>29 year old guy
>Went to Barnes and Noble to buy manga and LNs
>Browsing the manga section
>Girl comes by and starts browsing too
>If I had to estimate probably 13-15 years old
>Ignore her and start flipping through some One Piece
>She starts talking to me for some reason
>She says she likes One Piece too
>Tell her its one of my favorites
>She asks me what else I like
>Wondering why she keeps talking to me
>Tell her some manga I read
>She lives several of them
>End up getting into a nice little conversation with each other for 15 minutes
>She asks me if I have WhatsApp or something
>Red flags popping up everywhere
>I tell her that its best if I don't because she's a kid
>She doesn't seem to understand what the big deal is
>Eventually her mom comes by and sees her talking to me
>She asks me what I'm doing with her daughter
>I say absolutely nothing
>She yells at her daughter and tells her not to talk to 'strange men'
>Daughter says I'm a nice guy though
>Mom glares at me and says she's going to call the police on me
>Daughter tries to tell her to stop and nothing was happening
>Realized I made a grave mistake
>Accept my fate
>Sit down and continue reading my manga
>Police arrive
>Mother tells them I was trying to kidnap and rape her daughter
>I tell them that did not happen
>Nobody seems to believe me
>Police put me in cuffs and take me to the station for questioning
>Released me 4 hours of questioning and waiting
>Realized I should have just pirated everything
I got arrested today
Do they not have any cameras in the store?
Also you should sue the bitch
Nice story bri
That's what you get for being a smelly scummy pedophile.
>it's another ''anime fan pretends he's innocent and totally not a pedophile'' episode
Well that's what you get for going outside in Police State AmeriKKKa 2018 sponsored by Amazon Prime.
if this was real you wouldnt sit there and wait for police to arrive faggot
>paying for manga
>talking to women when you weren't obligated to
That's when you fucked up, user.
They have you on camera, user. How is running away going to help your case, AT ALL? That just makes you seem guilty.
Sorry user. feelsbadman. Shit society out there basically makes it illegal to be a man
Nice story now tell us the real story, tell us what autistic thing you said to the mother to cause her to call the cops.
Look at the faggot orbiters of r9kay orbiting underage girls.
this is copypasta isn't it? I've seen this story before.
Might as well have sex with her now.
>interacting with other people
Big mistake there dude.
Give us some actual quotes of what you said to the mom. I'll bet it's full on autismo, defensive, or argumentative. Did you raise your voice?
it'd be nice to know what he said to the police as well.
none of those things justify calling the cops and telling them he tried to kidnap and rape someone
They can if you autistic, he might not have meant to come across like a pedo but the tone and mannerisms might have made what ever autistic thing he said seem like a creepy threat
Do you think anyone's going to believe you? Come on this is such a far fetched story.
Why didn't you rape the mom OP? That would have shut her up.
Since the world is covered in surveillance cameras, you can point out that if the authorities want to know who approached whom,all they need do is look at the video. And sue that bitch Mom. Some shark will take the case and even though he'll take most of the damages,you can taste justice.
what kind of 15 year old goes to barnes and nobles with their mom.
I raised my voice, yeah. Then she raised hers and I told her to cool down that roast she had in her oven.
That sucks pretty bad if true OP. I hope you're ready for your name to be run through the mud now because even though your innocent the pedo accusation will still stick to you.
Did you tell the police to check the security cameras? That should clear you of any wrong-doing in any case.
>going outside
This is where you fucked up
That's fucking shit OP. This highlights an important lesson a robot must know. Never, under any circumstances, interact with children.
Fake ass story
>none of those things justify calling the cops and telling them he tried to kidnap and rape someone
He's probably exaggerating his story.
>all they need do is look at the video
He probably approached the kid.
But if your story is true OP, then you got straight fucked right up the butt by an over-protective mom.
fuck man if that was me i'd start seeing red and probably try to kill the mother. this is why women need to be enslaved like they've always been, rotten demons to the core the lot of them.
>'red flags' only pop after she asks for contacts
Seems like you were perfectly fine discussing animus with a strange child up to that point. Probably tried to diddle her too, you fucking pedo.
That's what you get for going outside user.
>I say absolutely nothing
this is when you exposed your total fucking autism, no shit the cops were called if you can't answer simple questions forthrightly why should anyone assume you'd have ANY good intentions with ANYONE'S daughter especially when you're spending hours of your day looking at weird japanese loli cartoons
you're a fucking retard dude
You deserve it for liking One Piece
he doesn't have to answer to the roastie they have no proof he did anything illegal.
Post her number, we can doxx the mum from it and destroy her life
he was creeping on someone's kid let's be honest here
>a kid voluntarily walking up to and talking to an adult means the adult was creeping on the kid
what fucking clown world is our modern society
having a conversation is not creeping
Did they caution or you before interviewing you? Did they read you your rights in other words?
Did they take a statement and make you sign it?
Did you read the statement before signing it?
Did you call a lawyer?
it is when you've been staring a lewd little asian girls all day
obviously misinformed mother doesn't know about autists reading maga in book shops
shouldn't have stuck your hand in that honey pot op.
well it is 2018 after all
the girl started talking to him he has every right to stand there and continue what he was doing it's also not illegal to talk to kids. are you a commie or a fascist? do like freedom?
Literally murder all soccer moms.
Next time carry a dictaphone.
Unlucky man. That's why you stay away from thots. Especially ones which you yourself estimated to be underage ffs
nothing illegal about that gut yourself commie filth.
>get caught perving on someone's daughter in public
>"uhh umm, uhh"
>"i dindu nuffin officer, she was trying to molest ME i swear"
yeah right, buddy
>for TALKING to a GIRL
>a fucking 15 YEAR OLD one who would be above the age of consent in most of Europe and all of the American continent bar the US and Canada
>not that it matters because they were literally just TALKING to each other
Kill yourself, normalfag. Do the world a huge favor.
not illegal commie, into the gas chambers you go.
>on the bus
>first Wednesday of the month
>all city attractions are free
>shit load of school kids everywhere
>group of middleschoolers get on the bus
>this girly keeps making eyes and waving at me
>touches my shoulder to get my attention
>tells me I'm cute
>say thanks and gtfo the bus at the next stop
>walk the rest of the way home
she just wouldn't stop talking to me, and I didn't want to look like an asshole for ignoring/not responding, so I got the fuck out of there, which is what op should have done, you can't risk that shit.
lol you people have zero-self awareness
and you wonder why people don't trust you?
Having a casual conversation about a hobby is different than asking for their number.
dammit why haven't I been this lucky? is it because I look like a serial killer?
>little girl lost at the mall
>crying obviously looking for mother
>keep walking, buy a pretzel
>eat pretzel while thinking about how helping said girl would get me arrested
>walk past crying girl a second time on my way to look at weeb shit
>hope for meteor to destroy earth
im pretty sure this is made up but if its not you must be pretty ugly/creepy. i dont think ive ever had a parent accuse me of acting strangely around their child like that even if i was talking t them as a stranger
Normalfag go away. Talking to a 15 year old isn't a crime. If OP was creeping on her, she would've left or called out for help. She even defended him when the mom accused him of creeping. Why would she do that if he was a creep? The answer: he wasn't being a creep. He was just talking to some teenager about manga. That's not a crime.
Something similar happened to me at Gamestop. Just don't talk to little kids.
You just don't have 'casual conversations' with random kids, period.
Actually, I would say OP is probably pretty good looking if a little teen girl felt comfortable approaching him then trying to get his number.
I think she lowkey wanted his dick.
>can't talk to a fucking FIFTEEN year old in united states of retardation
>get called a pedo no less
Dog bless
Parents these days are very protective of their kids around adult men, especially their teen girls. They think literally everyone is a pedo. the kid will end up getting molested by the stepdad or the mom's brother anyway
Well OP, would you have? You know what I mean, if it was legal and she made the first move.
You don't have to a answer that, op
Nah, dude. That's where you contact mall security and let them know there is a lost crying girl.
>sitting on the floor of a bookstore
You should be in jail for that alone scumbag
My dad has been a single dad since I can remember. He is a scary looking guy on the outside admittedly, he is a 6'7" jacked lumberjack bear man but he is the kindest nicest guy you'd ever meet. He raised my sister and I by himself. He's had the police called on him several times while alone with my sister.
I remember one time when I was 14 we went to the mall and my little sister wanted to buy some doll or some shit. So we went to the toy store and I went off to look at the games because dolls are gay and my sister and pops went off to look at the dolls.
Eventually I hear some ruckus and see the police restraining and handcuffing my father. Apparently this woman saw my dad and my sister and thought he was trying to fucking kidnap her or something. My sister was crying and telling them to stop. I had to step in and be like, that's our dad, the fuck are you doing. They listened to us and stopped.
The lady that called the police didn't apologize to my dad or anything, fucking bitch. My dad wasn't even upset, he just comforted us and apologized and bought us ice cream after.
Consent laws in Europe aren't that lax, you're just thinking if France and Spain or some other third world European country, filthy pedo apologist
Marry me!!!!!!! right now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA XX
That sucks, tell your dad that he's a good man.
You're a fucking retard, mate. 16 is legal in many U.S. states, and we have strict laws comparatively. Fucking californians make every dumbass think 18 is the norm due to their influence on pop culture.
>>Accept my fate
>>Sit down and continue reading my manga
Why didn't you just leave haha just walk away nigga
Tell your father to stop being creepy looking, his fault.
>Spain, France
>Third world
You are wrong. 15 year olds are able to consent in the majority of european countries.
woah woah woah
im American and this is news to me. i live on the east coast
>You have to prove your innocent!
lol no
It doesn't matter anyway because OP wasn't doing anything even remotely sexual, he was TALKING to a girl who approached him.
Americans are fucking retarded.
WV age of consent is 16, no conditions. Look it up, it ranges for 16 unconditionally to 19+ age gap laws depending on your state.
women like this need to be killed, i'm not shitting we need a revolution this goes beyond persecution. one day these going to be violent retribution against women it's inevitable and if anyone thinks i'm just being an edgy psycho just look at the witch burnings for intense, it was the same thing.
I can smell those rotten flaps a light year away, puke!!
>she talked to you
Lost me.
i had this happen to me, and instead of going up to her and helping i remembered the other thread on r9k, and just straight went to the nearest female employee and told them about the situation
Dude, if you have/had to do the perp walk you'd be the company of great men like Harvey Weinstein. IMHO and totally subjective and biased opinion, Killing Them Softly was Harvey's best movie.
>They can if you autistic
No they can't. Get fucked.
Sure but on the other hand if you just casually walk out she will just look like an idiot yelling about a guy who isn't even there.
This is why neighborhoods have degraded.
>be american
>have children
>get arrested
>somehow a male security guard in a mall is less pedo
Nah, the kid should stay lost for her own safety.
>They think literally everyone is a pedo.
That's because most moms are pedos and are definitely projecting.
People are so fucking retarded about children. They think everyone is trying to kidnap and rape their kids when in reality most people are just normal. There isn't anything wrong with talking to a kid you don't know if they talk to you but dumbass fucking parents call the cops because "Nobody hurts mommies little angel!" Fucking idiots are sheltering their kids and making them into the dumb sjw millennials you see today.
question lads
there is this cuck I know who lives in Canada where the age of consent is 16, he was fucking a 15 year old while he himself was 18+, the girl wasn't even american, she was from the states Florida to be exact where the age of consent is 18
is this considered sexual abuse of a minor?
the girl was obviously horny enough for that dick
but just wondering if we got a case here?
if you were good looking this wouldn't have happened
>the girl wasn't even american, she was from the states
he obviously is otherwise the little thot wouldn't have noticed him.
>girls half your age approaching you in public to flirt with you
>not attractive
pick one
Charlie Chaplin was into underage girls, but the Meme was different then. Time don't amount to hill of beans if you're a photon that experiences immortality in an instant.
She was talking to him BECAUSE he was good looking AND creepy.
>she thought he was good looking pedo and might get laid