If you were suddenly paralyzed from the waist down, would you still try or just give up?

If you were suddenly paralyzed from the waist down, would you still try or just give up?

Attached: Diego_Crossfit_2-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 145K)

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Paralympics. Easy to get there and gauranteed fame and money.

Id be happy because I only care about upper body work anyway. Now I have the perfect excuse.

>can't even run for my life
I'd choose death please

Depends on if my dick still works or not

What's your program?

I'm just wondering if you could continue it with only minor changes if you lost the use of your legs.

i'd kms instead

living as a cripple is not worth it

Id just stick to dips, pull-ups, OHP, and bench press. I don't think I could do rows unless it's a machine.

yup, dick works maybe but if it didnt then kms. Id be a waste of time and money to keep alive so might as well

Lie flat on your belly on a bench with the barbell under you. Easy.

I probably wouldn't really bother gymceling if I was crippled with a functionig dick though Tbh, I would spend my time mentalmaxxing and and maybe getting surgeries, because you aren't going to attract anyone with your physicality as a cripple anyway.

>looked up first time for dude edgy lmao
>felt like shit and realised im lazy faggot

enjoy your easy and fun upper body focus programming

If my dick ever becomes paralyzed I would absolutely abuse opiods and play video games until I killed myself.
If my dick worked, I would probably still kill myself but would try and become rich first.

Life is still worth living with workign arms.

I'd do arm cardio for heart health, and maybe figure out some shoulder press, dip, and rowing movements to stay fit. Maybe resistance bands.

He's already paralyzed , he has nothing to lose by doing crossfit , he is a fucking genius

FYI that dude got paralysed by doing crossfit

I would focus on bench only. 7 days a week. 2x a day. 2-3 hour long workouts. I would look like a caricature of a human being. I would have tiny fucked up crippy legs and fuck huge roided up arms with a distended neck used to brace the misshapen mass that I call my torso. My chest and arms would make up 90% of my maximum genetic muscular potential. I would have them strap my emaciated lower half to the bench to keep the weights on me as I throw my herculean cripple strength outwards in my hate fueled bench press.
>lol you think I'm strapped in for my safety

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I have found it. My muse.

Attached: 11.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

>Paralympics. Easy to get there and gauranteed fame and money.
The record for the 80kg class is 240kg. That's without leg drive too.

also the bar has to move symmetrically. even if you complete the lift, if one side locks out after the other, it's no lift.
paralympic bench is brutal strict

I would because one of my favorite things to train is grip (probably because I'm an autist) and it wouldn't get in the way of training it too much except for stuff like two hand plate pinches and blob and hub deadlifts.

>you aren't going to attract anyone with your physicality as a cripple anyway.

There is this one guy in my city who competes in the paralympics. He has like atrophied feet, look like 10 year old boy´s feet, but very developed upper body etc.

He has a normal looking wife, a son etc.

>>can't even run for my life
yeah, when, exactly, was the last time you used your legs to actually "run for [your] life", again?...

might as well die now anyways

Based cripple-bros showing us handi-ables how it's done.

Fuck leg day, I'm doing what these guys are.

Can I still feel my dick? If not life doesn't matter, I would either drink a lot, do drugs or kill myself. If I have children I'd just focus on providing for them

I would assume he has that because of his face and his perseverance.

thats 80kg class without legs which would be more like 100kg class with legs