Is it wrong to curl using my cat? I can't afford actual dumbbells for now

Is it wrong to curl using my cat? I can't afford actual dumbbells for now.

Attached: cat.jpg (590x428, 47K)

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cats weight what, 7kg? Curling lmao1cat is fucking pathetic, get some real weights

It's fine, but you should put your cat in the freezer for a while so it stays in place

why is it that curling a 14 or 16kg dumbell feels way easier than curling 14-16 bottles of 1L milk?

Well I'm just starting.
I think it's because of how the weight is distributed. Dumbbells have equal weight on both sides, while milk jugs have most of the weight on one side. Also why I use my cat over gallon jugs, cat feels more balanced.

depends on the cat

Attached: 1527775024831.webm (540x960, 2M)

That's not a cat that's a fucking tiger.

>walking training.webm

>don't feed cat for two days
>stuff food in pockets
>run thourgh apartment/house getting chased by raging cat
>pretend it's tiger
>instant cardio gains

thank me later

Attached: DeQXz5NU0AA-j5J.jpg (720x1200, 226K)


lmao 1cat


But he can always progress and maybe one day make it up to a lmao1dog

I bench, squat, and OHP my cats.

Checked and kekd

Blessed gains cat

>Great, this autist is going to curl me

Attached: kyz6dr2upul01.jpg (900x900, 66K)

Fatten that nigga up and u have a dumbel that can change weight

>Hanging out with cat downstairs
>Petting him, telling his fag ass how much I love him, etc
>he runs off, figure he's over stimulated
>go into room for bed
>the fucker pissed in my damn bed

I'll curl him into oblivion

>I'm putting together a team

Absolute unit

Thanks natty catty

What does the cat think?

Is this achievable natty?

I have 25 lb cat that I curl sometimes just for memes. I think he likes it

Attached: 914.jpg (360x435, 46K)

He doesn't complain or resist. He mostly just lets me do it, not like I do that many with him anyway.

Get the fucking sand bucket bro. 10$ at lowes between a 10lb bag of play sand and a 5gal bucket. All the dumbbell you need.


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one of my life goals is to have an obese cat

Home gym mastarrace here
Sometimes i call my dog and benchpress him 4 warm up

7kg seems like it would be heavy fot a cat
my cat weighs 3kg

Holy shit, slow night on Jow Forums

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10/10 thread OP

can someone post the screencap of the guy who was training his cat?

Here you go buddy thank me later

Attached: trainingwithcat.png (1129x229, 79K)

>uses the word allegedly twice when there's photographic evidence of exactly what is being "alleged" happening

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i hope the reddit Jow Forums subs get banned soon...

the length of time he did it for and the level of enjoyment the goose derived from it are still open to speculation even with the presence of the image


im actually saving that, good work

You didn't ask me permission

may i save this image

It's all yours my friend :)


My cat is 6.5kg

Attached: received_10155852877024858.jpg (998x1920, 156K)

Built like a brick shit house.

>You're in the wrong neighborhood, globalist

not that one, the one with the routine, creatine and fishhooks

This post made me checkle.

Can I bench press a siberian huske?

Only 4? Are you a fucking pussy? It's 5 CMOM GOD DAMNIT ONE DAY YOU FUCKING MAY

Might be bad quality but here (you) go

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never gonna make it

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Lel holy shit it looks just like mine but with fur obviously. Just imagining him like that made me lol tbqhwyf

Attached: desusenpai.jpg (468x468, 92K)

I laughed harder than I should have

he loves you too, user


The only curling a cat should be involved with is at the food of your bed whilst you sleep.


get a pull up bar you degenerate

>yfw he succeeded

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that cat isnt obese. it's buff

Kyriakos Kitty

Lost it

Over feed it and you have easy progress


r8 this absolute unit
neighbour kot, sadly he appears to have died a few years ago
I named him GRUBY ŁATEK which is roughly FAT PATCHY in Polish

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*blocks your path*

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Dumbbells have equal mass on both sides, therefore the center of gravity is right in the middle. You pick dumbbells from the middle; handling mass by its CoG removes external strains. You pick exactly the weight of the dumbbell.

When the CoG is displaced from your picking point, you have additional forces working against your effort. Those additional forces create momentums (such as a torque or shear stress).

That's why trying to lift an irregular shaped object is way harder than a balanced one.

Attached: 1526775314259.png (856x846, 85K)

>not instinctively picking anything up from its centre of gravity already calculated by your excellent judge of physics

>1 cat
>not even lmao2cat

Attached: lmao-2-cat-15935992.png (500x411, 73K)

W zachwycie nad rozmiarem tego chłopa. Absolutna jednostka.

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>not bench pressing a cat
>making it

Attached: longcat.jpg (354x640, 44K)

>cat extensions

Fucking autist

That cat looks like it could curl op instead

I curl my dog like a barbell.


of course its going to have strong legs after carrying that massive swinging gut all day




Thank you natty catty

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You're not allowed to say it happened for sure until it has been proven in a court of law


You da reel em vee pee

thank you natty catty

there's no proof he bench pressed it or that the goose loved it. the only thing that that photo establishes (if it is indeed legitimate) is that a man held a goose in a certain position.
