Have you ever been approached by a girl randomly?
If not, does it mean youre ugly?
Have you ever been approached by a girl randomly?
>Have you ever been approached by a girl randomly?
>If not, does it mean youre ugly?
Most likely
>I haven't
I think if you are decently good looking you should at least get looks from girls or they would make it easy to talk to them (sit close to you, open posture, etc). If you are ugly they do their best to keep you away.
no but I seen it happen
I was seething
What does it mean if you have been approached randomly, but it was by an ugly girl?
Women actually are very, very aggressive with attractive men. They will certainly approach those they find sexually attractive.
So, yes, if you haven't been approached, it's because you're ugly. But don't worry, almost all men are ugly to women.
i have been approached by my mom and my female friends. And my friends sisters.
Only guys approach me randomly. It fucking disgusts me.
I never even talked or texted with a girl in my entire that
Can anyone beat this?
and my female cousins, my Aunties, and my grandma
I had some petite tumblerina looking bitch with colored short(ish) hair the other night try getting my number while I was at Starbucks studying Chinese. She told me I had nice hair, walked out and then her brother came in trying to get my number for her. I said I wasnt interested. Feels good during down nasty roasties. Im sure some of you guys would have found he cute but Im not into those progressive looking bitches
Are you a female?
oreos original
i'm ugly and i've been approached by girls before, they usually have boyfriends though.
a lot of the time girls are just bored and want to talk to people, it doesn't mean anything.
>entire that
*Entire life, how tf did i messed this one up
yes, but she just wanted to tell me that I look like a creep for no reason...
I think he means approached with sexual/romantic intent, obviously.
>Are you a female?
I have a vagina, yes
Then why would you be disgusted if guys approach you?
A drunk girl said I was cute that one day
The upwards neck shot is like the guy version of a downwards cleavage shot.
What's a lesbian
No. I just get gay guys approaching me. The problem with gays is that they are delusionally persistent. You have to clearly tell them to fuck off or they'll just keep trying.
It means you're more attractive than me. What did she say?
I got hinted at the nightclub couple of times.
But I got scared and walk away. 20y virgin.
I get small panic attacks in nightclubs. Once walked in stoned as fuck, 5 seconds later my head went upside down and I no longer felt stoned. I couldn't handle the energy.
Do they respect discretion? Where are the approaching you? I might go along with a gay guy I'm so lonely but I wouldn't want people to know about it since it makes you a black sheep to women more than you already are and makes a lot of guys despise you.
One time ever, in my entire life.
And it was by two girls, not one. And it was at a nightclub, the first and only time I ever went to one.
>tfw bi
>tfw you do the same
Ugh that hurts a bit
One time. We talked some, then went our separate ways. Apparently she was a coworker of mine, so we talk of and on. Until I see this black dude, who I know has a fucking gf, flirting with her. Now she doesn't talk to me anymore
Yup, the last night
She asked questions and told me I looked cute
Yes, a few girls.
I have autism though so I never responded well, it always threw me off guard.
I was dragged to a college dance by some drunk friends. I was standing around awkwardly and this girl who has the same major as I do, who would talk to me sometimes in class, came up to me and told me to reach into her pocket and take a piece of candy. I uncomfortably did, and she then asked me if I wanted to dance. I said that I had just told some people I was on my way to join them somewhere else, and started to leave. She was clearly pretty hurt, but tried to shrug off the rejection. I felt really guilty and thought about it for the rest of the night, but she was an ugly Asian girl, and I just couldn't bring myself to do anything romantic/intimate/sexual with her.
I've had girls grab me and attempt to drag me to bed but I'm still a virgin due to fear of intimacy. One grabbed my arm and I locked up into sperg mode because she touched me. She fell to the floor and I didn't even help her back up because I was panicking.
I was once on a school feild trip and a random girl walked up to me saying that he friend wants to have my Snapchat. I asked who and she pointed at an ugly blonde girl with a retarded hat on.
An incredivly drunk girl just told med i was cute! On the tram writing this, she asked med igf i wanted to join them out, but was caught off guard and told her i needed to catch the tram
Yes, about a month ago
>be me, 20
>7/10 goth grill from work approaches me alone and flat out says
>Hey user, youre really cute. Do you have a gf?
>Why not?
Austisticly say
>Cause Im socially anxious and cant talk to people
>awkward silence
>ok, well bye
Just end me
Back when i was younger a couple times but they were either weirdos or ugly-average girls
Yep. By a few Latinas, four or five Native chicks, and a couple of middle aged divorced/widowed Filipinas.
I have a tendency to be mistaken for a thug/criminal based on appearance. I'm a Jow Forumsfag autist lol.
Even if youre mediocre looking, it can happen to you. But looking nervous/lost will deter women. I feel like most of you faggots dont shave/shower often enough.
No but I've seen it happen and it literally gave me nightmares
It would happen regularly when I was younger. I dont put myself in situations for it to happen anymore. I almost exclusively approach women nowadays, the most I get is a shy hint and that's that.
Ah to be young again.
>be me
>walking down the street with my guitar
>sit down at the bus stop
>random hore: "hey, is that a guitar"
>thinking "of course its a guitar, what the fuck"
>"mm, yeah"
>"ok thanks"
what happened here?
Ive had girls approaching me to ask for directions
Two girls came up to me randomly and asked for my sc at an amusement park.
>hey, is that a guitar?
>yeah look do you know this song?
>play song
>she tries to guess
there you go, a simple game to get a conversation started
It mean you're not good looking, remember that average might as well be ugly
i got approached by a really drunk stacey once
In the park 4 years ago I was playing basketball with my friend and a qt readhead randomly approached my sister and told her that she wanted to be my gf.
And then afterwards she came introduced herself and my heart started beating and I panicked and left.
But that made me feel fulfilled and happy. It gave me the delusion that I wasn't ugly after all and that I'm a chad. I'm only just a 5/10 guy who is also autistic.
Why doe these stories always end with the sperg leaving?
That makes the situation look even worse
I was scared. I thought she was a crazy stalker girl. I was also about 15 years old and not mentally mature.