PRIME Adam Sandler stars as the lead in the last movie you saw. Was it Kino?
PRIME Adam Sandler stars as the lead in the last movie you saw. Was it Kino?
Whoops wrong board. Sorry mods
In Solo? Jesus Christ abominacion
>The Master
Would be kino regardless of whether he takes Joaquin Phoenix', Philip Seymour Hoffman's or Amy Adam's role
The Wedding Singer. I think it'll work out okay.
I love Adam.
He would have been great in 40 year old virgin, so yeah. Thanks for the trip to imagination station
>Rocky III
The movie was so bad this would probably be an improvement. I loved Rocky 1 btw
Sounds bout right
Rocky 3 is unironically the best movie in the franchise and by far the deepest.
Adam Sandler as interested.
I thought that was Rocky IV, the start of the movie was Rocky fighting big stars so I gave up 30min in. I'm probably a brainlet for not sticking it out
>Jow Forums
Right were he belongs :)
That one is good too. Rocky 3 is what happens when you succeed and have it all, then get extremely complacent. Getting to absolute rock bottom then building yourself back up to perfection. Has the best Paulie storyline, and the best training montage, even better than the Russian one.
>I just posted about Rocky III
>Rocky III is about boxing
>boxing is a Jow Forums suitable topic
What's wrong?
Better than Harry Potter imho. The fantasy genre has taken a dive recently
Why would you watch that movie
>Jow Forums - Fitness
It just got a whole lot funnier
Sandler in Ocean's 8, I could see it working. He might have to be in drag but he would probably make it at least two times better.
>even better than athe Russian one
>The Longest Yard
adam sandler is Jow Forums
Kek, I'd love to see that.
How can you watch after the 1st one? I felt like the conclusion was perfect and watching the 2nd would taint the vision.
I don't think he'd be a very good fit as the Repoman from Repo! The Genetic Opera. It sure would be funny to see. Maybe as the graverobber though