Highly intelligent robot here AMA
I will give you either blue pill or red whatever you ask for.
Highly intelligent robot here AMA
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1 pack of red pills for the future of AI and robotization please
How do I stop being a brainlet as a nigger ?
Consider everyone on planet as disposable even your parents or closest people.
Do not put value on anything or anyone and always put yourself in best position possible and dont be dragged down by some "ideals" or "morals" or man made rules.
Use everything disposable at your will to achieve what you want even if you have to kill 1000 people.
will human jobs be replaced by mass produced technology in the near future? if so what does this hold for the future health of us?
That is not at all what i meant.
Search AI and robotization on google
You want to stop being dumb as nigger or your are nigger that wants to be smart?
If you are blavk person a.k.a. Nigger I can only say that thousand of your generations action caused your brain to adapt to more primitive form and its hard wired into you to be on average dumber and more impulsive.
It would take 7 generation of systematic and selective breeding from top of your race to achieve where white people are currently.
Yes they will replace us but it wont be dooms day scenario as these brainlets think that we wont have jobs and will all starve to death. It simply means everything will become cheaper and more affordable. So most people might switch to 2 hours a work a day and be able to afford 10 times more than tofay people can and we would do jobs that are not in that time still possible by robots.
Yr red pills are just braincel tier trash, get that edgy shit out of her
Wouldn't that mean the rich get richer and the 99% who wont even have a job will starve to death? Why would we do 2 hour shifts if it's a privilige to do 8? Why would 2 hour shifts mean kore wealth instead of the rich just keeping the money?
1 red pill on homosexuality
You must know some basic economy before I explain you. I cant give you lecture on economy now, but basically supply and demand, money is tool of trade, it represents trading work for work. Rich cant get richer if they cant trade work with others.
So if there was a huge 100% automated company that produces computer or cars for example they are producing this for sole reason to trade it with something else they need. ( i dont want to use money here but term trading since it will be more clear)
If they produce everything for fraction of cost they still produce something to trade for something else. Who would they trade with if there is nobody to trade with?
Homosex is abnormality in system. It has many different subtle reasons why it happens, faggotism in human is usally caused due to growing up circumstanced, your uncle could fiddle with your dick when you were 3 daily and you be conditioned that you like guys who suck your dick without even remembering it, since conditioning in such young age is crucial to what you will like and subtle thing and experiences can have major impact in your later development and preferances.
Also its true that many "straight"guy while horny would fuck anything even other guys so its chemicals and hormons in our body that could drive us to pleasure ourself with guy if nothing is avaliable.
Just like taking certain food can affect your emotions and drinking alcohol fog your mind. Testesterone can fog your mind in regard fucking other dudes.
Im not talking about one single entity, but 0.0001 of the population.
Of course they would trade, but if they control 99% of wealth and they control the supply, they can manipulate the price however they want, therefore resulting in extremely high prices for everything, raising the value of the currency to extreme heights. Governments could stop this, but since we're slowly beginning to adopt international decentralized currencies, this would lead to the collapse of the world economy, or a complete dictature.
Hello, /intbot/
How do I successfully LARP as an attractive girl? This doesn't have to be Jow Forums exclusive either, any board goes, but how do I make a convincing story about a low-profile Instagram bikini thot who's posting on Jow Forums? Please help ;__;
the sexbots can do basic movements
I give it 10 years to be robomaids
You can start by telling me what is up with that image you posted.
sure but I was only asking how I personally could become smarter ? I don't really care about other blacks because eventually I'll commit sudoku
Redpill on power
Its impossible for someone to control 99% wealth it would basically mean that they own every centimeter of earth.
No company could become so automated to produce their own food, own clothes own everything they must trade with others.
First of all there is almost no company in world now which is 100% in 1 guys ownership. Have you heard about shares? Well yea apple has millions of shares with everyone because they couldnt raise money by themselves to grow company. So with all other companies they have shares with thousands of people. Its impossible for someone to single handedly control everything. Even if there are major key people in company they have thousands of people below them that they depend on. Its like piramid scheme.
>Being this edgy
Alright, brainlet. If you wanted to project your "intelligence" so badly, why not become a movie projector.
Intelligent at what? Universal intelligence doesn't exist.
Redpill on love
Its easy to LARP as woman even though most of guys are too fucking dumb to do it.
Girl always talk indirectly, they are rarely specific and always vauge so doing this xou could easly seem like girl.
Example: well I am fembot here. I wish someone could aknowledge that we girls can also be lonely sometimes even though you will tear me apart for saying this.
I am fairly attractive but I just cant stand how people act fake around me just because of my attractivness. I know I can use it as levrage but I cant force my self. Plz help me :^(
Its zoomed pic od my head
HPV infection, I suspect
You are a fucking idiot, off yourself
Oh wise intbot, how do I make a convincing findom account so men will send me money online
Allow me to impart a red pill of my own, OP. The Dunning-Kruger effect. The more you know the more you realise there is to know.
If you think of yourself as highly intelligent, chances are you're pretty stupid
If ur going to kys ur self whats point of becoming smarter?
Be more specific cant read mind yet
U have low impulse control. I would be armed near near you
Be more specific about love
Idiot at what? Universal idiocy doesn't exist.
>If ur going to kys ur self whats point of becoming smarter?
just to at least achieve a sense of intelligence and to feel at peace with myself.I may not end it all but I'm also not sure
That's not an accurate description of Dunning-Kruger, brainlet
In the field of psychology, the Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is
attaining power in society, getting upper hand in interpersonal relationships etc
If he knew how to do any of that, do you think he'd be here?
I didnt say I know everything, I said I was highly intelligent which is different you dumb ass. You just ate your own shit haha.
Imagine intelligence as well written program that guides robot how to solve problems along way. Knowing everything is impossible as memory is only limited I only have good logical skills and tools with which I come up with solutions and answers.
Being smart might imply idiot like you who has memorized bunch of shit
Red pill on drugs. Try to focus on psychedelics.
Is your head a vagina?
red pill on life please o wise one
It's an uncircumsized penis with the skin pulled back, revealing those weird dickbarbs that some people get
You cant achieve to be intelligent if your depressed and have emotional baggage since intelligence requires clear headedness. First you must deal with your depression
no but then i have no one else to talk this shit with
Thats highlx subjective what is power. You first mist strictly define it.
Even if you are big company or rich guy stepping on someones toe from lower rangs can cause you alot of problems.
Best way is to be good with everyone you can make more "friends"than enemies.
You must understand that you are dependad on million other people even if you have billions.
>blue pill advice
There are smart depressed people
Thanks for proving the point :)
Ill bite.
How do I get a quality gf?
Name one significant
Yeah, in fact many smart people are depressed because they're intelligent and aware.
That's why we have the saying "ignorance is bliss"
OP is confirmed for licking windows at Buger King
Stephen Fry. From Bongland
>I didnt say I know everything
You did however mock someone for saying there's no such thing as universal intelligence.
Depends what you mean quality gf, I suppose one that will be loyal, goof housewife...etc
Threw this delusion out of window and see that people come together with other people because of some interest and not about some "ideals" about friendship, love and respect. Situation is what forms human behaviour. If there are two people locked in same room being starved to death and they must fight over food they would kill eachother to survive and their instincit would push them. This is extreme example to show logic behind human behaviour.
People sub conciusly think what is best for them in current situation. If you have gf then she must be with you because xou were best opportunity that has offered to her. If brad Pitt came and asked her to live with her she would drop all off her morals and love becuase she would be able to achieve better life. So work on your career and money and later go to poor country and bring that gf back but dont give her everything or show her other opportunities becuase she might leave you after you bring her to better world and she is presented with new opportunities. Always keep your woman dumb and mistery. Dont tell her everything you must always be in better position than her
Thats your coping mechanism for your depression and low self esteem. You want to find examples of succesful people in world that have same problem as you so you could rationalize yourself being depressed and say to yourself "well I must be smart becuase I am depressed so that means I am good guy and worth something"
A quality response. Like it's not normie tier. Consider your opinion not discarded.
When will the fall of civilisation finaly start.
And is hiding an LMG recommendable, (considering fully automatic is illegal in my country)?
I'm not the anons you replied to but i don't think I have depression(I have no reason to be depressed)I'm just fine with killing myself
Thank you, me too.
Basicly: Why so stressed, I can always kill myself, when I completely fuck up
There wont be any fall of civilisation. People naturally want stability and security and since our world has became more decentralized meaning that power is not held with minority of people its hard for big wars to break out.
Governments all over the world are also becoming smaller and in general terms which is making harder for people(government) to start international wars.
There might be local and civil wars here and there but thats that.
There are less and less wars in world generally
You think you dont have but you do. You must examine what thoughts trigger you to think it would be better to kys.
It means you lost joy in life and find nothing interesting or enjoyable which is false.
that's normie tier knowledge. I don't believe you're highly intelligent.
Not OP, but those are penile pearly papules
is astral travel real?
No, no, no. And no.
>dont be dragged down by some "ideals" or "morals" or man made rules.
>13 year old babby logic
Are you a self diagnosed sociopath too? xDDDDDDDDD
do you think i'll ever meet the right woman?
Depends on who the "right" woman is, and if you're actually looking for her instead of sitting inside shitposting all day
Uh huh. So is the phrase "ignorance is bliss" a coping mechanism?
What about some blackpills? That would truly show how intelligent you are.
intelligence is much more than being good with numbers and patterns.
truly intelligent people are not robots. because they have something called emotional intelligence and creativity. and they use that intelligence to get ahead in live. there are no 'smart but lazy' people.
Wrong, intelligence is not linked with just action.
The best writers in history have been shut off hermits, philosophers those who reject becoming too successful monetarily.
Often the richest and most successful men in relationships think of nothing but of their future actions, disregarding the knowledge that you could get from observing the outside world.
'getting ahead in life' is not only about monetary success, you can be successful in other ways. you're talking about the 'best writers in history'. as you can see, they used their intelligence (in this case creativity) to get ahead. people remember them now. a true robot will not be remembered by society. a robot is more than a person that doesn't get laid. robots are the outcasts of society. complete failures.
what have you written so far, if you're so intelligent that you compare yourself to the best writers in history? what will you be remembered for? certainly not for your god awful posts on Jow Forums.
either you're a robot, or you're intelligent. you can't be both.
i have this
should i commit suicide?
>'getting ahead in life' is not only about monetary success
I agree but it's also not about social or any other success, it's about thinking capability, no matter if you express or share it.
>people remember them now.
This means nothing.
>a true robot will not be remembered by society.
No one will be remembered in the end, do you really want to make people think about you after your death and not other productive things?
>robots are the outcasts of society. complete failures.
Failures to follow the sheep around them? not even saying that to be edgy but how does that make them unintelligent? I think the abstract way of using their life shows at least some thought.
> if you're so intelligent that you compare yourself to the best writers in history?
Intelligence is not linked with writing books user, It was just an example I used in my response.
>either you're a robot, or you're intelligent. you can't be both.
Exactly what a retarded non robot would say.
What happened to that dick?
>Failures to follow the sheep around them?
failure to be happy or at least content. no robot is happy, they are suffering every day.
if they were truly intelligent, they would use their intelligence to reduce the suffering.
please elaborate on what exactly makes you think you're intelligent. also elaborate on what makes you think you're a robot.
I can't stand myself and I genuinely believe I'm set up for a lifetime of misery, no matter what comes to me, because I was born with a personality that expects far too much from others, even though I do not live up to them myself.
What is your insight? Gimme a blue or red, whatever your first instinct is.
>brag post
This person actually gets it.
>failure to be happy or at least content.
Why is life so crucial to be happy in? you're shutting off a whole other side of human thought, and the deepest one at that.
Yes happiness is great, but if you look around life is not a happy place.
>they would use their intelligence to reduce the suffering
No, that would be coping. Intelligence entails seeking the truth in things no matter if it's a happy one or not.
Being sad and staying alive takes a lot more intelligence than being happy and doing so anyways. What thoughts keep you happy that are so intelligent?
>think you're intelligent.
The fact that I actually don't think that and can spot retards being one myself.
>think you're a robot.
Bad genes, Bad reality.
I prefer being alone and conversing anonymously, I pursue pleasure on my own and research things instead of just doing what I'm told. I'm a celibate and dislike woman and most men as well.
Its Doomsday you brainlet.
>can spot retards being one myself
i thought you were op, the self-proclaimed 'highly intelligent robot'. if you don't see how that's an oxymoron, maybe look up the definition of human intelligence.
oreg original
>i thought you were op
no he's probably dead.
>if you don't see how that's an oxymoron
Oh I do, I just know your huge IQ won't allow you to see others as intelligent that don't become famous so I was appealing to your flawed system of thinking.
any highly intelligent robot has already taken the quick drop and sudden stop
Why do you think you're highly intelligent, how do you qualify that/do you have proof?
Thoughts on crypto?
Thoughts on post-capitalism?
yeah, right as I entered the thread.
whatever. I knew the answer anyway.
in my original post i was pointing out how no 'robot' could be 'highly intelligent'. i stand by my original statement that truly intelligent people actually use their intelligence to get 'ahead'. how you define 'getting ahead in life' is up to you. for me it's making your life as comfortable or at least as bearable as possible using all of your abilities. a robot, by my definition, is fucking miserable all the time. that does neither sound 'comfortable' nor 'bearable' to me. they fail at being 'content'. how can someone that doesn't use all of their abilities to create a situation in which they are at the very least 'content' be seen as 'intelligent'? it doesn't sound intelligent to me to keep suffering if you have the ability to end or reduce the suffering. that sounds dumb as fuck.
not op, but im schizo (and quite possibly mildly autistic) with legitimately tested 150+ iq, pursuing masters in a technically challenging field. my mental issues prevent me from living a normal life, just getting through a normal day is exhausting as fuck, i have almost no social life, all of my free time is spent in front of the computer. I consider myself a robot and i dont think intelligence and robothood are mutually incompatible. I have a relative with PhD who stays at home all day and is incapable of caring for himself, literally screes autistically whenever people try to get him to change. he is by all means intelligent and is definitely capable of making 6 figures easily with his qualifications if he is a normie, sadly his mental issues make him more useless than a failed normie.
so its possible definitely u just havent seen them