Prolife bros, our time is almost here. They're going to overturn that shit law. The murder of babies are going to end.
Prolife bros, our time is almost here. They're going to overturn that shit law. The murder of babies are going to end
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nice, roasties EXTREMELY toastie i presume?
well when aren't they
"but it wont stop abortions it will just make them unsafe"
why do pro choicers use this argument like i give a shit about how safe their child sacrifice is.
they need to lock up all those who do abortions and those who seek them up.
Best pro life argument
>is it human?
>is it alive?
Therefore it is human life.
It's so simple and unrefutable.
Peter Hitchens defended the mutilation of male babies because (paraphrasing) "it's not as bad as FGM".
prepare for the liberal butt hurt
Consider the following. Given abstinence sex ed and no access to abortion actually is directly correlated with higher instances of unwanted teen pregnancies and abortion, the pro-life position actually logically collapses into the pro-choice position.
In america only
650,000 "legal" abortions are preformed every year
407,000 US solidersdied during world war 2
You give women rights and they become literally worse than Hitler
Also about 200 murdered babies for every 1000 live births
>why do pro choicers use this argument like i give a shit about how safe their child sacrifice is.
Then why do you give a shit what women do to their own body/fetus?
>their own budy
>the fetus
buddy you don't know how that works
I care about a fetus's safety not some roastie who wants to kill her baby. Also no, a fetus is not a woman's "own body" it is someone else's.
>No access to abortion is directly correlated to higher instances of abortion
not saying we can stop roasties from being evil, just saying we need to try.
If you're Pro-Life then does that also mean you have to be celibate? Birth control doesn't work 100% of the time and if you're in no position to raise a child then how can you put yourself in a position to potentially conceive one?
if we got rid of birth control, the black and hispanic populations would skyrocket
is that a risk you're willing to take?
>>their own budy
>>the fetus
>buddy you don't know how that works
You don't own that woman's body, yet you want to put a law against it? The fuck?
>Also no, a fetus is not a woman's "own body" it is someone else's.
Not yours. What happened to "personal responsibility" ?
Nothing in life is without risks
Abortion is just people never taking responsibility for their actions
Have sex all you want but remember that the risk is always there
how bout instead you fags start breeding?
it would be best to be celibate until you can raise a child, however even if you majorly fuck up there are still orphanages which although are definitely not ideal is still better than death for the fetus.
*not birth control, I meant abortion
Hope you're ready for a brown future
Sooner than anticipated at least
>defending child killing cuz muh body i do what i want
You cant kill a baby for the same reasons you cant kill anyone else, its not the woman's body and it is not her "choice" whether her child lives or dies.
Nice, let more robots be born to women that don't want them. The cycle never ends.
Oh good, I can't wait to literally drown in niggers
>implying robots can find a girl to begin with
oh im laffin
Shut up edgy teen. Racism is a sin.
who gives a shit what the woman wants? Those robots may live a sadder than usual life however it is still their choice to live or die not anyone else's.
>child killing is okay as long as the children are the right race.
why would you want to continue the white race if you throw away everything that makes whites white, such as honor and integrity.
>its not the woman's body and it is not her "choice" whether her child lives or dies
Except it aint YOUR baby and shouldn't be YOUR choice. The mother has more of a say because the fetus is attached to her body feeding off her nutrients for 9 months.
I'm not saying its my choice because its not my body, i'm saying its the fetuses choice. Since it is the fetuses body and the entire lifespan of the fetus at risk it should be their choice. However fetuses cant make decisions so therefore the only humane thing to do is let it live. How can you advocate for removing an entire persons potential life and still think its a moral grey area. Its murder plain and simple.
>i'm saying its the fetuses choice. Since it is the fetuses body and the entire lifespan of the fetus at risk it should be their choice. However fetuses cant make decisions so therefore the only humane thing to do is let it live.
The fetus didn't even ask to be conceived. Besides absorbing it's surrounding and breathing, fetuses can't really think . They aren't fully humans
>dislike abortion because it's immoral and roasties use it as an excuse to be huge sluts
>like abortion because it is a nigger genocide
Babies aren't exactly mathematicians either user, they also heavily rely on support and live almost completely off of instinct. To say they "aren't fully human" as a justification for killing them is akin to justifying killing any human under the age of 25 as they have not finished developing either and are not fully human. Also even if they aren't fully human NOW doesn't mean that they don#t deserve rights, since all you have to do is not kill it and it will become fully human. Its like smashing a bald eagles eggs and claiming that you didn't further endanger the species because the eggs weren't fully eagle.
If you are pro life you are an idiot
You are basically pro-cuck because you will only be taking care of Chad's sons and daughters
That isn't the case if it's not fully formed yet. That's like calling an organ a human. Its comprised of living human tissue, but its not a full human. Nobody makes a big fuss over it if it dies, unless its used in a transplant, but in that case its being used as a tool and its not being treated as something with autonomy.
Inb4 the cuckservatives try to defend this with shitty pseudo-logic
>Babies aren't exactly mathematicians either user, they also heavily rely on support and live almost completely off of instinct.
Except they have more of an advantage because they outside of the womb and absorb more knowledge of the outside world.
>To say they "aren't fully human" as a justification for killing them is akin to justifying killing any human under the age of 25 as they have not finished developing either and are not fully human.
Humans don't have tubes on their belly for food anymore and most of their organs can develop by themselves without a host. Not the same.
>Also even if they aren't fully human NOW doesn't mean that they don#t deserve rights, since all you have to do is not kill it and it will become fully human.
They can't even vote or have health insurance. What rights? Rights are given to citizens.
>Its like smashing a bald eagles eggs and claiming that you didn't further endanger the species because the eggs weren't fully eagle.
Humans aren't endangered species yet and fetuses are disposable. People can make another when the time is right
Even if it's a nigger who will grow up to be a criminal with no father?
If you are not pro-choice you are not a robot. gtfo Jow Forums tard normalfaggots
>if you don't shill for stacy so that she can her fifth abortion you aren't a robot
can /leftypol/ fuck off already
pro life is literally thinking with emotion and emotion only.
so many abortions r cause people cant afford having a child, that will be money coming from your country going intot he pockets of degens.
try using logic instead derp erp
can we just make it illegal for white people only
>oh yeah you're against killing babies? then why don't you support a welfare state?
Literally a bunch of lefties holding the lives of their children hostage for gibs.
>you need a logical reason not to kill babies
the absolute state of wherever your from
>not even sentient
>literally a clump of cells
>it's a baby
Bet you also think fapping is genocide too
Orphanages are fucked up. The children get treated like shit and it must fuck them up emotionally. I couldn't live with myself knowing I abandoned my son or daughter and they were left to fend for themselves. I saw a video from Invisible People on Youtube where some guy who was in his mid-20s aged out of foster care and immediately sent out onto the streets. More and more children are living with their parents after they turn 18, so for my child to be unable to depend on his or her parent's like I have done is heartbreaking.
Also, I've seen pics of statistics which show how much worse children do when raised by a single mother versus when they're raised by both of their parents and being an orphan must be 10 times worse.
Well since there are so many risks involved that makes me want abortion to be legal as a last resort. But then again you also said to have all the sex you want which means you don't accept the responsibility that comes with having sex. While trying to quit smoking and give up energy drinks I've learned that whenever I "throw caution to the wind" or "just go for it" I'm always making a mistake.
>wanting niggers to stop dying
I am friends with a greasy bastard who was raised in a orphanage. He didn't have the best of childhoods but hes not fucking dead so i would still say its preferable to abortion.
No user, as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg it's a full-fledged human being with all the rights that you and I enjoy. That's just science, you leftist psychopath. Enjoy hell.
I'm going to stay celibate so it doesn't get that far.
There is such a thing as oral sex. You can also fuck feet and other crap.
>all these faggots virtue-signalling and crying crocodile tears over non-sentient embryos
imagine being this much of a feels driven cuck
>posting politics on Jow Forums
kill yourself you normalkike waste of space
>Babies aren't exactly mathematicians either user
see what he did there? he sidestepped the entire issue of a fetus having no brain activity with his verbal sleight of hand. very sly and manipulative, these anti-choice shills
>anti choice
i'm not sure you want to go down that path you anti life shitter
>literally arguing for more useless fucked up people to be brought into the world because it'll piss some women off
You're missing the forest for the trees.
the true patrician opinion is knowing that abortion is murder but simply not caring if some bitch whore muders her kid
>unironically being pro-human
>on Jow Forums
If you belonged here you wouldn't be promoting the production of more normies, you astroturfing faggot
Thank you user for this perspective
To people who are pro choice
say your or your gf is pregnant and I come along and punch her stomach repeatedly which kills the unborn baby, am I a murder? would you want me sentenced for murder?
if you're really prochoice how could you call that anything other than regular assault
if Liberals are pro-choice, and people tend to have similar political beliefs to their parents, isn't abortion just killing future liberals?
Politics aren't genetic
How can you be a robot and be proLife at the same time? If anything, my time on Jow Forums only made me more misanthropic than i was before i got here, i really hope they do not end clinic abortions, the world has enough people as it is, it doesnt need kids that even the parents dont want.
how about we keep abortion "legal" but instead of aborting the unborn baby we abort murder the female who requested the abortion
If that ever gets passed, there's going to be an ugly side to this that emerges that """pro lifers""" like to pretend isn't reality. That means a ton of kids are going to be raised by families who either don't want or can't afford them and everyone suffers shitty adults for it.
I don't really see how banning abortion is actually going to help anyone that much. Adoption rates are still fairly low, teen pregancies are still fairly high, wages are still stagnating. Unless you increase welfare spending then all you're gonna get is more children born into shit, poverty stricten families. The pro-life position isn't anything other than pointless moral grandstanding.
I still cannot believe people would rather kill babies than not fuck or fuck responsibly
sure, why don't you get right on that
need votes
can I count on your vote user?
Contraception isn't 100% to work tho
promoting the birth of more tyrone babies lol do research ape
>implying you have to have PIV sex
>when the idea of a male abortion is brought up (the idea being that in the timespan that a female can abort the child the male opts out of custody and any responsibilities for the child) guess what pro-choice women say "should have kept it in his pants if he didnt want a baby"
so if she doesnt want a baby maybe she should have kept it in her pants
Well I mean that's how most religious people get around it, but I don't think everyone's down for anal
a fetus by definition isn't a baby or a child
if your entire position is based on a lie then maybe you should rethink it
It's a shit argument no matter how you slice it, people's hormones will get the best of them and it's gonna lead to sex no matter what
There's only been one reported case of conception in utero outside of sex and its verification has been at the center of debate for millennia
Look at this roastie cope
whatever helps you sleep my guy
unlike sperm and egg cells, a fetus is a unique genetic code
if it is killed that life cannot exist anymore
you dont get to put that child on hold until your ready because if you do IT WOULD BE A DIFFERENT CHILD
Fuck I wish someone snuffed me as a child. Friendly reminder that pro life people cannot be robots.
how old are you? and are you intentionally misrepresenting what they are saying or is your autism acting up?
I agree that its a shit arguement, just pointing out the hypocracy
Anyone who is pro life but circumcises their child is a hypocritical retard who picks and chooses what rights they give babies.
>people's hormones will get the best of them
There are plenty of people who don't have this happen to them because they are responsible adults. Those who allow their hormones to get the best of them and have sex resulting in pregnancy do not get to chose to kill the life they created for their convenience.
that's wrong some of us say no to girls b/c religion
yes semi chad here
shes just trying to cope with being a murderer, hearing voices from your haunted ghost pussy does things to a girl
That's on them though
They know that sex leads to babies
It should be up to them to realize perhaps take precautions
Why is that so hard to understand?
not an argument
having "a unique genetic code" doesn't confer personhood on something that can't experience anything or breathe and doesn't even have a sex before nine weeks
I'm pro-abortion for the simple fact that most humans are assholes, and with more than 7.5 billion humans, we really don't need anymore, even if we were half-decent.
>it isnt concious so its ok to kill it
so its okay for me to kill you while you sleep then since you arent concious?
>b-but if you wait ill wake up and be concious
well if you wait the baby will be born
Who cares? Most aborted babies are nigs. Stop being a cuck.
me:"ted bundy is a murderer"
ted: "not an argument"
I wish I was fucking aborted. Life sucks. Forcing life on the unborn is evil.
youre not catching that what people were referring to as "babies" or "kids" was human life and not textbook definition of being fucking born.
or maybe this is bait.. idk
Killing the unborn is evil.
then kill yourself
not everyone wants to die, so abortion because "well life sucks anyway" is a dumb arguement if you think life sucks kill yourself, but thats not your parents choice to make its YOUR CHOICE
Protection can still fail during sex, like condoms breaking, pills or the bars not working. You can still take precautions and still wind up with pregnacy. If you're two 17 year olds trying out sex for the first time and end up pregnant despite the precautions you've taken that's gonna severely affect their lives and not in a good way either. I've seen teenage pregnancies and they're awful on everyone involved.
If you really wanna cut down on abortions you wanna make sure that kids have REALLY good sex education. Star them at 12 and introduce the basic stuff and you can move up from there. You'll also wanna make sure that things like condoms, the pill, the bar, etc and all readily avaliable and really hammer that shit down, especially with poorer families and whatnot because they're the least likely to have access to kinda stuff as well as the proper knowledge to make informed choices about sex.
Education and prevention is the way to go, that's the ONLY way you'll decrease abortions. Banning it does nothing and introducing religion makes shit even worse on young impressionable minds.
you can't kill something that is unborn. I mean technically you can abort a fetus, but what I mean by forcing life on the unborn is everything about procreation, not just birth. Anyways It would have been better if my life ended before I became aware I was alive. Which is around the age of 2 or 3 I think. abortion would have been the best option.