Low IQ gf

I have finally made it. I have a 6/10 skinny gf, but she's painfully stupid. Doesn't understand any of the films or music I like, is borderline illiterate. What do? I don't want my kids to be retarded.
pic unrelated.

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kill her originoli

Fuck n dump. Pretty standard. Dont go for kids or marriage. When you want kids. Dump

Does she at least have common sense or is she uselessly retarded in every way? I kind of feel like you have to have a bit of intelligence to have empathy too.

Don't have kids let's let the world die, shall we?

Remember that breastfeeding is associated with a 7-point increase in IQ. Not circumcising and not spanking are also associated with increased IQ.

I don't know if there will be a second chance.

>implying gfs need intelligence
Just rape her in every way jesus christ. Make her eat your shit

>i finally found a woman to have regularly occurring sex with
>it turns out she has the intelligence of a woman so she doesn't understand male philosophies or entertainment

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>had low IQ gf in high school
>just barely passed her classes
>studied in tutoring labs at least an hour a day
>mildly dyslexic
>basic common sense but very forgetful
>ridiculously kind and friendly, didn't even swear
>doted on me all the time but also actively encouraged me to better myself
Her father died so she and her mother moved across the country to live with their grandparents. I still talk to her. She's doing her best, and she thinks I'm doing my best.

It's annoying to watch any movie with her because she's constantly confused.

Dump her fucking ass if she's that fucking stupid she doesn't even deserve to have a relationship

Why do you expect your fuckhole to understand the complexity of a coherent story line? Feminism has warped your perception of what the average woman is. There's no doubt intelligent and "intelligent" women exist who should be free to do as they please, but the existence of the barriers they fight is due to what you're experiencing. Most women are beneath most men in most aspects of life and there's nothing wrong with that. Deal with your retarded gf or be alone. Finding one worth anything other than sex and wants to be with you is a literal moonshot.

>Remember that breastfeeding is associated with a 7-point increase in IQ.

What's the sample size, negro?

But my mom is smart.

Then why don't you just have your mom be your gf?

There isn't *a* sample size. It has been replicated by many different studies. All have found increases of between 4-7 points. I think one study found 9 points.

Lmao I'm in the same exact boat. Conversations with her are mind numbing but at least I get to experience life when I'm with her. I guess it's better than sitting home alone all day.

i'd kill to be in your place, don't fucking waste it

Rape is always the only answer desu.

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she wouldn't be with you if she was smart

she's just bored and wants to make conversation, user

dumb girls are much better than smart girls trust me u dont have to worry abt her getting more successful than u and leaving ur ass or cheating on u and hiding it etc. srsly dumb girls are good