/fast/ #216 - Sunday Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

>Can I fast if I have ___?
See your doctor before fasting if you:
>Have any sort of chronic illness
Don’t fast if you:
>Have type 1 diabetes
>Are malnourished/severely underweight
>Are pregnant
>Are breastfeeding

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here (youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM)
Old snake juice recipe (youtu.be/2vz_U8kxDlg)
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (8-10%).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not really, since the fat you are burning contains most of the vitamins you need.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Thats still pretty good. Now its all pretty much all fat,right?
Given that in the last 215 days I've fasted for 155 days and that I'm currently 170 hours (7 days, 2 hours) into my current fast I doubt that it is water weight.

>That makes your TDEE over 3500kcal.
Theoretically, yes, but when I calculate my TDEE and add in the calories burned during my daily 10 mile bike ride I don't get anywhere near that, I get maybe 2,500kcal at best. I think that the reason for the difference is that my body is attempting to keep blood sugar levels stable and burns fat to turn into ketones, but when these ketones aren't used it just flushes them out in my urine. My Ketostix are consistently maxed out (deepest purple), so I'm clearly pissing away lots of unused ketones.

Will you post progress pics?
> Sure, why not.

Attached: Fasting - Me from 2018-06-17 (Combined Front and Side Views).jpg (934x1829, 689K)

That's you?
How old are you user?

>How old are you user?
50. Yes, I know, I'm an old fart.

Bretty good to have an old fart here 2bh. Different perspectives etc. :3

So after 5 days of fasting I eat a large keto meal that has around 10g of carbs. What kind of reaction should I expect from my body if any?

I've fasted a lot before but never jumped straight to keto. I hope nothing happen since I have some contract work later today.

You might start shitting. I would eat at home to be sure

Explosive diarrhea is a possibility

Just drank some bulletproof coffee, tasted petty good actually, going to add that to my keto meal

Oh, I may have fucked up.

>that 50 year old millenial who still posts on Jow Forums

Black coffee gives me mouth ulcers , lads.
Too much heat

Tell us more about your life oldanon.

let it cool down

Lol, heat as in, heat from the acid production due to caffeine. Not temperature.

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Ok lads, I need to do this again. Haven't fasted in a long while. Gonna spend today hydrating then start tomorrow, 72 hour dry fast followed by 72 hours of OMAD and rehydration and repeat

I've done 72h fasts before but I just broke this 36h fast 2 hours ago with a huge salad and some good quality meat, olives, feta cheese and a bit of watermelon.

Why the fuck have I been shooting explosive diarrhea for the past hour?
Where did all this come from?

It happens when you break a fast. Your body goes "FOOD! SHIT TIME!"

I've wiped 3 times only to just sit down on the toilet again because the next wave arrives

Never happened this much though. I'm talking about A LOT of water

eating after a long time fasting causes salt and insulin changes in the body, and the body needs to excrete it urgently, hence the diarrhea

No stomach ache or anything though, just diarrhea.

I can finally use this unironically

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nigga just use less coffee

I don't think I spiked my insulin too high with what I ate.
36h is not that long.
It might be shit from all the OMAD days before it.

meat xan spike insulin

It seems to be over.
I just weighed myself and I'm at my morning weight (so I should be higher after eating and drinking all day)
Going to rehydrate now.
Thanks for the support.

oops, spoke too soon

>Be me, about 15kg overweight but lacking muscle
>Did IF for about 2 months
>1000 cal deficit, mainly protein rich food trying to get at least 100g a day
>Weight coming off super fast
>Lifts stagnant but not decreasing, lifting 4-5 days a week
>Get my measurements done, trainer tells me I lost 5kg of muscle and only 2kg of fat



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auschwitz diet with 100g of protein a day?

were you cutting at 1k calories?

IF and OMAD are great for weight loss/maintenance but horrible for gaining muscle and strength. I've always been a skelly so I decided to bulk up with OMAD after escaping skinny fat. Even eating 4000 cals a day with OMAD I only added about 7 pounds in 8 weeks.

I've tried everything.
If I mix cream/milk, I don't get ulcers. But im fasting and I'm staying away from diary. So, :3

Black nitro coffee on day five of my fast lads

>when you bought Green Monster again
How do I stop bros?

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Just dont drink it. I bought superior Blakkwood Bigshock and will it just keep in fridge until fast is over

Dude that shit is so disgusting, wtf is wrong with you

>Black coffee gives me mouth ulcers
it doesnt

the white monster meme is really fucking good. wtf is wrong with you dumbass?

Yes it does

no it actually doesnt. Go look up what causes ulers

I guess the right word is canker sores.

It fucking stinks?

it smells good in my opinion

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Who here only bothers with dry fasting now? Water fasting just seems inefficient.

hol up, so you guys are telling me that if I stop eating for several days, just drink water and lift weights, I will only lose body fat and not muscle at a rapid pace? And this salt water mixture called snake juice will give me the energy to lift?

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yes maggot

Does anyone have the link to the website that calculates how long it takes to get to your goal weight while fasting?

>lifts same but lost muscle apparently
Can you guess which is more inaccurate?

a lot of measurements count all water weight as lean body mass. Do you look better or not?

>fast for two days
>weight stays the same


If I have a sprain and joint injuries, would fasting hinder my recovery? I would like to get better fast but I would also like to fast kek

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Fasting will actually help your recovery.

Doesn't the body need proin for recovery?

Read the links given in the OP.

check out autophagy real quick.
For sprain and joint it might not help that much though.

>For sprain and joint it might not help that much though.
You'll be very surprised

Nicely done, boomer. Get fitted jeans though, these look way too roomy.

Bros, is there any reason why I shouldn't just snek fast until goal weight?

losertown something, it's a shit calculator though.

Not really, it’s just hard to stick on it after x many days because of mental attachment to food

So how do you guys measure out the indegrients of your Snake Juice?
My kitchen scale can only count in gramms. Do you prepare as big batches as the indegrients come to whole gramms, or you trust your tablespoon?

Also how much of this stuff do you go trough a day?

I don't do any of that stuff.

Remind yourselves never to trust a fart, especially when you're 4 days into a fast.

[spoiler]It's warm and moist but it's not a fart./spoiler]

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>Get fitted jeans though, these look way too roomy.

I bought those less than a month ago and when I did they were tight fitting. Going to have to tighten the belt for a bit until I hit a 30" waist.

jon our discord


BoomerAnon, you forgot to answer my question :(

I just use my teaspoon.

What the fuck

>this is the guy giving advice on a lifting focused board

Im skeptical tbqh,

Ive seen only 2 guys here with actual muscle post results, but i keep monitoring

Do you even know what this word means?

same, I must just stick with OMAD


ayyy if you're craving the taste of coffee, try this shit. It's tea with roasted dandelion root, chicory, and carob. It doesn't have caffeine but it tastes really close to coffee and comes in a bunch of flavors. Sadly won't have the same appetite suppressant effects, but I dandelion root tea has a lot of benefits too.

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Just keep at it. Maybe try going for longer. Make sure your diet is in control too, if you break your fast with a binge it's all for nothing. Try doing some light cardio while fasted, I read somewhere this helps eat your glycogen stores and switch to ketosis faster.
Make sure you're avoiding anything sweet, even diet things. I believe those also spike your insulin (to a lesser degree) because your body expects sugar. So no gum, diet soda, Stevia, etc...

You could, just be careful, especially if you drive a lot or work in medicine or anything. Fainting is bad. In Cole's video on refeeding, he says to do it only if you start to feel bad mentally, even with the snek joos.


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nigga buy the blue one, ain't no sugar and shite.

Although the acesulfame K and such can fuck you up imo

I did a 48 hour fast before but i couldn’t do longer or feel like doing it again because of sharp muscle pain after the first 24 hours which stayed until the day after I broke my fast. Is there any way to not let this happen?

Don't be a pussy. Drink some salt. You really think you'd just die if you went two days without food in the wild? LOL

I'm not laughing.

That's the truth, take it or not

Now I'm laughing.

noticed that snakeman posted this on his instagram. How do I make it bigger?Do I need to make instagram pic to download pics? brainlet here btw

Attached: snake diet cheat chart.jpg (594x550, 70K)

>Do I need to make instagram pic to download pics
meant to say account,not pic

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Is sugar free gum safe on a dry fast?
Bored as fuck on day 3 of a dry fast and I keep biting my nails subconsciously, thought some gum would help.

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Any yohimbine users in here?

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Ok but why

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Why the fuck are you dry fasting? Wtf? Three days without water? You're literally a retard

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damn his insta is depressing. nobody lost any subcutaneous fat. it's good they're losing visceral fat for health but it seems like if you have flabby fat between your skin and stomach muscles, that's there for good.

It's dry fast. You should not.
Also, sugar free only means it's free of calories. There was a study posted in the previous thread which showed insulin spikes in certain individuals after taking "sugar-free" sugar

>Why the fuck are you water fasting? Wtf? Three days without food? You're literally a retard
Spotted the turbobrainlet

Have a link to that study?

im doing a dry fast too. first day. hopefully i can make it knowing that there is bacon out there

>brainlet picture
oh shit. stalemate.

Im not convinced that dry fasting is better

Dehydration prompts more fat to be burned in order to get to the water in fat cells. It also culls broken/useless cells for the same reason, tightening skin, removing skin tags, etc.
No reason not to dry fast unless you have a physically demanding job.