How does chad manages to keep a nice body while being an alcoholic fuck?

How does chad manages to keep a nice body while being an alcoholic fuck?
I go to the gym, work out for 1 hour at least every night after getting home from work before drinking a 12 pack, but somehow chad drinks about the same amount as me and he can keep up a nice body but I'm still a fat fuck...

>inb4 bad genes

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hes got a belly going on

It's called cico(calories in calories out). It doesn't matter how much you work out, if you're consuming more calories than you burn you're going to be fat.

It's really not that hard user. The same logic applies to cigarettes and disease.
>be me
>smoke cigarettes, dip, smoke hookah
>body becomes used to the carcinogens
>body builds up a tolerance to the carcinogens
>after years of doing this, I am now immune to cancer causing agents

Same thing with calories. If you find the sweet spot, your body gets used to calories and stops converting them into fat because you build a resistance. It's just like when they feed you a little bit of the flu so that your body builds up a resistance to the flu.

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>that shirt exists

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Chad is taller so any extra weight he puts on is less noticeable. My brother is 6'3" and put on like 40 pounds in the last year or two and he only has a little gut. I'm 5'4", put on 15 lbs and I have a huge fucking round gut, bitch tits and most of my clothes don't fit anymore

Take the SARM, kid.

I always wondered that as well. Fratboys and sorority sluts are always skinny even though they consume massive amounts of alcohol and fast food. I'm starting to think that a fast metabolism plays a huge role in becoming a normie.

And yes, I know a shitload of robots are skinny toothpicks, but they're robots because they can't gain muscle regardless of how much they lift.

Because they're just maintaining a body they attained through years of playing sports and training for them while you are trying to break the ingrained habits of being inactive and overeating.

You know the meme of the popular college athlete party goer ending up a fat balding man with a shitty job and a ugly nagging wife? That's literally what happens to these people in real life. Middle aged Chads aren't the same people who were Chads when they were young. Few men become Chad, fewer maintain it longterm; some just become Chads later in life while the young Chads are becoming obese retards who hate their life.

Because nobody is born a Chad. Chads are made. That's why you can lose Chad status as well as gain it.

t. became Chad later in life

90% get beer bellies once they hit 30

800 calories in a six pack and youre drinking a 12 pack? and you wonder why youre fat? WITH ONLY AN HOUR IN THE GYM? youre stupid bud

LMAO that delusion. Chad is born, you can't become Chad. If you're not Chad since birth, there is no reason to try, being a Neet is the bettet altetnative

It's called test e

These days it's hard to tell who are the incels from reddit and who are the tranny psyops. Whichever you are, you are not welcome here. Go away.

I'm in a fraternity, the guys who are really in shape typically drink one or two days a week at the most and are hitting the gym 6 days a week. The guys who drink more are typically in mediocre to bad shape.

That's strange. I've never seen a fratboy who wasn't fit. All the fratboys at my university have six packs and shit, and the sorority sluts they chill with are really skinny and always wearing bikinis.
Then again I do live in the least overweight state in the country.

that "chad" is a dyel

drink spirits they have less calories.

Depends on the fraternity. The better ones get so many potential rushes to choose from that they can pretty much safely turn away any ugly/fat guys who then trickle down to the worse fraternities.

That's discounting the token funny fat guy of course.

Actually drinking spirits is worse, especially when you mix them with stuff like soft drinks.

Drink vodka and use water as a chaser. Alcoholics don't drink beer/wine.

>mixing real booze with anything

You're drinking wrong.

How bad is a bottle of whiskey a day?

I usually drink a bottle of VAT daily and I have that usual pot belly

>I go to the gym, work out for 1 hour at least every night after getting home from work before drinking a 12 pack

>putting in 400% effort just to get to the starting line
>other people put in 10% effort and are nearly at the finish

Their bellies explode once their metabolism slows down in their late 20s. It's part of the reason I stopped drinking.

>buying into the metabolism slowing in the 20s meme
They just stop being physically active because they tell themselves that flipping burgers is the same level of exertion as gymming, but their calorie intake stays the same or increases.

Follow the Natty King:

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This is Nick Tasteless Plott. He was chad drinker. He's a fat balding loser now.

Attached: Nick Tasteless.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

He's 34.

This is him in his 20's.

Alot of us dont. Ive got a small albiet existent tyre around my waist, I get gyno after heavy drinking and big eating and a chin. I still go the gym everyday and train but the pump only expands the skin so much for so long.

I know that feel brother.


The incel indoctrination is strong in this one, I see. Anything to avoid trying or making any effort.