Learning different languages

All of the sudden, I feel like learning Japanese. I don't know why, but the motivation just came out of nowhere right now.
Any robots learning Japanese, or any other language for that matter? What languages do you guys know? I know the English and Spanish language.

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i took 2 years of latin in highschool im actually trying to find a way to keep learning it

Researched language acquisition theory in High School and started learning Japanese 6 months ago. Not something I ever believed was possible but I just finished my 9th Light Novel in Japanese and I'm only getting faster with all the new words I keep acquiring. Can't really say the listening is as smooth yet but I always watch at least 4 hours of television for that kind of input.

>wants a japanese bitch
hmmm i wonder why you want to learn japanese

Where do you plan on learning Japanese, OP? I tried Duolingo and Memrise, but I didn't get very far.

Ah, Japanese, that sounds like a tough one, anonimo. Best of luck to you if you choose to pursue learning that.

I'm somewhat fond of language, Romance ones in particular. I've got a bit of French, Italian, and Portuguese under my belt. I'm not fluent in any of them, but I have a halfway decent grasp; I'm a "jack of all trades," if you will. I'm gonna travel the world one day (hopefully moving abroad), that's my real motivation I think language is a cool way to connect with others in addition to just being an enjoyable solitary thing.

Too bad I'm not really much of a people person, and therefore I've never made a lasting connection with any foreigners like I'd really like to.

>least 4 hours of television
What site you use

They have a free 24 hour trial so you can just keep making new accounts every day by registering with a 5 minute mail

I want to japanese simply because I really like the culture (don't even watch anime) but I have no use for the language so I can't see myself staying motivated for long.

Is wanting to browse 2chan a good enough reason to keep me motivated?

Not OP but you don't learn a language by using a special app or a trick. 99% of the work is literally just reading and consuming other media in the language and trying to understand. To make this process easier you can use an SRS like Anki to help you remember the meaning of the words you saw and a quick read through a Japanese grammar guide to then use as a reference when you don't understand what you just read.
That's all

Lol I just found this. Keep this shit secret

those apps are kinda shit honestly
the easiest place to start is probably just the genki textbook and you can pirate that pretty easily

I think you might have misunderstood, the service is called Fujitv but offer viewing of 88 Japanese TV channels

Download anki and play jap video games and watch jap tv with no subtitles. That's pretty much all you can do. It will never make you fluent unless you are dedicated (you aren't), but it will give you a great head start if you ever have the opportunity to spend an extended period of time in japan (you won't).

I studied for a while and I can still understand a bit. It's nice to be able to find my way around japanese websites without too much trouble. There's nothing wrong with having only a casual understanding of a language.

Also when you study japanese only a little bit, or any common language, you realize how fucking lazy most people are. Like people who have some kind of profession related to video games but have zero understanding of Japanese. They're playing a japanese game and have no idea what's going on in the menus and shit even though learning that kind of basic shit takes a month at MOST.

It's also made me lose all respect for tourists who don't bother to learn the basics of a local language.

How do I stop browsing random shit long enough to learn a language?

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i understand. its just i would hate to sign up every day. yea this site might not have 88 channels but its free and no sign up

>learning a dead language

why mate?

its either you really want it or you force yourself

It's both honestly. The latter sounds like the way to go about it though, this is gonna be a challenge. Maybe once I start seeing results like being able to read shit it'll keep motivating me.

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So Pedro immigrant.

Without reading through thread, how many fags are here yet with "i want to learn japanese for culture, i don't watch anime"?.

I took spanish and french classes. I wouldny say I learned anything besides a few phrases.

That being said, I did learn swedish. Not by taking classes, but by being friends with a few swedes i met online. They taught me some here and there and we often played lots of video games on sweden servers. Id say I could read and write pretty good within 3 months. Within the year i had it down spoken and all.

Unfortunately, langauge has a way of being forgot surprisingly enough. I wouldnt say in fluent anymore, but i was offered a job in sweden recently and if i took it i assume id pick it up again rather fast. Likewise, i know a guy who moved here from russia when he was 12. He totally forgot the language in most of it since he didnt speak it. He went back for the summer once when he was 17 and picked it back up again.

I dunno, but I've been looking over what Jow Forums has to offer, so I might follow what they recommend.

It honestly all depends on how willing you really are to learn the language. All I remember from Spanish are a few colors, numbers, verbs, and how to pronounce words somewhat coherently because I couldn't give a rats ass to learn much aside from the bare minimum to pass. German, Polish, and Russian however were much easier (albeit still a little difficult) because I actually wanted to learn those languages to begin with. But above all else you also have to actively use the languages to stay sharp, so read and/or watch some things in Japanese so you don't forget things.

I know, that's how I learned English, but I need a head start to first have some basic concept of the language. Apps help build that basics so you can go on and read imageboard posts later or whatever. I can't be bothered to learn a new language honestly, I think that's what's stopping me. Duolingo and Memrise are not much different than flashcards.