Which jaw shape is best? Which is the worst?

Which jaw shape is best? Which is the worst?

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Round and Square look the best
Judging from the side profile there should be a mandibular angle of at least 125 to 100 degrees. The jawline should be long and interrupted by a pronounced chinbone.

square, all these models look gay tho

Oval-diamond is LITERALLY optimal

diamond with a fairly strong jawline and a thicc neck.

Total shit, no flanges.

Square or round
Anything else is asking for a btfo

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It's hard to compare myself to any of those cause they all look really strange but I'd say I look kinda like a mix between the round and the triangle. Probably cause I am 1/4 Korean

triangle is death sentence jeez

tfw triangle face

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Who here /round/

I am square
I also need a new haircut so please give me some advice what to take

Anyone who didn't pick Diamond,is coping hard.

Show me one good looking diamond head or youre full of shit

I don't think I'm any of those

The one in OP's picture?
Here are two guys that look good.

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I think I'm oblong. Really hard to tell.

Heart shaped face master race

What face do I have Jow Forums?

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Im sorry to hear that, youre at least 6,2 tho right to make up for it?

>tfw no asian bf

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an insecure one

>JUST tier face


Oblong Tbh

There isn't one. If you look at the best looking actors in hollywood they have all varying face shapes. It all comes down to whether you're attractive or not.


Why would you use actors and not models? Actors literally get payed for their personality

Because there are tons of extremely attractive male actors with all varying face shapes.

There is, it's oval-diamond which is really the same shape as the horizontal relationships are more or less equal and the differences are mainly soft tissues.

post face