Tfw no messy unkempt hair bf

>tfw no messy unkempt hair bf

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Other urls found in this thread:

I had to shave my head because my manager was complaining that my hair looks too messy. I wasn't keeping up with code. had to get rid of my beard too.

I'll be your messy unkempt hair bf if you're a girl(female)

is this the new chaotic thread deluxe extra newfag edition

chaotic thread collector's edition day 1 release gold package with season pass including butthurt, envy, project, and lie dlc

I'll be your messy unkempt hair bf if you're a male(male)

ily chaotic how much for package

$69.99 plus tax

>$69.99 plus tax

Greasy, stinky, oily hair is so hot guys

That's not what messy unkempt hair is but yes you're right

>TFW no stinky unwashed NEET Chaotic bf

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>tfw no big bara chaotic bf


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who stinks worse tomo or toga

>chaotic thread
hol up *smacks lips*
no one stinks worse than tomoko

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blood and std's don't stink so tomoko

This is the most degenerate doujin I've ever seen

>This is the most degenerate doujin I've ever seen
pretty normie to be honest

Are you into self harm

You have to be into self harm to post toga otherwise you're normie

My dick just retracted into my body

>everyone i don't like is butthurt/projecting/newfag/buzzword/buzzword, the childs guide to argument

Took 40 minutes after setting the bait but it caught hard

I want chaotic to answer he's big boy


you all prove it for me anyways silly

I knew you were I just wanted to hear you say it

It's hot be my bf

>that feel when you got a white guy with dreads

It's kind of weird, man.

stop stalking me weirdo

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"It's not really stalking if it's public information"

Notice meeeeeeeeeree

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get in line bitch nigga

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I've been in line since 2011 you're all newfags to me

you're qt but not my type so shoo shoo away

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>not my type


69 buckaroos for gold edition and also 50 extra shekels for the classic chaotic shitpost video collection pls

You'll never get them, user. At best you could probably find a few from 2017.

>ywn do minecraft let's plays with chaotic

why live

>tfw no chaotic gf

>chaotic gf

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Women are degenerate so I could never date one but guys just don't turn me on sadly

Well you got half of it right at least

Please play games with me

>messy unkempt hair
literally me and i look life a girl because of that and it's length

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Is there a secret chaotic stalker discord I should know about?

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this is my hair
is this considered messy and unkempt
if so please be my gf
im so lonely
also i havent got a haircut in a year and i dont shave

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hi Cvnky
hows it goin desu

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nice catch desu

>Chaotic silently takes over ALL THE WAIFUS the series

What have you done with chaotic, THOT

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>tfw no loving cute fembf
I'm cute why does nobody love me

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which one is you chaotic

Probably bottom one.

because you're a brainlet that thinks looking like a total faggot is all it takes for people to love you

I haven't cut my hair in over 6 years.

both but if you want to be accepted add my main

ok i was wondering about the url change
still don't know if it's the real you tbqh

welp time to dig out the old rusty scissors

Cutest dom of all time

Attached: luv u chaos.jpg (387x426, 50K)

no proof !

>everything i say is bait
>everything you say is what i say it is

was ment for not >watch him make a big deal out of this now

Go away retard your presence is embarrassing

no chaotic bf - day 304

How do you keep track of the number

dates on desu archive

But I'm nice and loving and totally not obsessed with anyone who gives me some attention that I start to stalk them hehe

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dm me you sound cute

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God, i hate that cunt, i really hope she gets killed

Ahhh chaotic where did you go

thoroughly DEESCUSTED

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It's a good litmus test for crazy bitches and masochistic faggots, I don't mind it.

being a slut for chaotic and chaotic alone is the only way to live

You could say similar things for anything remotely popular

Does Chagoic want to kill someone?

>chaotic post her
>she good

who chagoic

I can be cute and have long hair and you can't do anything.
I want to be there for chaotic and hug him even though I'll probably get autistic about touching

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chaotic the corrupt

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but according to you i'm falling for your bait, wouldn't you want me around just to troll me epic style and show everyone how cool you are?

Would be a lot more messier if slept I slept more

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You aren't good enough to get a response from him retard

Why are you asian

my friend you look diseased take vitamins

Im not asian lmao its just that I have wide eyes
Good idea but after a while of taking them I end up vomiting the liquids of pill

>have super cute hair
>have god awful acne and face warts
Time to shoot myself.

>tfw no Aizawa bf
why is life so unfair why why why

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Can someone tell who chaotic is

6'2 messy hair model-tier bf here
respond if you have big tits ONLY

Chaotic is the best boy