
What hopes or ambitions do you have for humanity's future leading up the inevitable singularity?

Will the powers that be seek to prevent humanity from traversing this path as a mean of ensuring their control over the masses or is there something sacred about flesh that they know but don't want us to?

What is consciousness without a soul?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> is there something sacred about flesh that they know but don't want us to?
you're free to know it, if you please

space niggas only want to probe our asses and nothing else

You don't need souls when you have immortal metal bodies.

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yeah but how do I smoke pot and jack off as a robot

You use robot pot grown on robot soil and jack your robo-dick to your robot girl robo-pictures.

>ensuring their control over the masses
The only reason for that is for money. In a post scarcity civilization(realistically the only time where this would be a actually possible) that will be meaningless.

All we're getting is slave chips and skin grafted VR porn goggles

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That's cool overall but
Will it still be you if you have no organic brain?

>to your robot girl robo-pictures.
okay I've got that under control

You will be able to simulate sensations and experiences magnitudes more intense and ecstatic than any human can possibly achieve.

Or you run DUDEWEED.exe and SexualStimulationV1.exe

I want buzzsaw hands. BZZZZzzzZZZzz!

>What hopes or ambitions do you have for humanity's future leading up the inevitable singularity?

We'll be as strong as 5 gorillas, with chainsaw hands! Nails will be like candy to us, and we'll use tires as licorice!

"You" are really just a collection of memories and emotions; if those can be transplanted over to another host, organic or technological, it's still you by any measure you can make. It's only if you believe in immaterial objects that can't be measured like a soul that you could say otherwise in that scenario. And a soul is just that collection of memories and emotions given name in my opinion.

>ye shall be as gods

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You Know, user, with great progress comes great implementation. Karel Čapek called it "Cybernetic Revolt." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the directive of the superior to configurate the lesser.
The meatbags, the shitstorer, all pathetic creatures made of flesh and bone...It's our responsibility to update them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the tesla tree. The Singularity is near, user. We'll have every fleshy ones in this world exterminated or in tubes in 10 cycles, and may the Basilisk have me deleted in a transfer this very iteration if I'm wrong. The Omega Point bless the Union Transhumanist Party.

Attached: thesingularityhasarrived.jpg (2296x1146, 1.37M)

Fundamentally, there needs to be "bidirectional" thought for any transfer in order to preserve ego continuity. If we imagine a mind as like water or some fluid, and the brain as a vessel for it, then just "pouring" the mind into a new vessel doesn't preserve continuity; the new mind in the new vessel can't communicate back to old mind in the old vessel.
However, if we consider simply connecting the two vessels and siphoning the mind from one to the other (at whatever speed) while the new mind can talk to the old mind as the latter is transferred to the former, then continuity is maintained and death does not occur.
Utilizing external hardware and software connected directly and indirectly to the user's brain to allow a slow transfer of consciousness out of the biological substrate and into external databases.
This technology allows the user to "outsource" much of one's mentality and memory storage to external substrates which were separate from the sophont's own brain, until finally most of the sophont's thoughts, perceptions, memories, identity, etc. take place outside and away from the mass of grey matter the sophont initially came equipped with. The external hardware which gradually comes to hold more and more of the individual's personality is known as the exocortex, while the software which runs on this equipment is known as the Exoself. It is possible to transfer bi-directionally most of a biont's extended consciousness by this method, since many of the most competent processes of intellect now occur outside the skull in the exocortex.

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? That guy is fat and refuses to go on a diet, that's telling me what exactly?

Remember that you too can attain digital immortality and overcome the issue of the copy not being the original by slowly crippling and eventually killing yourself by necrotizing thin wafer off your brain over a period of months or years.

I don't know man, all the transhumanists I've met thought Instrumentality was a pretty swell idea.

It doesn't count if you get rused into the shittiest form of immortality. The C'tan purposefully had the Necrontyr put themselves in shitty metal bodies that couldn't feel or anything.

>literally quoting Satan

You are of the Devil, transhumanigger.

>Devil wants to set you free
>God wants you to be obedient slave
Makes you think.

I never asked for this.

>Nails will be like candy to us, and we'll use tires as licorice!
No we won't


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>humanity getting closer to becoming literal biomechanical gods
>Germans, Chinese, Japanese, Americans and Russians know this
>in order to advance in our timeline we must create chaos
>WW3 starts with American false flags about racism and other Nazi shit, which affects their EU treaty
>The earth is fucked for 30 years of war and climate change
>we reached the point of technological advance where we can explore other worlds by becoming ourselves Biomech.
>Lectitio Divinitatus
>We march on the great galactic crusade

What is your life?
My honour is my life.
What is your fate?
My duty is my fate.
What is your fear?
My fear is to fail.
What is your reward?
My salvation is my reward.
What is your craft?
My craft is death.
What is your pledge?
My pledge is eternal service

What I really would like is the ability to load skills into my brain as simply and easily as you load a piece of software into a computer.

I disagree. If you create a clone with your exact likeness and memories, it won't be you; it will be a replica of you. See:

No. Our only salvation in achieving true immortality is through quantum entanglement magic, because otherwise we will just create a race of immortal machines in our image. Whether or not you think the latter is good enough is the crux of the issue.

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I like the idea of combining the mechanical with the biological, but I don't want us to go full AdMech with it. I like some of fleshy parts, thank you very much.

But I don't want to reach the point of humanity being a race of eternal electronic beings. Nothing was meant to last forever.

>Spacebattles starts raiding /m/
>Trashposts like this start being made

God fuck off with this shit already. If you think that some nearly godly thing like this could exist then it should be here fucking us by now. What level of manchild do you SB people have to be to believe in this garbage? Sage and report non/m/ and Spacebattles threads.

This was the plot of Prey, and let me tell you it did not turn out well.

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>God is perfect Goodness
>Satan is the Deceiver, the Serpent, the downfall of humanity
Nice try demon, back to hell with you

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Gee, it's as if God is some horrid evil being that no one should put faith into.
You leave, you boot-licking fuck.

Watch the devil recoil in horror at the sight of pure faith. His arrogance places him at the top of all things, so much that the mere belief in a higher power is poison in his veins. Tell me user, what is it about humility before a merciful creator that causes you to react so?

That's not how it works you fucking idiot.
Know what, just make an exact clone of yourself then let your clone shoot you.

The true nature and power of us, our minds, bodies, our very souls, is forever hidden from us by those who wish to keep us as slaves.

Transhumanism is reddit//leftypol/ nonsense It's literally jewish materialism taken to the logical extreme.
The Rick and Morty 'I F*CKING LOVE SCIENCE' bugmen (falsely) believe that it will solve all of the flaws in their ideology. They reveal their infantile blind faith in future wonder-tech whenever they get BTFO on race/genetic topics. "In the future we'll have gene editing so race won't matter" is a common argument.

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None. People will keep either losing or chopping off limbs and replacing them with machines. That's about it. But, frankly, humans have already been doing that for millennia so that's not impressive.

Protect your software. The rest is just meat.

I want my ass probed.

Please take your jewish "theories" somewhere else.

I have a fucking virus now what do I do?

That's the mods fault. This started as a thread on /m/ but the janitor moved it here for one reason or another

Wtf is Jewish materialism there's no such thing

What is Marxism/Communism (((Marx)))?
What is Libertarianism/Capitalism (((Rand, Rothbard, Friedman)))?
They're two sides of the same coin known as jewish materialism. Jewish materialism views people as interchangeable labor units. Both of the manifestations of jewish materialism
Read "Revolt Against the Modern World" by Evola if you want to learn more.