What would you like to be doing for a living, Jow Forums?
What would you like to be doing for a living, Jow Forums?
why is there a duck in gamestop?
you dont have a duck in your gamestop?
OP here thats me i want to be a duck in gamestop for a living
I genuinely don't know.
I'm in university for biomedical sciences but I fuckin hate it. I hate work in general.
I'm probably gonna drop out and apply for an apprenticeship or and trade school next year. At least then I don't have to keep pouring time, money, and effort into a possible line of work I find fuckin shit. If I'm gonna do something I hate, it might as well be mindless blue collar work where I just throw what little weight I have around.
The only thing I have talent in is a meme degree that won't pay, and I only chose biomedical because I took an aptitude test in high school which said I should.
filter feeding
I'd like to be a comfy drug kingpin in the big city with a legion of strong chads at my command
I enjoy being a programmer right now. I would prefer to work on something I have more control over though but eh it's not so bad.
>with a legion of strong chads at my command
to fuck you?
>to fuck you
white man porn actor in japan
Like a park ranger or something.
i wanna design slut clothes.
A richfag that's good at weeb design and I'll just scope out ugly sites I wanna help and make them beautiful and make beautiful apps for them.
Cease to exist
Nothing is original anymore
video game tester
I would like to just have a practically unlimited source of money. I wantED to work for bungie when they still made halo and before I realized I can't program for shit. Before that I wanted to be an inventor and create something of value to benefit the world, before I realized I don't have the creativity to do that. Now I just want to wisely invest my money so that I can retire as early as possible while still spending money on my hobbies and still becoming hyper-rich.
College professor + sports journalist + gym owner.
Instead I work an office job.
You mom
I'd like to fly small aircraft for a living, maybe be employed by a rich guy or a company to fly their private jet or whatever. Sadly I'm held back by serious anxiety and if I go on meds to fix it then I won't be able to hold a pilot's license.
Be a straight pro porn star in japan.
Or find a nice job where I spend most of my time alone doing hard work then at the end of the week I cash a check and go home.
College student, have a few thousand saved up from working
I would like to be an author. Or more like, a NEET that writes as a hobby. Living from passive income, royalties, no worries about work. That's not very practical though. I'd also like to be a doctor. Receiving an interesting education that can not only allow me to prolong my own lifetime but others too. Along with the social prestige and financial compensation that accompanies it. That's what I'm working on now, but I'm still an undergrad. It's more likely that I'll end up in some kind of intermediary healthcare profession like physical therapy or physician's assistant. Maybe I'll fail to get into medical school and I'll end up reworking a bio degree into secondary education or something.
When it comes to making a living, I think it's much more important to ask what you DON'T want to do. Then narrow your options from there.
I wish I was able to be a bench jeweler as I planned, but the fucking Chinese out of nowhere took up all the demand and most of them are working below minimum wage at the big name Jewelry shops.
Nuclear holocaust at Beijing when?
i'm going to becoming a mainstream film director. if this doesn't work out i'll kill myself.
i wanna be a little kid forever
become* fuck
There is nothing interesting about the education you receive in medical school. It can suck the fun out of everything. I've been hands deep in a 90 pound puerto rican teenager and couldn't even enjoy it. It's a soulless existence.
Nothing. It's really hard getting motivated for shit when I'd rather being doing fucking nothing.
I want to do research in either chemistry, or biology.
I don't give a fuck if it's animal or human biology. I don't care how minor or unfruitful I just want to be working with something real.
I'm a psychology major and I want kill myself for this. I take as many bio based courses as I possibly can because I feel like a fake fuck whenever I take anything where we arn't talking about the brain or math 24/7.
The only way I've become a semi normie is by focusing on school. I've gr8 people and even legit cutie grills by going to psychology meetings and clubs.
I envy you. You worked to get there, not here to diminish that, but in the very least you don't spend hours wondering if you're becoming in "expert" in the theology of the now.
Furniture testing, the only thing a compulsive brat would be good at.
Just wait until the North Koreans do shit, can't be long.
I would like to reconstruct peoples faces.
IT technician for a company, I would love to just sit in my room playing vidya until someone calls me to reinstall office.
A carpenter in Israel
i'd be a fucking tonk bodybuilder
i'd be down with that, or rather a mattress tester
>weeb design
I want to work in a japanese host club as token black gaijin and service nippon women
Either make music or become an IT guy.
Two completely different things, I know, but it's just what I can see myself doing.
I'm currently an IT Support Technician for a school district but wouldn't mind being a porn star. I'm just afraid of being recognized by family members.
Easiest question of my life. I want to be a hikiNEET.
that is my job. you spend more time unlocking peoples accounts over everything else. the rest is mostly monitoring the servers and insuring the on site and off site backups execute properly.
occasionally there is some massive update or issue that means fixing it in the middle of the night or weekend to insure shit is working next business day.
Y'know? I would be happy being a mentor/psychologist, but here's the thing
>be a fucking depressed bastard
>get doped up
>yeah, it's THAT story again
>learn that meds are a SHAM
>what I really needed was a friend to talk to that wouldn't judge, or have 911 on speed dial
>99% of licenced professionals are doped up themselves with the LIES of the pharmaceutical industry
>tfw my fucking compassion and empathetic reasoning isn't scientific enough for recognition and pay
How come people are so afraid of the simple answers to their complex problems
>We live in a society
I guess I'll make like Lucy and sell my two cents for 25.
Live and enjoy myself.
I'm not made for this reality
Nothing. I would relax, sit on my ass all day. I would do nothing.
>tfw would love to be a bench jeweler as an alternative source of income and as a hobby
>materials are somewhat expensive and afraid of messing up
I know you can just melt it all down and start again, but I don't want to create anything ugly or generic.
>tfw my fucking compassion and empathetic reasoning isn't scientific enough for recognition and pay
>How come people are so afraid of the simple answers to their complex problems
Holy shit, this faggotry. Don't worry user, you can still advertise yourself as a "holistic therapist" or some gay shit like that and you probably won't even be liable when your patients kill themselves after your advice of, "Hey, have you tried just chilling out and being happy, my dude?" doesn't help their depression.