How would your life be different if rape was legal?

How would your life be different if rape was legal?

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how do i compete? wow

that pic is photoshopped pathetic nigger

Attached: 41A8F56F-42D2-4059-AA11-5B934A49E52F-190-00000052F1C61989.jpg (540x636, 64K)

ok its still huge

Not when you consider the fact that it's extremely cherry-picked.

Attached: 417d71404bf5022d262c44e018faff47--african-tribes-african-men.jpg (736x1104, 167K)

Looks pretty normal sized. Mine's about the same size

nice mental gymnastics. posting african tribesmen doesnt make the guys schlong any smaller.

its thick as fuck and like 8 inches, its huge.

either way, she got filled to the brim with that cock.

he probably fucked her turds out

But the fact that the op picture is a photoshop does. The fact that you can find one big black dick out of millions proves nothing. This picture is constantly reposted.

Yeah. One girl out of millions you dumb cuck. Who cares.
that's not huge. theres bigger white guys

Attached: kendalldreams5.jpg (1024x608, 92K)

what are you telling me for? i dont even care how big his penis is.

it's always you posting this same pic, i wish i saved naked men just to prove a point.

>accuses poster of cherrpicking
>posts cherrypicked image

Attached: penis-size-chart.jpg (680x900, 56K)

probs. that doesnt make his any less smaller. maybe stop being so hard in denial.

That's a self reported study. The people from the congo weren't measured. They just said how big their dicks were.

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That's a self reported study. The people from the congo weren't measured. They just said how big their dicks were.

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You can't even fit it all the way in without hitting the girl's cervix when it's that big. An inch or two below this is ideal. You actually have to be mindful about going slow and how far in you're going.

t. 7 incher who's dated women who are 5 foot nothing and shorter

>posts a dick that's visibly smaller
>It's also gay tranny shit
are you racebaiters just cucks in disguise?

Why should I give a fuck about one nigger having a big dick unless I'm a faggot. It's a cherrypicked photo and if it wasn't then cucks wouldn't have to keep reposting it over and over again.

I always wondered why this image mainly has asian and european countries and no spanish countries. Where do my Hispanic bros fall in the dick contest?

>n-no! These pictures I cherrypicked off gay porn sites PROVE white dicks are bigger! Averages don't matter!!!

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Why aren't we discussing this man's enormous nose instead?

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Here. Have a dick that's bigger.

Attached: tumblr_n5cux6PLNv1qbwslto1_400.gif (313x294, 1.9M)

That's a self reported study in Congo. The guys were asked how big their dicks were. It's not the same as measuring their dicks.

>"y-yeah I mean that black man's dick is bigger than mine..."
>proceeds to post 4 more pictures as "proof" that some white guys also have big dicks
>"n-now I'm s-sure stacy will date me haha...."

wow you fags really need a hobby

>a cherry-picked picture which is reposted over and over again represents all blacks

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guy i'm sure you're capable in bed, why do you do this?
what is there to gain?

>thousands of men collectively lied about their penis size to sway averages, but only in one country

You're just a pathetic nigger who has to cling to other black men's dicks and act like their dicks are your dick.

Attached: Lyla-Lei-5-176.jpg (320x480, 33K)

Not much would change, If Im too much of a coward to speak to a woman what makes you think I could pinher down and using her as a cum dumpster.

Some of the studies in that list were measured but that one was self reported. The chart was created as propaganda for the BBC meme.

Your strength.

>How would your life be different if rape was legal?
I would be balls deep in pussy instead of posting on Jow Forums right now

>all these internet tough guys
We all know you're an out-of-shape DYEL faggot who's be bent over taking Tyrone's 9 incher. Don't delude yourselves.

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Move to Japan, then China, then Brazil, then Africa, then Portugal.
No hole shall be sparred.

This graph sucks visually, the proportions are all wrong
3.8 should be over halfway up if the highest one is 7.1


t. buttblasted nigger with a small penis
take Chads 9 incher bitch

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t. nigger who lives vicariously through other nigger's dicks

Attached: d8342d17089f1ae80376467d711cfa17.20.jpg (488x366, 27K)

aren't you doing the same thing by posting all these big white dicks?

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>tfw when the supposed small examples are still bigger than you

heh heh ... I'm fucked for life

It's still pretty fucking huge

To get back at you.Bitch.

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It's still a cherry-picked image used for propaganda.

i didnt post it whatever quit being so mad

So is every pic you see on Jow Forums now.
It's just a big meme warground.

how is this getting back at me?
everyone thinks you're an insecure gay guy. 5 is the average guy, no need to get so hostile over your size.

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t. nigger with a small dick projecting as usual

i'm around 7.5 i'm guessing 4 inches bigger than you

lol black dicklet with no BBC just as i suspected. Clinging to other nigger's dicks like the retarded vermin you are.

pfft you wish you were even a fraction as big as me
that's why you lash out the way you do

>How would your life be different if rape was legal?
I would hide, hopefully with lots of guns and food/water to last a couple years.

Though I am curious, would anyone actually start raping?

>accuses poster of cherry picking
>posts cherry-picked image
>proves point by posting another cherry-picked image
guys,guys, this isn't fucking Jow Forums, you can stop with the cherry orchards

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lel! dem cherry orchards fulla cherries

I guess there would be a chance that I was raped? at that point I would be so different from my current self that maybe I would have raped someone? That's really fucking hard to tell. Would I even be alive if there was a chance my mom was raped and had kids before me?

my ass would be a fair bit more sore than it normally is.

>tfw white with big dick
Literal perfection

No nigger. You are small. You dont have the BBC.

whatever dude. you know that you're pretty small yourself.
can't avoid that

im too much of a pussy to rape anyone, so not much different.

im so embarrassed to be a wh*toid *sigh*

depends on how tall

My life would be different because I would no longer be a Virgin

Maybe it'd be like the Purge where they do it once a year

Even if it was legal? I'd definitely be raping a lot of women if it was legal

Your retarded if you think that's perfection what makes it better than a big dick of any other race faggot, go on explain

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All white women should be gassed.

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