Escort Thread

Just got back from fucking a chink whore. She was a bit ugly but she gave me the best blowjob of my life and her pussy was super tight, even for my dicklet.

Also, escort general, looks aren't everything edition.

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prostitution is legal where i live but it's really expensive
cheapest you can usually find is $100 for half an hour and when i have sex i like to have lots of forplay and be very sensual instead of just rough pounding so i've never bothered with escorts
it's been a year since i last had sex though and i feel like i'm literally dying so i might cave in soon

You really fucking can't be a robot if you have the courage to fuck complete strangers for money

it's a business transaction
no different to you answering the door to your pizza delivery driver to pick up your 3 extra large pizzas and 2 bottles of pepsi
if anything there is less shame and less courage needed in fucking the prostitute

Going tommorow to my favourite domme. Will probably do some mommydom, edging and light anal-play. Looking forward very much. Pic very much related.

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nice mate, how much does she set you back an hour? those tits look well suckable

It's the easiest thing in the world, just get naked and let her do her thing. She didn't even speak a word of my language, so my normal taciturn behavior looked almost normal.

I am not joking in the fucking least, my grandma's 72 year-old cheeks have less wrinkles than her saggy-ass tits, what the fuck.

With current exchange rate, it would be around 90 bucks/hour. She is a bit chubbier in real life and around 35-40, but still pretty cute. But I'm frequenting her mostly for her attitude, don't know if she is that great actress or actually likes me, but I'm real comfy with her. She is no-bullshit, "let's milk you good boy" act.

Whatever floats your boat, user.

This is the "looks aren't everything" edition of the escort general.

Wish I wasn't such a wimp. Being a dicklet girthlet doesn't help either.

Most of escorts here in my country are usually offering ordering via mail or WhatsApp or some other normie app. Surely, you have no problem of just sending her mail. Just nicely ask if she is free to your specified date and hour, done deal in two or three emails, fren.

She will not care, trust me.

if anything they escorts prefer blokes with small dicks
they get fucked for a living they don't do it for pleasure
if they got fucked for an hour straight by a 8x6 inch dick they would be too sore to see any more clients for the day and would thus make less money

Yeah I fucked a asian hooker and she was tighetr than this 15yo chick I fucked (when I was younger obviously).

But if you are going to pay you should fuck a hot hooker.

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Anyone ever fucked a pornstar escort? If only i had the money

Hot is all good and all, but how she handles dick and is able to deliver not only a good service but also make you comfortable is what counts the most.

I had 10/10 supermodel-like escorts. And it usually sucked, because bitches knew they were beautiful so they played the lazy card.

>10/10 supermodel-like escorts
How much did they cost?

>just have to pay a few hundred to fuck supermodel stacies of your choice
Men cant be robots

I banged two. Funnily enough, both of them Russian girls. And both were beautiful, but also just boring. Sex was fine, they were nice, but vanilla as shit and they are just lazy. Sex with this kind of women are usually like in advertisement; hyper-clean, purely professional and just given to you like any other service. Some can surely dig that, it is not enough for me though.

Will post pics though to keep the thread rolling.

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Same girl, another pic. I took only one hour, paid her around 180 USD.

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And second girl here. Price was similar. But this one was better fun actually, good talk afterwards.

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Oftentimes hot hookers only rely on their looks. Fucking a fashion model tier woman is cool and all but then she just bobs her head up and down mechanically and tops it off by using so much lube that it feels like you are penetrating the Mariana Trench and that's not great.

I'd rather get an ugly whore that treats my penis like a god.

This man speaks the truth and is your ally.

I just found - Anyone use it to hire escorts?

Any nyc mongers ITT? with TER down it's hard to find the good stuff.

switter sucks stick with eroticmonkey, slixa, and list-crawler.

brobots, what are the chances of me getting hiv? condom slipped off but according to escort it slipped off as I was pulling out and i was protected the whole time. she could tell because supposedly the condom hung outside her pussy and all my dummies dripped out onto the sheets. I've been getting "the symptoms" and now I'm pretty paranoid.

The chance of getting HIV with hetero non anal sex is low.

But you can get herpes and other STDs

How long since you fugged? And what "symptoms" there, chief? Do you know that chances of catching it are absurdly low for non-anal sex?

Reason why it is so common among homos is that they usually fuck not only raw, but also micro-tear their asses.

where in the world are you that it's only $90/hr for someone with such nice tits?

Czech Republic. Other side of these 90 bucks is that real average wage here is around 900 bucks.

Yeah seems really expensive considering these Czech girls ask basically the same price in Germany.

They are actually mostly Russian or Ukrainian girls. It is getting more difficult to find a Czech escort. That mommy above is Czech, but then again she is full milf tier.

fugged 2 weeks ago
symptoms are flu-like
headache, chills, sweating, fatigue
Should I be concerned considering my symptoms? Do any stds match up or am I being paranoid. Gonna get checked regardless next week.

Get checked. But two weeks are usually too early to hiv to manifest. You gonna be fine, faggot.

>fucked at least 50 whores

Women can't fuck for shit save for one or two.

>men can find all of the romance their heart desires for the low price of $150


>and her pussy was super tight
this happen when whores train their pussies to squeeze
Kegel exercise is supposedly called.

>A meta-analysis of three studies exploring the risk from insertive vaginal sex (inserting the penis into the vagina) was estimated to be 0.04% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 2,500 exposures).

Even then, the odds given above are more of an educated guess, since actual confirmed/documented cases of men getting HIV from strictly vaginal sex are all but nil.

I feel so sad for our Burger brothers. How does it feel to live in literally the only western country where prostitution is not only illegal but you can get arrested in stings?

Jow Forums hasn't been a robot board for years
people just like to use the term "robot" to feel like they fit in

r9k was never a rowboat board nigger. you faggots just invaded the place after a while.

Just fucked a Romanian prostitute last night. Face was in her asshole for like 45 minutes. Feel sorta dirty now :/

Never tounged an asshole before, but was fun

The fact that the woman isn't someone I'd want to be with makes my penis flaccid. how do you anons do it ?

Drugs help. Also the Shame of knowing it's wrong gets me off

when they are naked they look small and defenseless, compared to my superior male strength and built. That makes me hard.

>Shame of knowing it's wrong
This judeo-christian meme needs to die.

Barely enters my mind when I go to the amp to fuck my Korean whores.

Anyone from the Netherlands here? Share some tips please?

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>decide to call an escort
>Choose one in a website from body pic (they don't show their face)
>Meet at hotel
>She's super pretty and shy, i m her first client
>She's my first escort
>Very good moment
>Decide to call an escort again. Didn't do anything for the past two years
>Choose an escort on a different website based on body pick again.
>we meet at the hotel
>It's the same escort than two year ago.
> she remember me
>Weird as fuck, very good night tho
>She wants me to call her and come to her >place
>Anxious. I don't .
>Now it's 2018

Will i meet her again if i call another escort ??

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Date her

>dating actual prostitute
Why would you want a fellow robot to come to hurt?

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I wouldn't mind desu, not the same guy though, at least they are self aware that they are whores unlike"""normal""" girls.

Now with backpage gone, where tf do i go to get somebody?

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Ja. Waste of money

Elaborate? It's definitely not cheap but I still want to.

Money are literally worthless. Only good which can come from them is when a) you can help with them to someone b) can give you new experience or ability to learn something.

>since actual confirmed/documented cases of men getting HIV from strictly vaginal sex are all but nil.

Not that user, but you literally only have to copy the greentext into google.

Some of us are just here to laugh at you autists.

I treat it like I would a zoo.

To be honest, all male-female 'relationships' are business transactions when you boil all the bullshit (i.e 'romance') away.

Watch some Patrice o'Neal on youtube or otherwise youtube Hypergamy and 'the disposable male' and swallow that red pill my dude.

I wonder what it is like to come home after a long day of getting fucked in your pussy and ass and sucking cock all day.

I'm thinking about getting one tonight, it's been awhile since I've had any sort of intimate contact with another person, but I know there's a good chance I'll just feel even more alone afterwards.

Probably feel pretty rich