteem torpedoer. so humiliating that i wouldnt even want to let a girl see that which is why i dont bother

>going to bars by yourself
i cannot see this working. people at bars with friends dont want some random loner creep approaching them. normal people already think eating at a restaurant alone is bad enough

>i cannot see this working.
I didn't say to approach strangers (though you can, if you had balls)

I said talk to the bartenders.

I have literally no anxiety when talking to people but still can't get any friends or female attention fuck this world it isn't fair

Hopefully you read this comment before it's too late

Dating is all about your sexual market value, and how you use it to market yourself to women.

read 'no more mr nice guy' by glover

28 virgin here. I've been unable to find a job for a long time and wining and dining takes up money so I haven't been looking. Friend wanted to set me up on a blind date, but what kinda girl wants to date a jobless guy? So I told him no. It's been like 3 years since I've been on a date. A couple of years ago, a fat chick at a party sat on me and we made out, and she wanted to bang but I said no. Kinda regret it now, kinda don't. Also I've had a neighbor across the street pretty much throw herself at me, but she was ugly.

Now that I think about it, I've had several girls come up and offer themselves to me, but I just never took them up on it. They just weren't appealing to me at all. Call me stupid or whatever, and I know this is the virgin part talking, but I don't like feel like having sex with somebody unless it means something. I know a lot of people on here said that it was overrated once they had sex, so always just brushed it off. [spoiler]All my friends think I've had sex already though, so I just go along with it.[/spoiler]

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people dont realize its pretty easy to end up a late stage (like mid, late 20s or older) virgin once you hit a "bad but not that awful' age, like 21-22. still being a virgin by 21-22, you become so embarrassed and humiliated by your virginity, not wanting to expose your lack of experience to a girl (especially given the ridicule men get for being premature ejaculators, not knowing what they are doing, etc), that its very easy to just continue avoiding it and putting it off like having to clean that closet in your house that is a mess. its very easy to go 3, 5, 10 more years as a virgin

28 here. Been with one hooker when I was like 22. Then at 24 I tried to get a gf for an entire year and I managed to land a 4/10 turboslut eventually, who then cheated on me after a few days. I gave up after 25.

Post pic of yourself
Post pics of girls you asked out and their age

I haven't given up but I'd rather get greater income before really trying.

spot on

I've always believed that it is very easy for a guy to remain a virgin well into his 20's if he is any of the following:

1) Shy
2) Ugly
3) Weird (like autistic or has some mental illness)

Yeah. I could've been normal and fucked a virgin at age 15 but I was too much of a pussy to ask her out. She would have said yes. She was literally autistic and we had a real bond.

It was rapidly downhill from there, I had my first time with a hooker at 24. Gained a massive confidence boost that I was able to fuck her hard and basically cum on command, no erectile issues. That was one of the main reasons I was scared.

Honestly, realistically, the only way to remain a virgin even at 21-22 is if you're ugly, in my experience.

Yes there are some fringe cases like literally never living the house or literally making death threats to every new girl you meet, but for the vast vast majority of people posting here, blaming it on factors other than looks is a cope. If you're handsome the game literally plays itself, I've seen it happen time after time and I've met some really really weird/dumb/shy people with good looks and how women (and men too but less so) looked past their looks.

I also lost my virginity to a hooker, when I was 23. People always talk about how you will regret it, but the only regret I have is not doing it sooner. Getting the whole "virgin stigma" out of my head gave me a confidence boost. Not a huge boost, but a noticeable one

looked past their quirks* is what I meant to say.

pretty much

im a weird/autistic guy who can easily make people laugh but im pretty weird looking and definitely ugly and its resulted in my 25 year old issless virginity.

No, I would argue that social anxiety is a far bigger obstacle than being ugly. I see ugly guys get laid more than shy guys. Now, those ugly guys are banging ugly chicks, but they're still getting something.

Guys with moderate or severe social anxiety can't get girls because they literally avoid girls. I know because I'm one of those guys. And I'm good looking enough to the point where girls have asked me out, but I've turned them down due to my anxiety. And I've seen other similar cases numerous times

I hate myself for it. I really do. I cling to hope that one day I'll break out of this and become a player, but I worry that I might have let this problem get too big by now

>rejected multiple times by various women
That sounds like you've asked out like 10 women total in your whole 37 fucking years

the hookers count

BUT with that said you sound like you're 12 and not 30 fucking 7.

I know, I have a cousin who is exactly like me except handsome and girls threw themselves on him

But still, tons of ugly dudes get laid. It's normal to have to ask the girl out and not be asked out yourself, that's just looking for excuses, it's pathetic.

I'm pretty socially autistic and still managed to get laid (with a non-hooker (although I would argue all women are hookers for the right price)) at the age of 21 (which is still pretty old to lose your virginity in my opinion). And by socially autistic, I literally can't talk to women about anything except lifting and death metal. If I can manage to get laid, you can too. Be critical of yourself, acknowledge where you are lacking and work to improve those areas as much as possible.

>Guys with moderate or severe social anxiety can't get girls because they literally avoid girls

It doesn't matter. If you're handsome girls find you.

>I'm good looking enough to the point where girls have asked me out

I don't know your specific circumstances but when I was younger I used to misinterpret friendliness for interest. Also another thing women often do is fake interest and when you reciprocate they turn you down to boost their ego.

>but I've turned them down due to my anxiety

Dude when you're handsome the game plays itself. Women go out of their way to ease your anxiety and harass you over and over again. My older brother is literally a chad but he's also introverted and kind of an autist/schizo so I've seen this shit growing up first hand and it's disgusting the lengths women will go to to harass someone they find attractive and how they ignore all his flaws and suddenly don't care how he's never held a proper job and lives off his parent's money (that's my brother in his 30s).

This. You gotta go for more. Youre always gonna get rejected at least nine times out of ten.

maybe if you look like crap and/or you only ask models out

I'm a total outlier from what you guys consider possible.

Im a 28 year old virgin who is objectively very good looking (told so too many times to count). I've had girls throw themselves at me, isolate me at parties and try to rip my clothes off, straddle me after I drive them home etc etc. But for some reason such behaviour I found totally repulsive in the moment. My body almost recoils and i feel a strong sense of violation.

I'm starting to come around on the idea of maybe I'm asexual. Not aromatic though as I've courted two women I feel I may have loved, but they lost interest as I had no desire to smack lips or put my dick in them.

My barely employed friend gets laid all the time, all you need a clean enough to place to live and some charm.

I'm 26 khv make 100k+yr and it doesn't do shit for me cuz i'm ugly

It really depends on how good you are at reading people
If you only ask out girls who are obviously interested you won't get rejected too much
But if you're an autist who's shit at reading people you can just keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks

I guarantee that half the older virgins in here (25+) are only virgins because they literally do not talk to women.
You guys need to take a phenibut and go out by yourself, or with a single friend. You need to learn the art of literally not giving a fuck. You have been made so insecure by constant Jow Forums browsing that you are terrified of the outcome of asking a girl out. Take this advice from someone who was freaking out hard about my virginity at 21. Fake it till you make it, that's what I was told. I cringed at the thought of being a normie but I pretended to be one and it got me laid and afterwards a gf.
It isn't over lads.

yeah definitely its because of anxiety
im actually diagnosed with social phobia and i have a hard time keeping girls interested
had many times where girls approached me but i got only got autistic nonsense out of me and they always turn away
had something with a really hot brunette in my pharmacy classes and she always wanted to work with me, but some skinnydyel with chad-attitude took her ;_;

Yeah, I only went for models ahah

my biggest problem is not having friends. too humiliated to let a girl see my nonexistent personal/social life so i dont even want to try to get them in a situation where i have to talk about myself where they will see i have nothing.

in fact its the same reason i dont ry to get friends

I hate women too much to "date" a girl. Being in a relationship in general is cuckoldry unless she is the mother of your children.

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You have to pick yourself apart and build yourself from the ground up. I disagree that you not having friends is probably a big factor as to why you're a virgin. I have a friend who has basically 0 friends, but talks to me every now and then over our work messenger system to retain his sanity, I guess. Anyways, he dated then knocked up a girl slightly uglier than him. The both of them barely have no friends, but they have each other.
A LOT of people I know ditch their friends as soon as they begin dating - so your "friendless" thing isn't really that big of an issue. However, you not having friends is an indicator as to what may be wrong with you.
Either you build yourself up or you will stay like this forever.

Shit man, something similar happens to me.

I'm 27 and consider myself alright-good looking, lost my virginity at 24 and I've been with 2 other girls and a bunch of hookers since. Last year I stopped caring about sex as whole, meeting girls, dating, etc.

I realize after dating a couple of girls and actually going on more "serious" relationships, that I really didn't feel anything for them and all I did was follow some kind of basic instinct.

What if you have become a borderliner after you had the chance of a bright future with fiancee?
She left me, because m-muh need other dicks, you were my first...
Almost 4 years now single, i cant trust woman anymore, i cant recieve love because it makes me feel uncomfortable and i have to leave then.
Im broken.

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with all due respect applying a single anecdote about your life to other peoples situations doesnt really work. i know that im ugly as fuck but i fully recognize that not having friends is a huge indicator that i have serious personality issues but i dont really know what to fix. i know i am kinda weird and all that but i cant pinpoint what it is really

i wish i could just ask people whats wrong with me

if you are the far gone unironically try to get your hands on magic mushrooms, take a heroic dose and focus on fixing your anxiety as your goal. I've seen people do a complete 180 with this. LSD and ayahuasca also work.

Get medicated on either illegal or legal drugs.

i've given up dating for now after my last gf. i'm 24 now and after going through a bad breakup, the idea of a relationship doesn't seem appealing at all. most girls i've known have been like weirdly immature except for my most recent ex so there's also the concept of wanting to find a good match and it's hard. i would rather focus on things for myself such as self improvement and fitness because they are tangible

i was of the persuasion that having a good relationship would fix the broken parts of my pysche like anxiety and i assumed that it would be fuel to make to do more social things and become a more rounded person. what a load of shit. i don't like how love/infatuation can seriously fuck with your mind and make you a bit deluded

relationships and the feeling of love/infatuation are lovely but it comes with sacrificing your time and energy to devotion to another person and i don't think that's a good use of your time. if you're a young person, i think you would benefit in the long run by not getting caught up with girls because there is still so much growing to be done both physically and mentally. i feel like relationships, for the most part, halt personal development. sure sex is pretty cool but it's just sex. you can buy if you really want it

relationships and lust aren't really me, it's just some weird primal instinct that rises to the surface now and again and i think i want it and i think that's what i'm supposed to do but it's so weird it can take over. when you're not turned on, that whole aspect of it seems a bit repulsive as well.

i think i have just really come to loathe the idea of mortgaging my time and energy in order to keep a relationship going. you have a choice and i find it much more rewarding to work and become fitter

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>say no for different reasons
Which reasons?

you probably think you are not autistic, but you probably are

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>not socially retarded
But you are.

I needed that user

Fake gps + vpn to Japan

i probably should be on either an anti-depressant or ritalin or both.

>tfw on the days i purposely try not to be my usual loud, joking, funny self and try to be more quiet and reserved, people just ask whats wrong with me and if im feeling okay

all you overly insecure faggots should read this anons comment untill you understand it

>37 yr old virgin (have slept with hookers 3 times but that doesn't count)

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All insta "models" are escorts. Instagram is their marketing platform.

Why is it that men on this website prize female virginity beyond all possible virtues and earthly treasures, yet they are utterly ashamed and disgusted by their own virginity. You are all so toxically consumed by self loathing for your lack of experience and desperate to increase your partner count. Meanwhile, you villify women who have had more than one partner as whores and write them off as human trash.


Men and women are different. Males dont even have virginity, they just have a total lack of reproductive success.

The most valuable woman is a virgin because she doesnt have any children yet, so she can have the man's children.

The most valuable man is the one is most useful and powerful. Doesnt really matter if he's had lots of sexual partners but if no woman will sleep with him its a certain indicator that he is a loser.

This is all in terms of pre-contraception society but its hardcoded into our psychology

If you're good looking most girls will say yes was my point. That 9/10 being rejections is an absurd figure unless you're a facelet.

>thinking men and women are the same

>have money
Hop on some Mk 667 AND 2844 and fuck high class hookers for life.
That's what I would do in your situation, and it would make me a lot happier than trying to fuck vapid sluts at bars

You can literally buy friends by being a regular who tips well. Go off peak hours when they aren't busy. If the bar is three deep you're not going to be able to chat with them. Even then though they'll notice if you're patient and keep your order simple when it's packed.

This is pure bullshit, just as is the "shitty lock and master key"-analogy.

Women value a mans commitment just as much unless they are dumb whores who are incapable of planning more than a week in to the future.

You know where you all went wrong? When you didn't at age 16-18 just pick a chick in your league and roll with it. You drooled at the 9/10 thot until all the chicks in your league either found a partner or got tricked by some chads to give their virginity and then got dumped into the whore alleyway.

Now you're just male christmascakes. Disgusting, smelly christmascakes. It doesn't matter if you chisel your body into a nice shape, you're still christmascakes in June.

A man having lots of sex is successful. Women dont have to try to have sex, its not an indicator of success. If anything she has shit taste in men and is too easy to get into bed, which is they get villified as "whores". I personally don't care. But I wonder why women are so against marrying a rich dude and not having to work for a living, seems dumb to me

This post is absolutely true no matter what you bitter fags retort. If you can't acknowledge this you will never succeed

>Women and men are different.

More news at 11.

Because men and women are biologically different.

It's not hypocrisy, you're comparing apples and oranges.

Is this an example of female humor that the media keeps telling me about?

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I'm more successful than you will ever be though.

I feel you, man. I'm 9 years your junior but there's nothing to gain for me in teh dating game. It's difficult, it's expensive, it's humiliating and all eligible girls my age are low quality. They're either single mothers, used up whores, general thots, tragically ugly or severely mentally afflicted. That's all the flavors of single woman you can choose from at age 25+.

I kinda regret not going for this girl who may or may not have been into me in university. She wasn't exactly attractive but she was a pleasant enough person. At the time I didn't know whether she was into me or not but I also didn't really care so my attitude was "if she comes on to me it's fine, if not I'll just move on". Big mistake. Then again, if I had actively pursued her I might've regretted that too.

Point is, you either nab a nubile virgin at age 16 or you can kiss your long term relationship prospects goodbye.

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that broad is actually closer to volkishness than you in her assessment. it is true that the key and lock analogy is quite shitty.

.t fascist

that broad is closer to how society functions and used to function than any of you are. Mindless animalistic hedonism you guys advocate for. Destroying the hopes and dreams of happy and hopeful women...creating single parent households, making them bitter. You guys have no idea what kind of after effects you are creating.

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>It's difficult, it's expensive, it's humiliating and all eligible girls my age are low quality. They're either single mothers, used up whores, general thots, tragically ugly or severely mentally afflicted. That's all the flavors of single woman you can choose from at age 25+.

you seem like a nasty piece of work. it's probably best you stay single if that's your outlook

I'm 31 and realized that the only girls left at this age are all trash. The best girls go before 20 years of age. Don't make my same mistake. Settle down before you turn 25 otherwise you should just stay single till you die.

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>a nasty piece of work
Because of my "wrongthink"?
>it's probably best you stay single if that's your outlook
Because I don't hold the "right" opinions?

Face it, if I were actually wrong you wouldn't resort to the threat of withholding sex in order to 'prove' me wrong. Outside of Chinese cartoons, women past 25 are W O R T H L E S S

>Because of my "wrongthink"?
>Because I don't hold the "right" opinions?

nope because you seem like a nasty piece of shit

okay my dude

withholding sex is tragically one of their only weapons in the face of ultimate male supremacy lol


srsly, watch this vid, it explains well the old and fragile dynamic that used to exist, which benefited both sexes a lot.

That post isn't even relevant. How are male virgins obsessed with numbers? The only number they care about is getting 0 to 1.