Hey robots, got any tips for self confidence and self motivation?

Hey robots, got any tips for self confidence and self motivation?

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Confidence is an oppressive social construct aimed at destroying anyone who doesn't fit the normie status quo.

Fine confidence in not taking part

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for confidence just half zone out that works for me
and motivation stop being lazy work that one out for yourself

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that only works for smart people if you are dumb its just going ot make you look dumber and i wouldn't call zoning out confidence

Listen to Zig Ziglar

I think what she means by "zone out" is "stop overthinking things"

Honestly, reading. Ask /lit/ this same question. Read non-fiction and fun fantasy alike.

Important books for me: "Feel the fear and do it anyways", and "how to win friends and influence people"

After brushing my teeth in the morning, I look at myself and say
>ok user, let's do our best today!
And smile at myself

For me, it's giving less of a fuck about everyone else, but that's not really something you can just learn. It's telling myself I'm better than everyone and that I don't need to put other people and their perceptions of me on a pedestal. I exist as 100 different people to 100 different people. They do not KNOW the real me. They cannot. They would need to see my every thought and action. Who are they to make perceptions about my life?

Only I know who I am, what matters to me.

You need to decide what matters to you in life, and lie less. You give off good vibes when you're honest and don't fake things. People will respect you more.

Stop thinking "I don't deserve to talk to this person" "they might hate me" "I'm such a loser"

start thinkining "I'm only just getting started on improving myself and I'm already better than these people"

it worked for me

The majority of things r9k likes to obsess about don't matter to most normalfags. Except for the most asshole normalfags that fucking nobody likes except for other assholes and legit roasties, none of them ever really give a shit about your little flaws unless they really stick out like a bald spot or being only 5'0 tall. R9k just likes to obsess over little flaws as an excuse because they don't want to accept thar the real reason they can't get a date is
>they hold super high standards
>they're incredibly fucking autistic and it's obvious just by speaking to them
Do not fall for the black pill.

the blackpill is the statistical destiny of most people here

Just remember, if you suicide now, you won't be able to see "Ferrets dooking" look it up, you'll thank me later.

Absolutely pathetic, normal people dont do this. You're a fucking freak who deserved to be put down.

Well, for one you could quit fucking posting on r9k you filthy virgin,

and then join our discord

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Positive illusions actually work. Even if you know you're deceiving yourself. Try it sometime. For example, instead of being negative towards yourself after a fuck-up, try saying positive things in your head.

This has been helping me recently.

Your anxiety is all in your head. Its really only you holding your self back. Its just your fight or flight response gone apeshit. It can be beat.

Honest answer time.
Just try and do something that you usually don't do, or invest in a sport or a gym membership. If you spend money, you'll be more inclined to make good use of it and go out. That's what I started doing recently, and I've managed to motivate and feel better about myself.

Lift. I'm dead fucking serious.

Back in high school I used to be a lonely depressed virgin orbiter that wandered around looking for love without any real plan or motivation.

Junior year I got placed in the weightlifting class due to schedule conflicts. Wasn't really into that whole sort of thing but I needed the credits to graduate anyway so fuck it. Now, I was also skinny as hell so the gains were more apparent than they might be for the average person, but after ~3-4 months of basic lifting 5 days a week, I noticed I was actually getting mired a bit and I actually made friends with a lot of normies and chads/stacies in my classes (mainly due to increased confidence as a result of the gains). Found the courage to ask out my crush at the end of the year and she said yes and admitted that the first time she because interested in me was when she saw me shirtless at a friend's pool party.

I know it sounds like bullshit and I thought it was too beforehand but it honestly does work, and even if it doesn't, I'd rather be lonely and fit than lonely and fat.

Don't take victimhood into your identity. Don't see the world as a world of victims and oppressors. Jow Forums is just a product of victim culture poisoning our minds. I fell for it too but I realized that if you don't see yourself as a victim then you will feel less miserable. That isn't to say there are no victims or that you can't be a victim just don't take it into your identity because it will make you more depressed because you will try to fulfill it in your head.

Autistic people deserve love too user.

Out of love sacrifice is born
Hate is born
And we are able to know pain.

its really very situational because advice that personally worked for me might be either too specific or too board/meme like b urself for you but ill say some shit anyways. learn to hate yourself first and then to love yourself. hate your life/body/whatever enough that you want to change no matter how hard and shitty and impossible it seems to and then learn to love yourself in the process so that you can be and stay happy instead of chasing after some undefined goal forever

Thanks for catching my back user. Most important thing is to at least try to be happy; because if you don't, no one else going to for you. And the happier you are the better everything gets eventually.
Also recommended 3 grams fish oil per day, makes you more positive.

>I know it sounds like bullshit
because it is, getting muscular just made me go from creepy to scary.

Lifting isn't 100% of the equation user, it can be a key part but it's not the only part. For social skills and such I really can't help you, but you're so much closer than a lot of people on here

I joined this server and instantly bacame a gorillionaire who is legally allowed to murder jews in their home at night


No problem. Also, I've heard of benefits gained from fish oil. I should look into it more.

They do. A little bit of autism is fine. Stuff like enjoying anime and vidya. When I say "autistic" I mean the type that spouts off shit like "girls can't lose their virginity but guys can" or the guy posting BLACKED.COM porn everywhere

Jow Forums, you're not fooling anyone

You don't know what autism is