What's the time? It's time for the daily 25+ general thread!
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28, got drunk again last night, wasted all of today. Feel like having a cigarette
I'm turning 25 in december can I play?
28 as well, I just slept most of this morning, then starting drinking, then slept some more. Ideally, I'd just sleep forever and not have to wake up to deal with reality.
I'll smoke a cig for ya, right after I polish off the rest of this warm 40.
26, didn't do anything, feeling like crap today because of an acute case of tfwnogf. I just need someone to tell me a funny joke or something.
30 here. I actually got a date off Tinder on Friday night for once in my life! I was halfway there when she texted me and said she went to her ex's to get some stuff and didn't want to see me then.
Boring day, per usual. Got a message from an old female friend that ditched me a while ago and said she was sorry and want to go back to how things were. Not even sure if I want to.
Generally just loath to be around people now. Either they fuck me over or otherwise be mean spirited or I'm too autistic to pass for a normal adjusted person when socializing and get shit for that.
I think that I took a bit too much of the antipsychotic Abilify more than I should have. Last night I took some hoping that it would help calm my thoughts and help me fall asleep, then I took some more in the morning (I normally take it in the mornings as it sometimes causes insomnia when I take it in the nights). And, man, have I been feeling real tired, depressed, and lazy all day. Did basically nothing the whole day because it was so hard to get out of bed. The effects of Abilify are so weird and inconsistent.
depends, what your robot credentials?
26 and still extremely jealous of Shuaiby, Wish every day I could find it in me to execute a 2 minute task of ending it all.
why is an hero-ing better than just running outside into the woods and living off of the land?
or hell, you could commit any crime you want and go to jail then get easy food and a place to sleep for the rest of your life
>or hell, you could commit any crime you want and go to jail then get easy food and a place to sleep for the rest of your life
What is with this stupid meme. We all know a real robot will be Big Bubba's bitch and get their cheeks busted all day every day. Probably will get all their food and stuff taken away by gangs or even permanently crippled while the guards just sit back not giving a shit. If you get lucky you might even get jailraped AND murdered to put you out of your misery! Or maybe just a drug addiction and eventual overdose.
Prison conditions were never something to envy in the first place especially in private for-profit ones. The only prisons worth envying are the Nordic ones where they'll literally give you a hug and blowjob every day in your spacious one-person room with Michelin star food.
Oh, how I miss having a car. I used to have a brand new 2011 Toyota Camry throughout the years of 2011 and 2012. It was a pretty decent car. It was such a costly responsibility, though. Gas, oil, electricity, general maintenance, insurance... all of it just felt like too much, especially since I had such a low-paying job as a mall cop back then. And I only worked for a single month. On the one hand I hated the car because it was so expensive to maintain, but, man, was it damn nice to get in my car whenever I felt like it and just drive, anywhere. Whether it be to the bank, the pharmacy, the supermarket, the doctor, or just to some random far-off place. I would drive all over Southern California just for fun. I would drive to as far east as some remote area of the Mojave Desert near the Afton Campground at 2 AM just to go stargazing. Or as far west to drive up and down the Pacific Coast Highway on a hot summer night while blasting the AC and loud techno music. Or as far north as the Angeles National Forest on a cold winter afternoon to play with snow for the very first time in my life at the age of 23. Or even further to the north to various rural small towns like Earlimart and Delano.
Today is such a nice day. Perfect for a drive. Oh, how I miss my car. I never thought that I would miss it this much.
just ordered $400 of legos on amazon I'm out here living life
I listened to "In the Air Tonight" 3 times in a row last night fantasizing about making out with someone while listening to it.
Also I spent $100 on keycaps today for my new keyboard that's coming in soon.
>on welfare
>HS dropout
>literally no future
thats an awesome pic user, from anything or just a pic?
8/10 robot, gj
join the military?
What type of keyboard? I have a simple KUL ES-87
The original pic is from Cowboy Bebop, it's editied to look like K from BR2049 though.
I'm thinking about rewatching it tonight actually.
I really want to go on a road trip across the country or at least the state but I always keep putting it off.
During College - I don't really have savings or a car.
Early Career - Not enough vacation days and my car sucks. Need to save up for house and stuff.
Now - House, Range Rover and banked vacation days plus no debt. Can't go too far maybe something urgent will come up at w-work... P-planning is such a hassle etc. etc.
At this point I think it'll just be a fleeting daydream as I continue to grind away and create excuses. I wonder where all my sense of adventure went...
Are you actually being serious or are you just taking the piss.
>During College - I don't really have savings or a car.
>Early Career - Not enough vacation days and my car sucks. Need to save up for house and stuff.
>Now - No debt. Also no will to live, let alone attempt anything Extra
Nice, I just rewatched that last week with some robots on rabbit last week; super comfy
Decided to buy an Atreus keyboard to use at work. It'll be a learning curve for sure, but I've been on the lookout for an ergonomic keyboard recently, and I like the idea of it.
The biggest underlying question was "is there an anime version of BR2049 or related artwork I didnt know about"
Well first of all we're not designed to live on the land anymore. We are cancerous tissue of the planet that has become separate from the environment and depletes its host's resources. I would not survive off plants. I do not want to die of starvation. It is slow and terrible.
I wish I could shoot myself but the 5-second feeling of dismemberment before death is too much. I'd rather hang myself.
why only 8/10? and no my countries military don't take rejects such as myself.
I see. There sort of is a BR2049 anime but not quite.
Even directed by Shinichiro Watanabe as well.
You get another point in 10 years, and Im assuming youre white so thats the other point
27 here. had too many mojitos and beers last night and spent all day feeling like shit and just drinking tea. took a nap and am going to just stick with beer tonight unless i change my mind later. also quit smoking a month ago and the biggest constant cravings are gone but it still hits me like a truck when i drive
I did see that (loved it), but I didnt remember seeing a scene like that which is why it made me so curious
what are you then, don't say asian as robots aren't a concept in your cultures.
29, virgin. I am so alone. All I do is work all day and night or sleep.
Always think of death.
Dunno if its better or worse than black at this point.
At least blacks have the "big dick" stereotype going for them"
have you tried going to strip clubs?
I truly think all robots are destined to kill themselves. We just let aging do its thing until we realize living is too painful and no longer put up with it.
No, would be weird alone.
Yeah, just need the courage to do it...
What state are you in? I turn 29 in July and am feeling worse daily
Just turned 28 today. No one wished me a happy birthday since I don't have any friends. Just another birthday spent alone. I can't believe this is how my life turned out. If you asked me as a child what my life would be like at 28, I would have assumed I'd be married and have a family. Instead I ended up as a 28 year old loser with no friends, no gf/wife, no social life, etc.
I wish I could go back to age 12 when my life really shifted into a downward spiral. I would have never dropped out of school, I would have made more of an effort to make friends, as well as practiced my social skills. Instead I did nothing but play counter strike 1.6 all day. So many regrets. Never in a million years I'd think my life would end up like this.
In Confucian Asian (namely China, Korea and Japan) cultures having a family and giving birth to the next generation is considered a duty. Your family and station in society also matter more than you as an individual. In other words having a good career matters a lot more than your personality and hobbies.
All that means there definitely are the Asian equivalent of robots looked upon with scorn and derision by the government and general society. For example in Japan they are fucking disgusted with "herbivore" men and low domestic birthrates a fucking crisis (rather than stabilizing it with immigration). If you look to "Communist" China you can ironically see some of the most extreme worship of money/wealth in the world.
In some ways being a robot in the West is easier than in Asia where you are expected to be a proper cog in the whole machine and pushed to be one of the most essential cogs (doctor/lawyer/banker etc.). There's no morsel of respect for unconventional paths or individuals who dedicate their lives to something else other than chasing the almighty dollar and prestige in society. That's a key reason why civic society (charities, legal aid, civil rights groups and stuff) are less prominent in Asia.
In the UK
Same situation. In hindsight I could have pushed my life in a far more social direction. If only we had known.
I get drunk and go alone. Girls talk to me more because I'm alone.
you calling me weird?
I'm 25. Drunk right now.
Actually went on my first date in years today.
I dont think I'm a catch or anything. Far from it. I have a TON of flaws and I recognize that.
But in adult standards im doing good for myself.
No debt. Good job. I'm perfectly healthy. Promising future.
In the last 4 years I've gone from full on NEET to a trained professional.
But I'm always attracted to the wrong people.
Today the chick was alright looking and really charismatic and actually really smart and witty.
But she used to do meth and has a kid thats like 8 years old . . .
If they would have been like "I used to do cocaine and popped pills" I would have thought to myself "oh yeah thats fine we all go through shit" but they talked about how them and their current friends would just smoke meth and have tried heroine amount other drugs.
I was respectful in my responds to that but inside I'm torn on whether I want to meet this person again.
They seem much more outgoing than me and I like their style. But METH are you fucking serious?!
I've hated myself and I've been used and abused my whole life but never did I get to the point where I did meth and heroine.
Abilify gave me the shakes and restlessness. Hated being on it, absolutely hated it. It's an antipsychotic but I was given it to balance out the crazy number of antidepressants I was on (apparently it controls for mood swings). I don't recommend it
It's easy when you're young. There's less judgement in my opinion. Nowadays if you're looking for friends at 28, it's a total red flag. You're supposed to be established by this point in your life.
Yeah agreed, imagine going on a date and it going well. Then she asks to meet my friends. Oh you dont have any friends?
Sorry, dont take my view of the world as normal.
Absolutely nothing good will come from that relationship. I hate to say it, but she's damaged goods. Take it from me, I've dated girls just like that. You never want to date a girl with a history like that. You'll end up getting cucked.
25+ thread?
Why make a Jow Forums thread on a shitty board when you can join a kickass discord? 80+ users, at least 1/3 active daily, we have NSFW channels and shit, active mods
rules are relaxed
I am not all that familiar with discord. What is the appeal? Is it basically just like Skype+IRC? Is it like Paltalk? Do I have to use a mic?
Thats the vibe I was getting from the situation and I think she too saw it. Kinda figured she just flat out told me that to let me down easy.
Still kinda upsetting. Talk to this chick for 2 weeks on a dating site and text while i was out of town and when I came back we went on a date.
Really blows it ended up like that.
My life is alright at the moment, I work a job which sucks but at least isn't retail or hospitality and I lift weights, listen to music and sleep. I haven't been making much progress with the weights lately though and I just listen to the same music every day.
fuck off with your spam
where the hell do i meet women. I stopped being a neet got a job but i still have no fucking life.
lmao don't you'll make the worst mistake of your life
If it didn't work out once it never will take my words for it
People that find it a red flag aren't worth being around.
Go fuck yourself and your fake robot discord
25+ fags give me your advice.
I'm about to be 22 and have a year and a half of college left to get an engineering degree.
I don't want to finish, I genuinely hate every moment I'm there.
I have a comfy job unloading trucks for the summer and (may) get an offer to stay.
Problem is I only make 10.58/hr but (at least currently) I work full time.
I would genuinely prefer to drop out and just wageslave.
What do? Is it a bad idea to drop out
I understand liking the regimented life of simple wageslaving, I've been there, but you'd be better off graduating especially with a stem degree. If you ever think about settling down in your 30s something more like a career will help.
So I'm in the military. To me I literally hate every moment im in due to my job being completely horrible but it's taught me a lot in the 4 years i've been in.
Its showed me just how bad things can be. I'd describe my most stressful months where I was working 90-120 hours a week for months on end but it's just too much shit you wouldnt understand.
But me comparing my struggles to my friends that recently left the military and are in college I assume your struggles are really misplaced and you're kinda a bitch.
It's tough man. But honestly the best things are.
Do your degree.
Remember it could be worse and stay positive and focus on whats to come.
You're young and if you want to form a good future for yourself you need to go through these times.
I know people in the civilian world with degrees in engineering and they're living great lives and getting paid a lot.
Just remember to be smart with the money.
Just stay and finish it, it might not seem it but the flexibility of lifestyle and time you have right now is really valuable and something you will miss when you begin full-time work. It might seem fine in the summer or while balanced with Uni but full-time the wageslave life just grinds you down to nothing.
Right now if you have creative desires or want to do something off the wall you have the energy for it, take advantage of this window of time where if you fuck a venture up or something it is not the end of the world. When you're getting into your late 20s and early 30s society is not so kind.
I can guarantee if you drop out of Uni you will never go back due to motivational problems. I felt the same way half way through but was glad I stuck with it, keeping on top of work especially in the later semesters and being comfy and even though I wasn't super social just having the time to myself to do whatever was really nice and something I wish I could go back to now.
Thanks anons. It's not the course work I find difficult so much as the environment.
I don't speak to people very much at uni and I hate cities. Couple that with a bad diet and I begin to hate my life.
Guess I should finish, just worry I'll hate my job and wind up hating my life when I'm done with school
I want to kill myself, how do I build the courage?
Get over yourself and do something. You're here right? I bet you're fucking retarded but I've seen even retards help other people.
Try thinking of others for a change bitch.
My sister went on set me up with a date with some girl who's supposedly into me and I'll have to be the asshole and cancel that shit I never asked for. There's not really a good way to tell someone to get lost is there? I suppose I should be thankful there's still one person out there with any kind of hope for my future, but the constant attempts to match me wit a fat friend, single mom of her acquaintance or other dating scene detritus sometimes almost comes across as backhanded (yeah I know I'm not worth much, thanks).
Fuck I'm 30, effectively been a neet for 8 months (a few days of menial labor there and there), I'm not socially functional and I've no prospects for the future. If she was actually still into me after knowing me for a couple weeks, there would be something really wrong with her.
What didn't you like about the situation?
You guys need to stop drinking alcohol. Less problems in life if you stop.
I drink because of the problems I have, it doesnt create more
My Uni experience was very similar, 50% rich private school kids and 50% insect chinese/pajeets, it sucked but I made the most of it and am glad I did.
Fix your diet up and drink more water, it is boomer advice but should make you feel better (even if nothing changes in your circumstances).
I believe in you user, you dont want to be one of those guys in their 40s or 50s and have regrets for not sticking undergrad out
I was suicidal before I started drinking.
Now I am less bored at least?
I cant handle my own life, how can I help someone elses?
That's basically how I feel, user. How do we change our situation? I heard meetups can lead to potential friends. Thinking about going to one since I have nothing to lose at this point.
Do some volunteer work. Fuck up at it.
Learn from fucking up. I dont wanna say stop being a bitch but . . . stop being a bitch
>mfw I unironically wasted 10 years of my life
I honestly think that it might have been better if I was in jail all of this time, at least I would have an actual reason besides "depression" even though I have a legit reason to be depressed.
I don't want to meet anyone. I actually prefer being alone, maybe I'm just too used to it, but it doesn't hurt me. I know I should kick myself and try to salvage something from my life, but I'm thinking more something like getting a job leaving my mom's house than a gf (who I likely couldn't keep without sorting that stuff out first anyway).
I was working a solitary job for a while, and I got very lonely and depressed.
At the suggestion of a therapist, I quit that job and found a job working with other people. But guess what? Now I'm always a nervous, socially anxious wreck at work. I'm stressed to the max everyday because of my social anxiety.
I swear I just can't win. Be by yourself and be lonely and depressed. Or surround yourself with people who make you feel nervous and outcasted.
I'm a fresh lvl 30 what do I do? I can EASILY see myself as 40+ khv with NOTHING if I do nothing about getting some money. I don't even have a license.Tried getting it but failed the test and haven't been back since. Never worked a job...never done anything...never had anything. SInce I'm 30 now am I just a lost cause? People say you should have your shit together by now.
most people dont understand that depression is a mental disease. your brain is fucked up and its out of your control. same thing happened to me still fixing things but hell i got cash now.
Nuke detected.
You shouldn't of listened to your therapist, solitary jobs are god tier and yer you feel lonely but it's still better then being full of anxiety.
Should of consulted us, not your therapist.
Suck cocks for a living.
It's fact that you would have had a better life if you were in jail for 10 years instead of being a shutin for 10 years because of depression...unless you're female.
No thanx you already got the market cornered. WHo can compete with the $1.50 blowjobs you give out?
I've accepted that I will die a khv. I moved back to my countryside hometown (2000 people) in the middle of nowhere where I am getting a small house. I'll pay it as fast as I can to stop working as soon as possible and live an easy life doing mostly nothing.
what did you do to fix it?
Have you asked a girl out before?
No, I always just assumed that my crushes would eventually talk to me without having to do anything. I never really had a real conversation with a woman.
Ive asked grills out before and just gotten no response.
wat do.
Nothing you can do...If they don't like you.
You should work on that before you die
guess ill just die then.
They're all ugly used goods by now, there would be no innocence in our relationship.
The ultimate black pill is that nothing ever gets better. You might have short bursts where you feel happy but they quickly fade and don't last long. There's millionaires and billionaires that kill themselves.
People who reached the top of society and still feel the need to off themselves. The only advice I can give is not to expect much out of life. 99% of the time if you get your hopes up it will let you down.
hello, I'm 26 and I want to fucking die
>First of July 2018
>I'll be 29 in a few months
I don't know what I should be doing. I work in a fairly good job which has a lot of potential. I save my money. I always say yes to the 5 or so social events I'm invited to every year. I try and always small talk but not too much at work.
How do I get a gf? How do I look back and feel accomplished and know I used my time as best as I could've
>never went to college
>never tried drugs or alcohol
>never been to a concert or similar event
>never been to a party
>never left my country
>no hobbies
>not even vidya or animu
>no friends
even if i was 12 years old I'd still be a pathetic loser
I got nothing but a (You), God bless robot, gl
>trying to get a job
>place i applied to has been jerking me around for 2 weeks now
fuck this is annoying
Wtf are you doing with your life user!!?