Come out skeletons. Post height weight

Come out skeletons. Post height weight

Tired of being a filthy skeleton.
5'10 62kg

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5ft11inches 132 pounds

>shit 5 times a day

Kill me

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Holy crapperoni.

I'm eating disordered; I'm kind of envious.

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I was about 60 for a long time. The 7 kg is me eating unhealthy.

6ft2inches 71kg

feeling pretty good with myself right now


I am just a scrawny manlet, not even skeleton.

>a skelly german Asian is taller than my dutch white ass
Fucking kill me now

>5'10 62kg
How is that being a skeleton tho?

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5'9 115 lbs

i got a new job and the shirts that fit me, the uniform shirts, is a large kids size

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But my arms and legs have no meat on them.

Wear jeans 28x32

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I'm not that skinny in my opinion, I could be wrong

Might as well kill myself, I eat a lot too

>121 lbs
i should work out since i have a decent frame (at least i think so) but im a lazy fuck

I'm 5'11 and 115lbs
I don't even have an excuse... I'm just lazy

You think that's bad I'm 6'2 and 63kg my homie

Nice flat shaved tummy is all I like about me.

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What, you are smaller than 5'10 and that in Netherlands?

Holy shit, you are like a garden gnome.
What went wrong while growing up?
Problems with Thyroid glands and/or not enough food?
I mean, I blamed myself being a scrawny manlet on having had thyroid gland problems and thus hormone balance problems.

Anyone else like their ribs?

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But originally

6'0" 125 lbs (or ~182 cm, ~57kg in eurospeak)
all my joints hurt and i get cold so easily, shit sucks.

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ive gained some weight over the last year
5'7 58kg

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You have a distractingly cute tummy.
Anyways, I'm 6'2" and 144 lbs. I have problems digesting food. I used to be 200+ lbs.

6'4 217 lbs
how can i stop eating?


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I don't even grow tummy hair

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Post more? You're lovely.

not too bad, used to be like 63 a year or so back

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no homo, but cute

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Sorry, my body is reserved for my future gf

What is she like? You're such a tease.

>on r9k
>future gf

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Don't know yet but she'll get angry at small things. I find things like that cute
It's gonna happen user I'm hopeful

Just smoke and drink coffee

it cant be that hard to gain tho...

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62 in and used to be 65-70 lbs I am now 130

Kill yourself my man

>lowest I've weighted at this height is around 50kg
>highest I've weighted at this height is around 80kg
>now at around 65

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kg are much more easier to imagine.

kg gets you to the point unlike lbs.
Just rounding yourself up with lbs.

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Literally me, except highest is 77kg

Post BMI
>tfw 17.4
Why are we still here, just to suffer

Same jean measurements reporting in. If you have hem where you live, you can find jeans that fit perfectly at Express. They can be a little pricey but wait for a sale or buy from the clearance racks. Godspeed skelly brother.

5ft4 inches and 115 pounds

I really have to try if i wanna lift anything heavy.

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Around 50kg. Weighed in three years ago. I am embarrassed at this.

Third world.
Exercise regularly (including today) but poor health care and nutrition.
Poor family.

5'11 125lbs
this wieght has been my average plateau since around 14 and the amount of eating effort it takes to surpass it is so monumental that I don't try anymore. Eating the amount that allowed me to get up to 145lbs at the only time I weighed even close to a normal weight was physically painful for me on a daily basis.

6'4 130lbs, 15.8 BMI
I have not seen someone beat this on here yet.

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You must be a straw. I am 1.82, 78kg.

im 5'11 64 kg but im nothing like skeleton maybe its u op

My BMI used to be 14.3, but I got taken to hospital haha. Its 16.8 now, I don't think I want to go any lower (I was 182cm and 103lbs which is like 47kg, now 123lbs)


Guess someones roleplaying me cus my reply wasent original

All you skellies are super hot.


Fat girl or homosexual man detected

I'm hot all the time it's annoying I only like cold places.

>115 lbs
Have had female co workers lift me up and put me aside instead of asking me to move. Feels weird.

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sexual assault


165 cm
65 kg

Any suggestions?

Dude shit that's pretty good leverage to get extra smoke breaks kek

>5` 11
>130 lbs
>balding at 19
should i an hero?

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>140 lb
Feels good. My goal weight is 130.

Get on Propecia and eat pb&j all day

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6'4 145. Get called an Auschwitz escapee, and I'm losing even more weight too

I don't think so, landwhale

I'm not tho. I've only gained 5 kg this year other than that I'm skinny

5'11 and 70 kg. Fit, single, autistic and happy because I can enjoy what I love in life.

50 kg
15.8 bmi
Fucking plebs, most of you are just slim

180 cm

get out of here fatass

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orinionli ravioli

OP here
My parents called me anorexic sometimes.

Hurt my feelings.

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