Do all guys prefer fit women ?

do all guys prefer fit women ?

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no, i love girls who are just naturally gifted with good bodies. sucks to say but its true

that's a man


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FUCK NO. Women are supposed to be skinnyfat or slightly thick.

>tfw this is also how women think of men
>tfw all my lifting is for nothing

Point and laugh at these homosexuals.

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Women are supposed to have a decent bit of fat on them, if their body fat % is too low it fucks up their hormones and reproduction system. They should be at 20% bf

Yes. The only reason a man would prefer anything less is because they want to date within their league.

No, but it's optimal. If a girl is fit you can tell she takes care of herself and puts in some effort to look good at least minimally. Why would you ever want a fat greasy blob with cottage cheese thighs? Same goes for hungry skeletor girls, it's not attractive either. Best looking women are those with toned, firm bodies with no exaggeration one way or the other, meaning no ridiculously big ass for example nor cannonball delts 8%bf. But in the end - whatever floats your boat brah.

picrel is great upper body for my taste, abs just right but any more would be too much I guess.
Also post your ideal fit girls

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i i is that a weenie?

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No. If a girl does some cardio it's good but mostly i look for feminine shape: large breasts, big ass and wide hips.

Yes. Nothing better than BAC (BIG anavar clit). BBC and BWC cannot compete.

u merilin?

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I'm high test enough to go after sedentary women providing they have tig ol bitties.

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Yes, all guys prefer fit women (male).

Depends on the guy. Some get paranoid if their girl is going to the gym all the time, especially if they wont go with you. Lotta women doing lifts in the gym to show off their assets rather than build them.

Personally I think women that aren't glued to their phones and take lifting seriously are the best. Seeing passion for something that builds character as well as a strong healthy body is always helpful when you're trying to stay in shape.

There's also a lot of sexual positions that are exhausting to women who aren't fit - amazon position requires a lot of leg and core strength.

It's like having a gymbro that you can shower, cuddle and wrestle naked together without any homosexual implications. My girlfriend still calls me a fag when we do this though.

Is the effect that pronounced? I've never seen a clit big enough to even get close to being able to penetrate someone, let alone achieve prostate stimulation. Sometimes I wish we evolved from Hyenas.

I mean it's preferable to unfit women. But as long as you're not fat no guy is really going to give a fuck.

it's pretty irrelevant honestly, as long as a woman doesn't look terrible. I'm more interested in women having their own opinions, hobbies, interests and what not

Most Chinese guys I know like the sedentary low bodyfat nonexistent muscle mass cute face type of girls. I don't like these girls as they are boring as fuck in bed and can't fuck / can't get fucked. I like girls that are active and have some muscle so they can actually fuck back when I fuck them. Also it's healthier.

sir, this is Jow Forums just wanted to remind you to fuck off back to /lit/

those "naturally gifted" women still had active lives growing up. No woman (or man) who spent their life sitting on their ass eating cheetos looks good

Or they just don't eat like pigs.

Sedentary women who eat like birds used to be ubiquitous. Now they're sedentary and eat too much.

low test

Post more Jow Forumshicc girls, I'm so close

is it me lr asian guys are very low t/twinks.modt of the time?

The asian guys at my gym are twinks and lanklets, is that some sort of cultural aesthetic standard thing or something?

Not trying to be racist, I'm being honest.

I appreciate all types of women

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obviously. sure, some guys like fat slobs but that aint me

considering sex is the only thing you have to offer, yeah.

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So asian girls prefer asian twinks over muscular men? Thats interesting...

G-Got more of her?

Is that a hand or a dick

>naturally gifted with good bodies

that doesn't exist, those are just bodies that haven't had time to become awful. If someone isn't actively taking care of themselves, they will eventually get fat and weak and sick, without fail.

>Sedentary women who eat like birds used to be ubiquitous

yeah but why would you wanna be with someone sedentary? They're useless, you can't go out and do fun things, and if you're thinking of raising kids, they'd set a bad example. Being active isn't an add-on to life, it's part of a fun healthy existence.

No. Some prefer fit men.

i don't know about you guys but i lift so i can get pic related

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most real men do.

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Citation needed

try finding a real man who *isn't* turned on by pic-related

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I just want a small asian gf but all I get on tinder are mexicans

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Only the straight ones.

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Nah there’s folks like pic related who like non fit chicks

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those legs are disgusting, imo women should never train legs

No, women shouldn't do physical shit like that. They are the weak gender, it's what makes them attractive and what makes you want to protect her. Amazons are just unnatural to me.

No. I'm afraid you are a closet homo because you like masculine features.

Real men like feminine features. She will only get closet homos or betacucks to fuck with her strapon.

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muh 3d waifu

i like tiny girls with juicy legs and asses

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of Dark Matter? They announced the cabcellation soon after the end of the last season. Or has she started up in something since then, and I don't know about it?

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no they are annoying. regular chick who takes care of themself is enough.

That show was so fucking retarded. It was really great until they revealed why they lost their memories and then did a fucking plot reset--then with a straight face decided "yeah, we're going to continue this."


Pretty sure men prefer women that aren't bigger than them in general.

that's a matter of opinion
just because they don't, doesn't mean they can't

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>I like girls that are active and have some muscle so they can actually fuck back when I fuck them
>fuck back when I fuck them
>fuck back

You're the minority.


sad truth... I don't wanna seem like a blackpilled incel, but physical attractiveness is mostly shit you can't change. you can't train height. you can't train bideltoid width. you can't train facial bones. same for women. you can't train your boobs, you can't train your hip/waist ratio. you can't train your face either (make up only works in photos, faces in motion reveal bone structure nearly instantly).

doesn't mean you shouldn't try your best though. there isn't a single person on earth who wouldn't benefit from working out.

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all guys prefer boobs, assfags need not apply

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this bitch is a prostitute on instagram
she's in middle east all the fucking time

Who is this girl? I have a pic of her on my phone.

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Thighs are king actually


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>does every male person like x specific thing?
what a moronic question, please stop posting

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>do all guys prefer fit women ?

Most men don't really care. Face, ass, tits are all way more important, and a great ass is mostly genetics. That being said, most girls do look better with a little muscle on their frame, and it helps a lot as they age and everything else begins to sag.

Jow Forums does have a huge number of perverts with a bizarre fetish for extremely muscular women, so if you're a chick looking for an autistic virgin on roids you should consider bulking up and tripfagging here.

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Nice refrigerator

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even if you are genetically gifted, you must be at least moderately Jow Forums to fulfill your potential.

People seem to have this perception that you can change your body, which is true to an extant depending on how you define it. But more specifically, you can change amount of muscle mass and body fat percentage. Women, like men, are just as susceptible to inadequate bone structure. I've seen women who were incredibly Jow Forums get mogged by women of average fitness because they had genetics for it, wider hips, narrower waist, larger breast etc. Notice pick related, he has extraordinary muscle mass, but he simultaneously has narrow shoulders which through is physique off. Some women just have more potential for an aesthetic body as result of genetic disparity.


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>no neutral ground between women who work out and women who have a poor diet


So you're talking about being active and not necessarily working out, then?


Also this.

Naturally fit, not Anavar and Roids fit like the invading faggots on this board.
Guys dont fool yourself, its the same guys posting these ugly roided women.

Objectively incorrect.


quite literally the opposite
real men like feminine features not masculine
you're just a faggot mate

A very cute fridge indeed.

Pretty much ya next best thing is just ratger skinny slim girls whom tend to be more preferred by eastern guys like russia japan etc. But fit toned is totally western. Thing like think jens salter 90s bimbo or pornstar body

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Same man, fuck, i just want a hamslut

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Id prefer any woman who isnt too fat. And 90 % of women dont do wnything physical

mistress gaia

no its because he has absolutely 0 lats so his frame looks smaller

Nope, I like them chubby.

Built like a fridge but oh my god it's a fridge I want

Nora Isabel Stadler

She looked way better back then. It's dani Belle or somethig

She got that yucky acne covered steroid skin.

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This. thats why I don't get incels screeching. The difference between genetic determinated looks between women is just as big if isnt bigger. At least we guys can get muscles and cut. Girls cant really do anything with their body because they already look near their best at average weight