Fireworks are going off outside

>fireworks are going off outside
>I'm inside wearing my WW1 uniform and holding a rifle pretending the fireworks are artillery
Does anybody else do this, or am I unhinged?

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What kind of uniform OP?

Nah you're fucking autistic mate

>artillery are going off outside
>I'm inside wearing my pajama and holding a cup coffe pretending the artillery are fireworks
Does anybody else do this, or am I unhinged?

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I would if I had one but I don't.

British uniform, Lee-Enfield rifle. The picture is a French uniform because I was too lazy to look for a picture of the right one.

are you that youtube guy that reviews MREs and rations

the original Victoria, BC?

>user posts about being scared of some little fireworks and gets anxiety
>another user posted about French soldiers literally got shelled with artillery and still kept it together in WW1
the absolute state of Jow Forums

No, I'm an otherwise relatively normal person who dresses in a World War I uniform and huddles between the bed and the wall every night from July 1 to July 5

The one who ate a late 1800 ration?

I'm not scared, pretending I'm in a war zone is the only way I can get any sleep when there's fireworks

I love that caveat
>I'm normal
>but I dress like a soldier in WWI and huddle up near the fourth of july

>pretends to be in a war zone
>sleeps better

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Normally, it's just annoying noise. I don't know, some people listen to thunder sound effects to fall asleep. It's probably similar to that

Haha that's a pretty cool idea. There is a forest nearby and people like to set fireworks off around there. I'll dress up as a Nazi Waffen SS officer on 4th of July and pretend I am fighting soviets in the battle of Berlin. Thanks OP :)

For most war is hell, but for the unlucky few war is home.

i only truly feel content on the battlefield user

Fuck man I'm stealing that quote

yea I agree with that quote is gold

The best uniforms come from the Napoleonic era.
I don't believe you are doing this though. I don't see you gaining anything unless you are like a kid and act out battles. I just lay down and imagine them like an adult.
Why are there fireworks?

People set off fireworks every night for the whole week of July 4th. I don't know why pretending to be trapped in one of the most horrifying situations in history is soothing to me, but it is.
Also, puttees are comfy as fuck

That hasn't happened anywhere I lived. In am okay city of 20k and a rural town is 1k people. That be annoying constant fire works.
I like the one big show. I guess I don't really like it I never goto it.

My town is 35k, but they're dumb white trash.
We also have a bunch of illegals, and on random nights they'll all blast ranchero music. It's hellsih

I pretend to be hiding in a foxhole when there's a thunderstorm outside, taking cover from artillery.

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Fuck I meant to say hellish

It's okay user it was pretty obvious what you meant. I hate any music when I'm sleeping. If someone plays music I just mess on my computer until I can pass out. It ruins the next day though.
Mexicans have always been nice to me the worst thing has been smugness. do realize that shellshock was a very real thing in ww1 tho, right?

I mean, not every soldier was affected that much, but still.

You've definitely gone off the deep end, but ww1 uniforms look pretty cool so I don't blame you. If you want to hear what ww1 artillery actually sounded like, look at this.