I have a gf

I have a gf
I'm tired of hearing about work drama/problems
I'm tired of her initiating sex and then changing her mind
I'm tired of her making me feel dumb when I make mistakes or ask a question
I'm tired of her changing the topic or being avoidant when I wanna share an interest with her
I'm tired of her calling me mean, or calling me a baby, or crying when I try to defend myself or discuss an issue
I'm tired of her purposefully trying to make me jealous or poke my feelings just to see my reaction (and then complaining about said jealously/feelings)
I'm tired of her showing me her skin defects and never heeding my advice, instead poking and prodding herself making it worse and making me less attracted to her

its not that great, bros.

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I had most of these problems with my last gf. Just break up with her, OP. That's what I should've done, but instead I let the relationship die slowly and painfully because I was too big a pussy to tell her to fuck off.

sometimes I think I really am just being a baby, or expecting too much from her. but the thing that really gets me is when she avoids my interests. I end up getting excited post-argument, because that makeup period is the only time she seems to really care about my interests and it feels nice
makes me sad that this isn't a fixable issue. I cant have a discussion and tell her she needs to force herself to care about my interests.

>I'm tired of her making me feel dumb when I make mistakes or ask a question
This. Never even had a gf, but from what I've seen when hanging around girls (in high school) they don't forgive mistakes.
Then again that's probably most normalfags.

>sometimes I think I really am just being a baby, or expecting too much from her.
I know what you mean, but from what you wrote I can tell you that you can really do better. Seriously, there's no point in continuing on with this girl if she disappoints you this much; there are plenty of other women who'd show you much more love than your cunt gf is showing you.
>but the thing that really gets me is when she avoids my interests
It's always going to be like this with her. She's clearly very self-centered.

Do yourself a favor and cut ties with her before things get worse (and they will get worse if you don't).

>i wanted to have a gf and now i have to deal with her normie issues of needing validation
what did you expect? either leave her or solve her issue by being Chad enough (not that you can extensively control how Chad you are)

shes a spoiled brat 2bh. I've let her get away with too much and now she walks all over me and takes full control of our interactions. I try to be patient and think "the more I let her have her way, I can finally sneak in something I like and she'll feel obligated to enjoy it with me" but its worked more and more rarely and now doesn't work at all. shitty way to think in the first place, I know
not all girls user. don't let unforgiving thots make you unforgiving or cold as well
>being a walking doormat for a roastie for literally nothing in return is Chad

My first and only gf was the exact same way. Anytime I tried to defend myself, she somehow construe me out to be an asshole or selfish. She would constantly give me the cold shoulder and it worked every time, I'd always cave in apologize. I can count the times in our four years that she apologized to me on one hand for insulting me. She broke up with me via text 8 months ago. Do yourself a favor and break up with her. It'll at least give you time to mentally prepare and to do it on your terms.

Also about interests. She was a meme "gamer girl". She complained about her shitty laptop not being able to play dragon age inquisition. So I thought it was a great time to get her into my pc building hobby. Took her out to fry's and ordered parts online. When we finally got all the parts, I couldn't for the life of me get her to sit down and put the computer together. She wouldn't listen as I explained what each part does and where it goes. She ended up getting snacks and decided to just sit on the couch watching house hunters international while I just put the thing together. It was like pulling teeth to get her over to apply the thermal paste and insert the ram so she could say she had a hand in building it.

I'm sorry about that man. just be thankful shes gone and you've learned from it
I swear, all other problems could be overlooked if only we could enjoy each others interests.

Dump that fucking bitch bro.

>I'm tired of her initiating sex and then changing her mind
This is the most violence-fuel shit ever.
I had an ex like that.
just dump that fucking bitch, she is cancer.

to me, the worst is her lack of care in my interests
but yeah it fucking sucks when she makes me horny and the complains "you're a pervert, you only care about sex"
but you started it
"and? that means I owe you something?"

gonna shower, bros, but I"m gonna come back and read your responses. notice a lot of anons coming here to vent and share stories, which is good

>to me, the worst is her lack of care in my interests
well, yeah. that is sad as fuck. thats when you start asking yourself "why the fuck is this girl with me?"

Just dump her bro, better alone that with a fucking self centered bitch.

Or just ask her. "Why are you with me"? If she said some bullshit, just tell her, Nah, you dont like me, you are just comfy with me cos you are lazy.

Also, i bet she have a very shitty personality.

I'd say dump her.

>but yeah it fucking sucks when she makes me horny and the complains "you're a pervert, you only care about sex"
Since when does wanting sex make you a pervert? Don't let her shame you for being a man with a normal sex drive.

As some general advice, don't try so hard to get her interested in your stuff. There's this middle-class western cultural idea we have that a couple needs to have the same interests in order to work out. From my experience, that's not true. However, you absolutely do need to connect with her.

>"and? that means I owe you something?"
So much fucking rage. They just don't understand how frustrating blueballs are. One time I stormed into the bathroom to just beat off and she made fun of me for weeks.

>"and? that means I owe you something?"
Wow, the nerve of that bitch. Fucking dump her now man
This. Nothing infuriated me more than my girlfriend giving me blueballs

it gets worse
I've also just said "okay honey whatever you want"
and then
>are you mad?
>no sweetie I'm not
>okay because you always get mad when I change my mind (I haven't gotten mad about it in forever because I'm used to it but of course she remembers)
>no I'm not mad, but lets change the subject okay?
>why? because you're getting mad?
>no because I don't want to keep talking about this until it becomes an argument
>well why would it be an argument if youre not mad?
and on and on
even worse

>okay sweetie, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do (trying to be over the top so theres no room for her to ask if I'm mad, but then....)
>I know I don't have to do anything, you don't have to tell me that

dump her
in a lake with bricks tied to her legs

well she (usually) maintains a playful bantering attitude the entire time but its still irritating having to sit through sexual teasing knowing that is isn't going to culminate in sex
the second example isn't playful though, I think she just likes to assert her control

Arguments over whether or not I'm mad were the best. Right up there with the arguments over the show I wanted to watch that night when she said she didn't care what we watched.

She isn't at least trying to force you to become a vegan like my ex right? When we stared dating she said she didn't care and then suddenly a fee years in our relationship, she wouldn't speak for hours to me if I had kfc.

>Dating in 2018
Serves you right.

It's all about pumping and dumping these days. If you're dumb enough to get into a relationshit with a roastie then you deserve whatever you're about to get.

>it's a normie pretends all relationships are bad to cope with the fact that he is a beta male with no balls who stays with some dumb bitch who he doesn't even want to be with instead of just giving her the boot and finding someone better
And why should I care about this shit, should you being a spineless faggot make me feel better about being a permavirgin or something? Just go back to jewbook or whatever it is you normalfags like to browse.

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Sounds like you're in a shitty relationship my dude.
Find someone better suited to you.

All women are drama-loving hypocrites at heart. Every single one. That's the problem in this place, these KHV's don't know any better, so they still insist on believing the TV / movie bullshit we're brainwashed into from early childhood. That women would be fair, stable enough to love, and be loved, etc. It's not how it works at all.

Every single man who's ever been with a woman knows how it is. Even the most loving ones will constantly give you shit, while being unable to take any shit in return. They will expect you to do things for her, while she will not do things for you. They will expect you to take her shit, to change who you are for her sake, while having zero ability to do the same for your sake.

The old phrase "the woman is always right" and those thousands of other phrases exist for a reason: The woman will always have strong opinions, and she will almost NEVER be right, but she damne well expects you to kowtow to her whims and tantrums, and pretend she's right anyway. Point being, if you are with a woman, you will have to let go of who you are. That's just a fact. You'll have to let her win every argument, you'll have to let her use you as a punching bag for her emotional issues, you'll have to let her show you in no uncertain terms how lowly she thinks of you and how much she hates you every once in a while, and you will NEVER be able to say one thing back to her. Through all this, you'll still have to provide for her, never show weakness of your own, and always be the grownup in the relationship in general anyway.

The human relationship mechanics and mating habits are NOT equal. Not by a fucking million miles. They never have been, nor will they ever be.

>pretends all relationships
never said that

>tfw one of the few incels in colombia

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the only way around this imo is to find a girl with really low self esteem who thinks you're the best she'll ever get and that you could leave her at any moment
the second she becomes comfortable and confident that you're tied down or that she can do better, she will become just as bad
we all knew the sweet unattractive nerdy girl who somehow became a sexy bitchy cunt later in life

Or to wait some 20-30 years until the development of AI and robotics, and / or we get another cultural revolution when feminism and metoo finally backfires (it will, just a matter of time). I would prefer the former though. Being disillusioned has the downside that even if women are brainwashed or forced to behave, you'll still know that beneath the show their hearts are black and traitorous.

I would much rather just take an AI version over the real thing. Not only would the experience be superior in every single way imaginable with none of the downsides, but also with an AI you'd know the love was real, and she'd never ever betray you.

yeah this is something everyone on this board needs to learn
having a gf won't make you feel better
a perfect girl doesn't exist