Tell me, have you taken the neckpill yet?
Tell me, have you taken the neckpill yet?
because those shops show ridiculously thin necks, unless you are starving you won't look like that
Shut up necklet
I'm still waiting for someone to post someone that has an ugly face and if a bigger neck can salvage that.
nice work
What’s an exceecise for neck that cuts out the hours of head banging to metal?
So neck bridges
How long did this take? Before and after photo time difference
I'm sold. He looks so powerful.
From drug addict to chadlite
nice work
I started training neck since january to now just 3x a week, 3x10-12 usually focusing on progressive overload started doing it with just 10lb now im doing them with a 45lb plate, i dont have measurements or pics right now, but my neck definitely grew and compliments my physique a lot better than before. Don't get lazy with your neck training takes just about 10-15 min, and use perfect technique
>45lb plate
be careful that doesnt sound right lol
even alphadestiny whose been doing this neck training shit a long time only uses like 10lb plates for curls im pretty sure.
what exercises?
I use about 30lbs and I don't even have a thick neck.
I have a small head though so a thick neck will make me look retarded
>tfw long and thin face
>tfw long and thin neck
>look like an ayy lmao when not wearing a hoodie
Because it only matters if you have a jaw too. And if you have a good jaw, you prolly have good neck too. And these shops are fucking cringy. No onr would look like that.
Does this look good to you faggot?
kys jose
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it but this is what peak YOKE looks like.
Gloryhole services 5xF
Years of manual labor has pretty much fucked up my neck-shoulder area. Right side is more robust, me being right-handed. Stay in school kids.
Please share your secret senpai
Lol when I was in high school the football coaches made us do the sitting neck curl machine 3x12 all directions got up to like 70 lbs dude
yes what?
there's a year and a half between the pictures, but I've only been doing direct neck work since I started lifting 3 months ago
I started training neck 2-3 times a week about 3 months ago. I've added a quarter inch (16.5 to 16.75) but the biggest change is in just how my neck looks. It looks much more defined than before I started doing direct neck work.
he uses two plates
Nice, you inspire me
What kind of exercises train the neck (preferably bodyweight)? How much volume is needed?
Training neck only 2 to 3 times a week...
user you are never going to make it. Pump it to 6 to 7 times a week goddammit
I'm really surprised not to find any quadreplegic posters complaining that they tried to take the advice in these threads and neck-curl bodyweight or something like that.
I honesly can't tell if this is a joke or not, these exercises sound so dangerous and the whole point is to improve literally the most autistic metric you could apply to a human body.
It's lean summertime for me so I stopped doing it but neck training is essential and not as dangerous as you may think. It's easy to train and it isnt like you are going to snap your neck unless you are being stupid with neck bridges
>put the chromosome in the bag and no one gets hurt.
No, but with that neck he will be accepted as "one of the lads" . Imagine how bullied he would be if he had a pencil neck? His jaw is literally deformed midnight nick tier, most people have a beater jaw than that, and would benefit from neck training, you utter fucking retard
Dude ya got me, Im mirin
r8 me boys
Fuck I’m eerily close to becoming that, thank god I'm a 5’7 manlet.
epic xDD
Good coach. He was making you do it to prevent injuries, no doubt.
you reek of anxiety and low testosterone
You're supposed to curl with your neck, not jelq it!
My neck seems to grow from heavy pulls alone
what if I have a small head
thats great
now do some chin-ups
What did he meme by this
actually never mind, your jaw isnt even bad - its just the posture/lighting
neck grew from heavy shrugs. should I add neck extensions? Going for 18” here
look the same except one your shrugging and rolling your shoulders forward slightly lol
why would you want a longer neck