27+ Thread

27+ Thread

Are there any older femanons on Jow Forums these days?
I know that older male anons are getting rarer these days so I guess it must be ridiculously small amount of older femanons now.

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>I know that older male anons are getting rarer these days
uh, seems like there are a ton of posters in the 25+ threads

A bunch of them are usually underage posters who can't read the damn title and if you venture out of this particular thread, you find most posters are just teens or very early 20s at most.

>tfw 30

Is this a 27+ thread or 27+ femanon thread? I may or may not belong

I got a year left before I hit that milestone. How does it feel?

It's a 27+ thread but I want to see what older femanons are left on Jow Forums now.

feels okay. ive been here since i was 16 or so

>that 27 year old boomette that still posts on Jow Forums

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28 here, life is shit and I want to die!

You either have to buy into this fucked up system or you perish

Fuck this shit, I may just hook up with the local homeless guy I see roaming around and live with him so he can teach me his ways.

>tfw you're 27 but at least you're not a fucking tripfag

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It's a just a static level of feeling bad for you?

These days aside from my parents nobody even knows my name. I didn't want to become a tripfag.

>just turned 25
>cumming doesn't feel pleasurable anymore
>when I'm about to cum, my dick has the same feeling as when I need to piss
>the sensation of ejaculation is overwhelmed by this feeling
I guess it's over for me. Fapping was all I had left and my dick is already broken at 25. I just want another good orgasm.

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Are you on any medication by chance?

I'm a 30 year old boomer this year. This image pretty much sums up my mental state

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>28 years old.
>Was going to go to a porn shoot this morning but I cancelled because I can't stand the thought of talking to a woman let alone fucking one.

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well, the idea of no longer being young is sort of a hard pill to swallow

im married and i have a good job though so that makes growing up feel a bit more natural

>Was going to go to a porn shoot this morning but I cancelled because I can't stand the thought of talking to a woman let alone fucking one.
What? You mean a hooker right?

>im married and i have a good job
You're leagues above us. Nothing is ever enough for you I'm guessing.

my life is fine. getting older and closer to death and debility still sucks though

And why are you on this board exactly?

because ive been here forever

its not like i was always doing well

>getting older and closer to death and debility still sucks though
I don't mind getting older, I'm getting older while not having lived.

Guessing they're either a femanon answer my original question or just some arse humble bragging.

Unless my parents are secretly drugging my dinner every day, no.

You know what I've just realised? This bullshit meme has effectively made the word newfag worthless. Jow Forums's degradation is basically complete now.

Newfag has always been a joke. There's no way prove how long you've been here. You can look up old memes and Jow Forums events and repeat it to pretend like you were here. I don't know how to triforce and I don't have a pepe folder. It's all arbitrary.

>newfag has always been a joke
>can't triforce
>no pepe either
You should obviously leave.

>not 30+
27 isn't some mile stone. It's barely 2 years later than 25. What's next? 28+ threads to distinguish from 27+ threads?

The world is getting worse each year so I decided not to have kids.

Only chance to keep sanity for now is to escape reality as hard as I can.

Watching the football games atm.

made out with a girl last night and immediately after had a burning sensation on my lips

went to AA this morning as usual
was nice, talked to friends and had a cookie and a coffee
highlight of my day probably

the sadness always comes at dusk though

>You can look up old memes and Jow Forums events and repeat it to pretend like you were here.
You a chunk of it isn't on the archives right?

I'm 30, I've substituted thinking about no gf for more hobbies so I keep myself entertained. The problem is those hobbies still don't require me to socialize.

I'm happy living in my fantasies and don't want to join the real world because that would depressed me too much. In the real world I'll live life like I'm an anime or movie character because the real world isn't interesting unless you do everything in your fantasies.

i am honestly reading about monks and monasteries and especially buddhist monk practices, i am also thinking about adding finasteride to my antidepressants to further reduce libido and erection frequency. i dont want a gf i am done with it. now i just need to elevate my mind and soul into a female-less realm and eliminate the biological aspect.

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I'm just shy of 27, but it's creeping closer everyday. I planned to kill myself on my birthday, but I don't know anymore. I'm still miserable most of the time, but I met someone who has slowly been making me less depressed and then more depressed a moment later. That's not their fault though, it's mine because I'm just a shitty person. I don't want to dump all my issues on them just because they are nice to me.

Sorry for the blog post.

I'm a failure but I'm happy living in my fantasies instead of the real world. Even when I'm in the real world I'm sometimes acting out my fantasies. I just want to be happy even if I live out my reckless fantasies. I want to live as if it's fiction. That's my goal.

28 and 361 days old.
I don't necessarily want to die, but I wouldn't mind it if it happened.
There's not going to be loving wife, kids and a cozy suburban life for me at this point, so there's nothing to look forward to. I am just dying one day at a time. Bored, despondent, jaded, envious.

you could look forward to finding serenity through enlightenment

everything you speak of as desiring and making life worth living is simply attachment. it creates anxiety and stress more often than it creates peace.

Not him but nobody ever says enlightenment or getting close to it is enjoyable. What does it even fucking feel like? I know all about it otherwise


How many of you have given up geek culture entirely? Like thrown all you videogames, comics, anime etc into the trash?

I envy all of the young people in it. It's all mainstream, there's so many events and clubs dedicated it, even the niche stuff is okay, so many cosplay girls who look like the RL versions of their character, gaming for days is not a sad thing to do.

Never experience one iota of that, not even a group of nerdy friends.

I just want burn all my old retro games and anime vhs tapes.

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to me it sort of feels like a sleepiness, but not a drugged sleepiness or a biological night-time sleepiness where you actually fall asleep

it's like a calmness and a floating of the thoughts without attachment. an uncaring. if your boss gets mad, or if your parents call and ask when you're getting married, or a cute girl makes out with a chad in front of you at the bar...it's just like clouds floating by

i dont masturbate nearly as much anymore, dont care about losing my hair, but im not depressed

it's just a sunlit quiescence of the mind

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Sounds like garbage that only people with wealth spout.

it's like this:

even if you're in a traffic jam running late for work or bored and alone on a weekend night or broke before your next paycheck

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Spirituality does not sit well with me. The placebo is not as effective when you become aware it's just a sugar pill.

Some people are just bound to die having lived an empty, unfulfilled life. It's statistically deterministic.

it's true that it's harder to find enlightenment if you're working fast food trying to make ends meet
you're absolutely right, you should try to get a degree of autonomy in your work and financial independence...that helps.
but it doesnt have to be a million dollars. it could be 50k a year in a cheap-ish city. it's not unobtainable.

happiness, they say, increases up to 60k a year then levels out or even worsens

it's not a placebo though
just look around the world at you
atheism requires a leap of faith to believe there is nothing magical about the world
hardcore christianity requires a leap of faith to believe in a god who talks to you
but to look at a tree or a waterfall or a dying animal or anything at all and think, how did this all come to be? i will never know...but it is. it exists. that requires no faith at all and yet it is enlightenment

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How do you know? If you were enlightened you wouldn't even be using technology.

You haven't sold the idea either. Sounds like being fucking dead. From what I've read though, it can be extremely blissful for a varied time, then that settles down and it's just a deep peace. I still don't even know if that's worthwhile when you don't feel the highs anymore.

How's that different from being braindead?

it's kind of like being dead. the ego shrivels. the desire to marry and have kids withers. material possessions as well all know become boring and mundane within months or weeks.

there's nothing to sell. it is nothing. it is just the moon in the sky at night and the mind with no thoughts in it.

why not use technology? why not eat wendy's or have a beer? literally who cares, it is unrelated to enlightenment. polluting a river with industrial chemicals is the same as protesting for the environment. it is all one.

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maybe it's not, but i've been in and out of psych wards for 4 years, have bite marks on my arm from para-suicidal behavior, and was drinking 2 fifths of scotch + 10 mg xanax a day at the end of it all

meditation and zen and silence and non-attachment is the thing that has worked for me

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>retro games and anime vhs tapes.
That actually sounds cool man, I'd put that stuff under the bed and store it away. It's where I have all my Pokemon cards and games and such. I don't watch anime anymore before it's a time sink and I work so I'm too tired to play games when I'm home. I've gotten into raising and studying plants, and I spend way more time with my dogs, I've even gotten into volunteering at animal shelters and fostering. Animals have a lot of unconditional love to give so I never really feel lonely when I'm surrounded by them.

Again, I said how do you know? You sure as shit wouldn't be on r9k of all places.

And like I said, you haven't sold it to me. And really, your description sounds inaccurate. You missed out the core part of it, which is loving everything.

That's the thing, I know how those things came to be. I have an MSc in evolutionary psychology and an MSc in computational neuroscience. I am a PhD candidate with a dissertation on phylogenetics.
I wish I could look at the world through your eyes, but I cannot. I am ignorant of a great number of things, but still, I cannot reconcile intelligent design. I have seen fMRIs of spiritual experiences, I have witnessed EEG scans of meditating individuals. There is nothing supernatural about them.

i dont believe you have to love everything.
love and hate coexist, they are not different from each other.
the truth is i can't explain it in words. it is beyond the sounds and scribbles we over-evolved apes use to communicate things.
the words are the finger pointing at the thing. they are not the thing.

why not be on Jow Forums? im not perfect. im lonely. i have problems. you have an idealistic vision of "enlightenment" that seems narrow, it is not all-encompassing.

the child dying of cancer and the soldier dying on the battlefield and the happy couple being married and the proud parent watching their child succeed in life and the schizophrenic and the alcoholic are all the same, there is utter non-duality

it doesn't have to be intelligent design but it certainly exists, which is peculiar, is it not?

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>i know how all of existence came to be
okay man i think we found your issue...

I guarantee you you're far from enlightenment. If you were enlightened you wouldn't hate anything, because your idea of "you" would be expanded to everything and everyone, and hate is a distortion of the ego. What's to hate if you have nothing that divides you from everything else? You also wouldn't be lonely, nor see yourself as imperfect.

You just sound kinda depressed but living in the present.

It's a bacterium that entered a symbiotic relationship with a archaeum and gave rise to the first eukaryotes, which in turn gave rise to (you).

It's evolution, there's no design.

i'm not talking about life on earth i'm talking about the 3 dimensions and time itself and energy, i dont think anyone knows why that exists

>I know that older male anons are getting rarer these days
I would not be so sure.

the desire to love everything is also a distortion of the ego. the rigid defining of enlightenment and the declaration that "i am enlightened and you are not enlightened" is a distortion of the ego

the fox killing its prey with the light and thrill of violence in its eyes is as enlightened as the ego-less man giving food to the poor

>That actually sounds cool man, I'd put that stuff under the bed and store it away
It is under my bed (and wardrobes). I recently bought a crt TV just to experience it again. It's not really the same as before. Just feels like regrets now.

Found this in one of the tapes. When snail mail was still relevant for feedback. Really wish I went to gatherings and shit before it became cool (and I got old).

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the point is not to rid yourself of hate but to rid yourself of attachment to your hate, let it come and go like the clouds, it is nothing. as is love, as is ego, as is non-ego, it is all emptiness.

Not him but, if I said an entire book could write itself with illustrations and page numbers, you'd call me crazy right?

So why is it acceptable to you than DNA can write itself, like a blueprint for each and every part of your body and how it operates holistically on an incredibly complex level?

Only brainlets think all of this wasn't designed.

We are not equipped to know how the fundamental laws of the universe came to be. You certainly will not figure it out by ingesting psilocybin and larping as an enlightened psychonaut.

Because they decide it. You can't will yourself to riches but you can will your way to depth and meaning because these things aren't material.

I wasn't talking about desire. You can't love everything and hate certain things and feel lonely at the same time.


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>I just want burn all my old retro games and anime vhs tapes.
Give me them instead.

you're absolutely right, if i was happier in the conventional sense i would not be on this board
i have had serious emotional problems and will again
im just sharing what ive learned about enlightenment, and i believe felt myself a bit

>what if this board is where everyone who will be a buddha in the next life congregates?

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DNA does not write itself. DNA either mutates due to radiation from the environment, faulty copying or the sun, or gets invaded by bacterium, retroviral or viral DNA which enters the human DNA strands and hitch a ride. DNA mutations that are fit for the environment get passed on more frequently than those that are unfit. It's deterministic and mechanistic.

a) You're not a UKfag (probably)
b) I don't want any fucking hipsters getting their hands on it.

i for one am not arguing that the origin of life and evolution are pretty provable as non-intelligent design

im just asking about the existence of 3 dimensional space and time and energy...nobody has an answer for that...

But it's still essentially a book or blueprint, isn't it? Whether it writes itself, or it adapts to the environment, it's still intelligent design. Can you imagine a book on the floor in some woods that starts coding itself? Otherwise, who's fucking coding DNA?

I am sure phycisists have plenty of answers for those inquiries. The fact that you are ignorant does not make the questions themselves imponderable.

No one is coding DNA, it's random. It's a bunch of sugar-like nucleotides that are alligned in a certain way, creating chromosomes. The latter are the blueprint.

The very first was in a bacterium 3.6 billion years ago and it's been evolving according to its environment at random ever since.

It's not random if it's adapting its complex design to keep itself existing. If it was random we would all be more like downs syndome children in a hazy nightmare

>blah blah blah blah
Who fucking cares?

Whether it's chance or God who fucked us who cares?

The unfit die off you mongrel. Survivorship bias.

So you're saying it makes no attempts to keep itself surviving?

try peeing right before you want to fap.

What is? DNA? It's not sentient, what the fuck? All living things have self-preservation mechanisms and insinctively aim to pass on their genetic metarial. In that sense, yeah, philosophically all life is but a vessel for DNA to propagate. Even altrustic acts are sensical as they are a form of kin or group selection. In practice, DNA acts selfishly even when the vessel acts altruistically.

>Are there any older femanons on Jow Forums these days?
i just became 27 this year. feels indifferent man, ive been living as a neet for too long by now. at least i dont have to put up with anyone else since im alone

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You can be my neet gf and you can text me about your day throughout the day

>at least i dont have to put up with anyone else since im alone
And the silence doesn't get to you?

no, it doesnt bother me at all. ive never known any pleasant family or anyone so being alone is very nice. i also tend to keep myself entertained with my hobbies so that helps

Really? It's been really getting to me now, well even more than usual. My birthday's in almost 2 months and I've realised (for the millionth time) how little I've spent talking with someone.

Don't you enjoy a nice chat now and then?

Bumping this so I have some replies when I get back from my walk.

>I'd rather die than live like that

imagine a new zealander about to eat both

no, it really doesnt bother me at all. it might be nice but im not starved for affection or social contact

Do you at least go outside? Even to walk in the park by yourself, something to clear your mind.

i only go outside for groceries and the rare doctor visit/neetbux evalutation. sadly the store doesnt have delivery service

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Well, all I can say is I hope things turn out okay for you. Keep the loneliness at bay.

thank you, i wish you and everyone else in this thread well

Curious question, have you given up on finding someone? I've got to wonder

I support this motion, in 20 days I can join

in a way i have. aside from having kknown anyone decent i also have my own problems. so overall im fine where i am

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I think generationally we just got fucked over by growing up in the biggest transition society has ever witnessed.

Too young to be part of the pre-internet group

Too old to be accepted into the youtube/geeky/anime culture of generation Z

Eternally lost, never accepted.

Still here newfriend

>Eternally lost, never accepted.
That's basically it.
What's worse is we're going to be scrubbed out of existence.

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>Watching the football games atm.
Someone answer me this: Is the hype for this WC down? I can't tell since I don't talk to anyone and I'm clinically depressed.