What mode is this?
What mode is this?
absolute unit mode
Looks like some comical git-up in some movie where a large alien is trying to disguise himself as human
I thought you're never meant to do up the bottom button?
Little old lady mode
you have to live it mode
Queen of my Country mode. Defender of the Faith mode.
>paying billions of tax money to some useless old woman and her family
Do you understand loyalty?
Loyalty is a two way street, bud.
kek this, britfags are so fking retarded
royal family my ass
tax money should be spent on the people
mate they attract more money in tourism and shit than we pay them in tax, it works out fine.
>mate they attract more money in tourism and shit than we pay them in tax
Imagine being SO stupid that you believe this.
ok you conviced me - fuck the queen
health mk 2
KingPin mode. Dudes probably strong fat.
what a lad
btfo'd big time cuck
His poos must be the size of german U-boats.
And a consultancy called Brand Finance estimated in 2017 that the monarchy’s annual contribution to the UK economy to be around £1.8bn a year
Pear shaped faggot mode
That's for single breasted suits. Double breasted you do both.
he looks like fisk (kingpin) from spiderman
Do you understand that the royal fsmily are puppets of the Rothschilds? They bend to their every whim. You are an idiot if you have any loyalty to government, they're all Jews or crypto Jews that really would prefer that you die. Loyalty is dead.
The age of lords, feudalism and independent nations is over. It all crumbles in the face of Judeo-Marxist globalism.
there is no way this guy isn’t CIA
Absolutely pathetic, plebs are truly worthless fucking animals.
Literally Capitalism personified mode
You dropped your tinfoil hat buddy
I heard they're also reptilians from the planet Build-a-Burger.
>eat people and fuck children mode
>unironically using tinfoil hat as an insult in current year
Kek, go die for Israel you nigger faggot.
What is that fucking slob doing near my waifu?!
>Bitter peasant insulting royalty
three teenagers trying to sneak into the movie theatre mode
>mindless sheep
Ah the go-to term for the "free thinking" retard with nothing original to say.
Came to say this. It would be funny if it wasn't real.
>bongs take this circus seriously
The absolute state
Smough mode.
lol, she looks like prince charles tranny
>Do you understand loyalty?
Loyalty to a bunch of inbred Germans allowing the systematic ethnic replacement of their people.
>The Queen, not parliament rules the UK
that hammer is clearly too big for him