Why does Jow Forums hate crossfit? And don't give stupid arguments like "because women do it"

Why does Jow Forums hate crossfit? And don't give stupid arguments like "because women do it"

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=why crossfit is shit

Because women do it

What’s there to like about it?
>massively overpriced
>huge injury toll
>retarded WODS
>trades form for reps
>the biggest douchbags in sport “compete” for a title they don’t deserve
>woman do it

because they can't afford it and can't mingle with all the qts who do it.

why do meme conditioning when you can do actual conditioning?


literally how?


how is this different than normal fitness?
>retarded wods

>trades form for reps
>durrr people i dont like do it too!
>women do it

Don't really hate it, but I wanna mog every guy and the only way to do that is by getting huge and crossfit won't do that.

>how is this different than normal fitness?
normal fitness is one of the safest sports

Literally mentally handicapped

nice argument

>nice argument



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>being this autistic in 2018
>defending cross-fit in 2018
Hi roastie

Good bait thread, also checked

Worst mix of cardio+strength training.

It encourages choosing exercise speed over good exercise form.

there's nothing wrong with cardio, just do proper cardio

You sure showed me man. I take it all back. Well said.

>lmgtfy.com/?q=why crossfit is shit

the only reason people hate on crossfit is because they suck at cardio and its a 'hard' workout for them, compared to their set of squats with 5 min rests in between

Normal fitness is about starting small and building up to perfom all the exercises with good form in crossfit you just kip and jump and twitst and your spine doesnt like that.

For the non competitive lifter, weight training at its best is about performing lifts in the most effective way to ensure joint health and strength/fitness gains over the long term (aka. use good form and have a coherent program)
Crossfit basically throws this out the window by encouraging trainees to disregard form for the sake of obtaining more reps to get high scores on seemingly random workouts of the day

Also i met a chick at a party recently who cant lift her upper arm past horizontal because she dislocated both her shoulders doing crossfit
Some retarded pt at her crossfit gym had all these newbies doing power jerks with absolutely no coaching lmao

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Imagine working out for two hours and accomplishing zero reps.


It's because crossfit people took weightlifting and turned it into cardio.

It's $1800 a year at the one closest to my house.

>cardio to get better at cardio
>no gains
>no competition
>form is left behind
>weights are fake
it is basically the cope way of fitness

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Kipping pullups lmfao