Why don't robots join the military?
>Decent pay
>Living expenses and food covered
>Structured and simple life
>Welfare bennies
>Some people will respect you
All you have to do is follow simple orders and be slightly in shape
Why don't robots join the military?
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I almost did at one point and even took the ASVAB, but I value the freedom to do whatever the fuck I want much more. I love not being beholden to anybody. I would have been miserable.
Fuck off
The military is too ''diverse'' for me to join up.
If I were to sign up, I bet you my life savings that I would catch an article 15 for calling someone a nigger for being a nigger.
I'm an Infantry officer in the Army with quals out the ass buddy. If I were to be "slightly" in shape I would get fucked. Simple orders? Are you retarded? I get the dumbest shit from higher ups that it's fucking unbelievable how many idiots make it far.
Have fun rotting to death in some alley way, knowing deep down that people with fewer advantages than you are happier and wealthier. You're pathetic
>Manmade wars run by j00z for profit. Even if not enlisted to fight on the front, you're still helping these assholes.
>Can be incredibly dangerous; even if you are not on the front, your base can be the target of an attack.
>You can be drafted if there is ever a war.
>You have a high chance of being raped, especially as a woman.
> You loose your rights. You can never go against a command, even if you disagree with it. You will be discharged and possibly thrown in prison depending on the state of the offense. No one will ever hire you. If it's really bad, you can be labeled as a traitor and get death penalty or loose citizenship.
Fuck that. Pay is shit for the first few ranks too.
And yet you're here, on r9k, bitching to other robots like they should care. Stupid nigger, life is for whites
I'm a civilian but I used to work on base at Camp Pendleton. There are actually a shitload of robots in the military.
You'd think everyone would be some sort of hyped up turbo chad but it seriously felt like 60% of them were huge nerds. Concerned with the fact they'd been in the military three years and hadn't made any friends. They may have had a girl that tricked them into marriage and immediately divorced, which means they get a large chunk of your paycheck automatically.
I met a lot of people who spent all their free time in mmo's, bronies, virgins etc...
As a Jow Forumsack cross robots you are better off not joining the army.
i talked to a vet who basically told me not to join
Wont be accepted. I have a GED and tattoos that cant be covered. Im just living the tradeslave life and it is alright by me
wow, quals at the ass I'm sure you cherry ass LT. I'm sure that ranger tab looks great across from that blank right shoulder patch.
t. Cav Squadron S3
because I have diagnosed mental health issues that exempt me
Drug use and / or mental issues exclude you from the military, pretty much.
I forgot to mention that. I can't even go in because OCD.
lol nice cope pussyboi
>You'd think everyone would be some sort of hyped up turbo chad but it seriously felt like 60% of them were huge nerds.
what branch?
im going into the army, and Im praying that there's other robots in my boot camp unit
or at least just nerds. it wont all be fucking normies and chads right?
Because of this.
They don't let schizos in
>join the military
>get turned into a homo
they don't talk about it but the guys there are extremely lonely
whatever happens there stays there
I'm a turbomanlet with no social skills
I wanted to go in, but couldn't anyway. I have diagnosed mental illness.
just go for tanks or subs
Actually your type out to get put into boot camp. You need an attitude adjustment, that spirit needs a breakin'.
I'd end up like the guy in Full Metal Jacket
this, men need to be broken in so they become obedient animals.
>still too short for armour restrictions
>country has like 3 submarines
Fug infantry it is then
This was the Marine Corps. There's a lot of nerdy white guys in it. Lots of kids from small towns in very very rural areas using it as a way out.
The army is a bit more "culturally enriched" if you know what I mean. Lot of ghetto folks there. This is strictly what I've heard from interacting with the odd Army unit that was there for whatever reason. I don't have any actual stats.
Weirdos and losers are the only people the ever sign up for the army. Youll meet alot of robots. Youll be the designated outcasts everyone hates in basic training. The drill instructors will fuck with you 24/7.
No, only petulant children that will become belligerent adults otherwise.
It won't do them any worse, they'll be cunts either way so they may as well be abused until they fall in line.
needs a boot in the ass block
>Youll be the designated outcasts everyone hates in basic training. The drill instructors will fuck with you 24/7.
well fuck me, as if life wasnt already terrible
Well what do you expect?
The militart is a terrible place for robots. Especially those that actually think tmit will turn them into chads.
If anything the experience is going to redpill the fuck out of you.
I'd have enlisted in the navy at probably 19 or 20 but I fucked up my knee is high school and I'm afraid that I'll re-injure it in training or after since it isn't always stable even though I've had surgery.
And I don't do a desk job.
I'm in DEP for Navy CTN. Sounds like the best job in the entire military so I'm quite excited
if you signup for us military then working 100 hours a week on deployment is usual
The only way I would ever consider signing up is if I was given an ultimatum.
But otherwise no, it's not in my book of things to do before I die
all men should serve their country user!
it's what shekelstein wants after all
how much are you earning as an online recruiter?
>mfw yesterday I was playing settlers of Catan with a bunch of officers and my ships CO and I'm an enlisted electrician aspie
Yeah there's a few turbo chads in the military but no one likes them and they end up getting booted out for thinking and acting like it's still high school.
receuiters dont get shit if theyre not personally bringing in dudes all that matters for them is their own quota
you think I could handle being on call 24/7 to do hard physical labor I don't know the extent of for a minimum of 4 years commitment if I couldn't even get through college?
The most nerds are in the Air Force.
Was the dream of my life to join in the war against sand niggers. But unfortunately I live in a country not fighting there.
And the Army didn't allow me to join anyway.
>t. This
I'd rather serve along side a black man than a jew
>just got back from deployment where I got to watch goatfuckers get lit up by apaches
Made all the dumb shit worth it, if only I could get a gf
>Was the dream of my life to join in the war against sand niggers.
>And the Army didn't allow me to join anyway.
I'm guessing your either skinny or fat unfit pale bastard or have health problems I can tell you now almost all those fighters will destroy you
no I got epilepsy later in my life, so I was unable to go.
This is a very low IQ post.
Fucking epileptic faggot, you would've been dancing at the first flashbang like you were in a rave party Jesus kid end your self if you ever think about joining
It is not from flashing light.
Basicly how I got it, was raging too much + planning a murder. This somehow made my cuircuits btfo
On my last dep I was on watch ( basically on shift) for 10 hours a day ,after watch, additional tasking for at least 3 more hours was common. A lot of robots join tech rates and i would say a solid 40% do we'll. The rest become the "that guy" of their division.