B hunger games running from literal shitposter

B hunger games running from literal shitposter

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Ukrainian Man

Attached: 02f0641ad156f63e9c5e11f7a51a1493.png (352x352, 187K)

Everyone watching this, do not link the thread

oh fuck, though it was making a new one

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Can we post tributes again?

In that case
The CanniKiwis

Attached: The Cannibal Kiwi Gang.jpg (768x768, 246K)

Fuck it ignore the picture, we restartin'

The Chad Brawler

Attached: The Chad Brawler.png (642x734, 664K)

lel haha ok..

Big Baller God

Attached: 1495087657000.png (400x504, 139K)

Does this mean we won for now? Sweet


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the shitposter will come back

Dead mem no.18679

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The almighty crusader

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Adam Savage origirigi

Attached: Adam Savage.jpg (245x206, 7K)

OP is making a new one mememan, post your sacred tribute!

Two BFFs

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Mexican Pikachu

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He can try, but this time, the report can get him BANNED

what if the shitposter is another faggot trying to be a hero.
Think about it, all those youtube videos about the Jow Forums stories, reddit neckbeards will get jealous, and BOOM one of the fags will start spamming us and become the hero of reddit

Infinity Cock Thanos

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i already posted my two bad boys. Ukrainian man and
"oh fuck, thought it was making a new one"

Sea Chad and his Stacey

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despair girl

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Smug John Marston joins the fray!

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I wonder if this will be a good idea

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Aflac Sniper

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Also Jow Forums sucks for this because the bot calls everything unoriginal

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I am this guy and also the Rambo guy

Btw, OP you should be making the HG threads here from now on. We had around 6 two nights ago, not a single spam

Tribute: Rambo

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Kenta, the Dark Knight of Tokyo, Japan

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yep, why's that?

Yeah, but this is the lesser of two evils

Like by far the best option

It's what the board was created for. The bot was designed to weed out spam on the fly without even having to ban. Anyways...

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if you're gonna say "everything's unoriginal" im gonna tell you to please dont

Board culture

Just be witty and genuine

There is already a HG community on r9k and I don't mean to pry on them. Yesterdays group was super fucking comfy on B

Unoriginal pepe

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This is so slow. OP just do 24.

yeah will do

Pepe Remover

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Since we need more tributes, God of Necromancy will enter the fight.

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anyone else feel like theres an ant in their ear or just me?

The grand bowman

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Reminder of comfy thread for all who missed it

Not really OP, we had 2 different hosts, both were great, but they also don't post often.

What happened today is no one's fault, but yeah it was real comfy without the shitposter

Attached: -b-playsHG3.png (2376x2536, 1.76M)

Knight templar pepe

Attached: w-templar-memes-14273547.png (500x496, 208K)


Queen of Youtube

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I was Americano btw, that shit was fun


She will go top speed towards victory!

Attached: Holly Molly.jpg (275x183, 10K)

nvm we can do 36, we got this shit

The iron gopnik

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want me to bring back the discord images?

Ahegao slut

Attached: vwcocgu.jpg (686x915, 73K)

you and your goddamn cars went on quite the rampage

The alien of Jow Forums

Attached: TopSecret.png (978x611, 618K)

Samuel al hayide

Attached: [email protected] (1060x1060, 179K)

Discord Image #1

Attached: ff490e79dbf8974368118fce03bc117e.png (768x884, 70K)

Discord Image #2

Attached: cb410449a965566a43e30a2f9fcd096f.png (740x868, 89K)

nah we got plenty

The Discord Image that God wept at

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Columbine kid

Attached: mi_13516827204414772.jpg (650x366, 39K)

>furry and brony jack each other off

too late. atleast i got 5 to root for before going to another persons image.

Thirsty Skelly

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What are you scared of Megumi?

you dont want to know.

And if you do, its the ISP discord server. that was like 3 months ago, so you're gonna have to scroll up a shit ton.

Then they got wiped out in one day... I'll never forget 'Day 6'. It was the day, everything changed.

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already hit 36?

OP, are my first 2 getting in? i kinda wanna keep them

I'm sorry to anyone who got left out, it's been rough, but this is the official crew

Attached: a9 1 real.png (440x664, 360K)

sweet. i got two in

These are gonna be slower becaseu I need to be original

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it's time for the big baller to rise up

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already a dead waifu

Megumi gone already damn...

this is very original, please don't smite me great robot

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Mexico >>> Uaifus

Deus vult my dead brother

holy shit I didn't even see megumi died F

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No Megumi nooo

Are those threads common here? Without being deleted?
That's not good

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alien of Jow Forums how could you do this to ukraine

hard to be original sorry not faster

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The alien of Jow Forums will win. And the FBI will raid our PCs

also f in the chat for suzuki

rambo, nuuuuuuuu

F Rambo.


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You are who you choose to be

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>Ukrainian man stalks Dead Meme No 18679

if that isnt the story of my life


do we have a current crowd favorite?

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holyfuckingshit, thats a lot suicidals there

Kinda lately
A couple anons usually hosts three or four nights a week a hunger games thread. We have a 'supposed' Hunger Games scheduled for next friday at 19:00 EST

There was a unofficial Jow Forums hunger games here that was really comfy and quite a bit big amount of people joined. Around 30 if I remember correctly

We just don't have to break Global Rule 3


Big Baller Brand? And the Sea Chad? This is pulling my heartstrings

Let's go my edge lord

im hoping Ukrainian man or Ukraine win.
Because those were the ones i sent in

>2 Chads killed themselves