Can someone advise me on how to gain weight...

Can someone advise me on how to gain weight? I've been trying to gain and stay at 15 lbs higher than where I am because I'm dangerously underweight, but it just won't stay on me. I can gain a few lbs and it just won't stick. Pic not related.

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Replace all the milk you drink with heavy cream.

Count calories(aim for around 3,400 a day)
Workout(Every week day or so)
That easy,

Usually my weight gain diet consists of oatmeal, hamburger, chicken pot pie, spaghetti, pb &j and I hit the 3,400
Also try to drink a large glass of choc milk after every meal(1.5 cups) easy to do and boosts calories

Best of luck op

peanut butter and whole milk


Think about how much food you eat. Eat more.

Stop watching anime you gay twink, its literally sucking the test out of you.

I hate milk, and 3400 is way too much for me.

I've tried this, I can get up to about 10 lbs more than my weight, but it makes me feel sick, and I do work out every day, though it's just cardio.

Well, I am gay, and I'm dangerously underweight, and I do love anime, so I guess you aren't wrong about anything you said?

Do you expect us to give you some magical secret method???

Literally eat more, eat heavier stuff, lace your normal meals with high calorie things, if you can't eat big meals then eat a bunch times per day in little portions. There is no magic dude, despite of what landwhales like to say, there is no genetics or anything. If you eat a bunch you get fatter, if you don't eat you get skinner. Your body won't generate energy out of thin air.
Sumo fighters go to sleep after meals so they can maximize weight they get from food so maybe do that too.


Well there's your answer

I do eat a ton though, weight just won't stay on me.

I don't want to bulk up, so what would you suggest?

Then give yourself to science, you're obviously super human who managed to defy all laws physics. Let them study you and learn your secrets, for the good of mankind.

Eat lots of fatty meat.

You now remember ghost Banri

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>Hey guys I'm trying to lose weight plz help me lose weight
>Eat less or eat healthier
>No I won't eat less or eat healthier is there any other way please help me please
>Hey guys I can't gain weight I eat and eat and I can't gain weight please help me guys please
>Eat more count calories
>No I won't eat more and I'm too stupid or lazy or both to count calories but please I want to gain weight please help me please
Fucking years and years and years of this bullshit.

>tfw you will never have a tada banri college experience

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Post coco milkers

>wants advice on gaining weight

>doesn't want to bulk

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Omg life is so hard because I can’t gain weight. Gaining weight is so difficult omgggg!!!!

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>tada banri college experience
Why would you want to? Way too much drama bro.

>Not wanting ghost banri to make your struggles harder, making you stronger in the long run.