Hello, I am a girl, 20 years of age. I want to lose some fat but I don't want my butt to completely go away, and if possible I wanna make it just a bit bigger and rounder, but I can't really afford a gym at the moment. Can I build bigger glutes in my home just using my own body weight?
Yes. All you need is a coffee table, a broomstick and a rope with the length of your body.
Nathan Bailey
I'm not understanding, but if you're telling me to kill myself, I might actually take your advice some day.
Brandon Reed
the fuck is the broomstick for
Nicholas Adams
I guess it's up to me to find out.
Joseph Clark
user can you draw a pic of it ?
Luis Williams
Post pics bb
Jackson Fisher
I'm a personal trainer and most girls I get in great form with out ever picking up a weight If you have a contact I can reach you we can chat(discord,snap and email)
Hudson Reed
You don't wanna see my face. Or my body. Trust me, I'm taking care of you.
I'm not sure of how discord works, but my number(?) is #7579
Jordan Carter
delete this message(cuzza the pervs) and tell me the name cuz u add like name#0000
James Rogers
Honestly, you're talking gibberish and until you're willing (or able) to commit to weight training and a clean diet, there just isn't much we can offer to help.
If you're that worried about your glutes, I would read some of Brett "The Glute Guy" Contreras stuff. The rest will be up to your own creativity, determination, and intelligence.
Zachary Cox
Hm, I see. I am willing and able to have a better diet, just the gym stuff is not possible atm. Thanks for the advice though. I guess at least I could get in better shape, right? By eating and exercising at home I mean.
Jaxson Nelson
Then it's JustRain#7579
Nolan White
aww don't worry bb im a pedo anyway :3
Joseph Thomas
Brandon Powell
Go to YouTube and look for the jack lalanne show. There are multiple episodes and he is a very trusted bodybuilder. Also where can I follow your progress?
Thanks! Will look him up now. I don't plan on posting my progress anywhere though...
Aiden Rivera
Can't seem to find you either..
Adam Ward
I added you on discort I'm the pro guy. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
Jacob Ramirez
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>worried about ass >it’s all fat instead of muscle That’s like a hobo worrying about his cardboard box house.
Michael Davis
Kayden Gray
"The only way you can hurt the body is not use it" - Jack Lalanne
Yes I love my boy Jack and yes I own his juicer.
David Reed
Luke Anderson
Read the sticky. Everything in there also applies to women.
summerfag please leave
Robert Hernandez
Do glutebridges and split squats while cutting I guess If you're a novice/beginner it should be easy to gain muscle Femanon too but I think I have some muscle gains genetic, or maybe is just my noob gains
Nolan Allen
be in
David Johnson
not OP but did you also ask me if I lived in london because I mentioned I'm a latina with perky tits on /fph/?
Dylan Reyes
Sorry for not replying. Thanks!
Ian Sanders
Thank god I'm veeery far away.
Josiah Jenkins
no you dumb bitch it's a meme from 2010
Ryder Adams
fucking newfags everywhere tonight also tits or gtfo
Ryder Harris
I tought it was one same shitposter kek
Lucas Cruz
How are we supposed to help you without knowing a starting point?
Summerfag ? Dude I was on Jow Forums you were still sucking your mom's titties
Kevin Morgan
Imagine any of Lovecraft's monsters and you should get a good idea.
Blake Lopez
>that 30yo boomer that's still here classic summerfag response btw
Anthony Williams
>not sucking your mom tiddies throughout adulthood Cow milk is not a substitute, you will never make it.
Jason Bennett
height and weight?
Logan Perez
Some dude is playing white knight shit Insult white knight is what Jow Forums does since it's creation even on Jow Forums and I am called summerfag for doing that The irony is that to call me summerfag on that makes you a newfag so gtfo newfag
Angel Sanders
ah it's reverse pretend to be retarded bait well played user
Jayden Jenkins
>being this new please lurk for at least 6 months before posting fgt
Nathan Bennett
Height: about 1, 57 cm. Weight: about 56 kg.
Jeremiah Williams
holy fuck summer please go see
William Ross
everyone replying to london being serious is pic related
>cringy af seriously you came straight from reddit right? don't lie
Daniel Hughes
I like how this turned into an argument about people being newfags. I should get on here more often.
Jonathan Myers
I may be a cancer but i'm no goddamn summerfag
Juan Sanchez
shut the FUCK up op we're talking about bread
Wyatt Phillips
Oliver Ortiz
It seems like we are literally role playing it, here's the audio version of the comic, still relevant and hilarious youtu.be/VuIbyvaMMPE
Daniel King
Stop eating bread
Chase Hernandez
You could buy a kettlebell (I got a 70lb one for about 1$/lb from Titan recently. Shop around for a cheap one) and do squats, swings, single leg deadlifts, hip thrusts /glute bridges with it. Plus a bunch of other exercises to strengthen and build the rest of the body. Combine that with some bodyweight movements/calisthenics /yoga/gymnastics and you'll have a good base. It's enough to keep you occupied for at least a year. Bodyweight stuff can keep you going for life if you really go with it. Good luck, and enjoy the journey.
Josiah Diaz
Fuck you, bread is awesome
Kayden Nguyen
Here's a good YouTube channel I've been using to learn some bodyweight stuff.
I mostly train with a barbell. But I've recently added some kettlebell and bodyweight stuff. It's good. And I've seen a lot of women with great bodies who just eat well and do yoga and never lift heavy weights. So it's definitely possible to build a nice body that way.