Tfw lifting for girls didn't get me girls so I'm now unironically lifting for the future national socialist uprising...

Tfw lifting for girls didn't get me girls so I'm now unironically lifting for the future national socialist uprising against world jewry and to revert to traditional gender roles

What about you? What did you use to lift for and now?

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Lift for the 14. Preserve the race.

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Don't meme me OP do you actually think this will happen in our lifetime? I hope it does but I'm still hesitant.

Lifting is literally a mandatory hobby to keep you healthy

It won't get you anywhere besides that

No it won't make you Arnold or Mr. Olympia or some movie actor

You better study if you're doing it for someone.
Study for girls.
That makes way more sense.

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I fucking love all those racial-purity posts having crusaders and vikings in them because I'm a Jew and I know for almost certain I'd fuck up pretty much most of those racists if we fought using most types of western swords

>inb4 fedora (you)'s
Been practicing swordfighting for about a decade by now, most of it HEMA.

Wow, a kike with a big mouth. Slap my ass and call me sally.

You are a fat boomer roleplaying with other fat boomers with big fucking fedoras

And the images dont call for literal swordfighting and you know it, you fucking jew
How lame is it to brag about le epin sojamax HEMA in Jow Forums

why do incels idolize this Bolshevik tool loser?
Even Churchill was more based than Hitler

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This is your brain on cuckservatism.

what did he mean by this?

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I love Hitler, and I would love to argue with any one's assertions.

I also love Hitler but I am also a gay twink cuck

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>Implying that if a new group of nazis ushered in the 4th reich, you wouldn't be exterminated for being autistic

Jews have the most pathetic genes known to mankind.
Frail creatures with conniving minds.

Only thing you'll do is hide your shekels.

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n-no I will get my asian waifus of my choosing just for being white
race war now!

It’s called symbolism we will not actually be fighting with swords you hooknosed rapscallion

Jews fear the eternal samurai mang

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why do people always talk about traditional gender roles as a key part of fixing the world when more than half the people who push it are nowhere near the traditional male role? Untermensch, all of you.

>put women in the workforce
>mass immigration
>H1B and other visas to part out anything left

>hurrr wow you don't even make 100k per year

oh and NAFTA and companies allowed to leave to China in the 80s

If overnight women went back to being women men would shape up very quickly. A lot of men work out of neccesity and if you had a woman who will serve you and give you children you'll do everything to provide.

>im a sword fighting Jew and I'll fuck you goys up!


Lifting so that I can fight German National Socialists like my great grandfather

Also to join the armed forces for a bit

Myself, to be better than others, and to not stagnate

Your people have been removed from every country you have poisoned with your poz sickness.
Take that sword and stick up up your arse you kike shit.
Not only fedora but also pretty fucking gay.

Oh kek.
You mean that fat fuck who was controlled by jews ?
And betrayed countries ? Oh and lost half of his new fleet during WW 1 because of his retarded decisions ?

Cmon Goebbels was right they are like the rats.
In a fallout scenario the world be the only ones left living.

I read this in a nasal kike voice even before you declaring your jewery. My jewdar is on point today. the samurai

I feel you op

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>it's another "16 year old Jow Forums crossposter who gets bullied by black kids at school" thread

grow up loser

>t. nigger

you dont need to be bullied by negros in order to hate them lol

Thank you, may your fight for Israel go well!

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plastic swords dont count you kike

we are not the only ones user
also lol'd at the kikes and other degenerates that came from other sites to here thinking they can change this site

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>im de jewish musashi
>i culd fuuk u up bboiiii

The world is too different today than how it was in the 1930s. We are at a point of no return.

I lift solely for myself. Always have. It's a dark road but it's the only road I've ever known. Uprising against world jewry and to reverting to traditional gender roles is righteous so keep at it, user. Always remember to eat 5 scoops a day and one day you may.

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I'm lifting for my grandpa because he told me I was too skinny

>I'm a Jew and I know for almost certain I'd fuck up pretty much most of those racists
I've never seen a Jew who looked like he could beat up anyone.

could have saved yourself a lot of typing just making the title incel general