What's even the point in living when you arent white? Everything we non-whites do is simply a cope

what's even the point in living when you arent white? Everything we non-whites do is simply a cope

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Unless you are the top 5% of White guys, every girl prefers black or brown guys, all careers prefer black or brown people because of quotas.
The majority of white guys aren't wanted or needed

white men are the current social target and are dying out

If we still had slavery was legal then you would have a purpose for living.

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>white guys aren't wanted or needed
lol they built society, without them, society as we know it will collapse

japan is doing fine without white men. White men gave birth to communism. White men created weapons to wipe out everyone. White men created world wide poverty. White men started global race mixing and the destruction of homogenous culture.

pure whites are dying out and evnin some part of the UK being replaced by Polish or Romanians - as well as Pakis and Sikhs - i think that a race war is brewing

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and what are you going to do about it, my guy?

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>white mean bring communism
By white men i think you mean Bolsheviks,Romanians,Russians and Cubans - All of which are close to shit holes full of brown/half cast fake Aryans and Gippos

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Are russian and jewish
>russian and jewish
Are white.
Are part european. Thus white.
See above

Nobody wants to be white cope harder

Jews and mixed races are not white.

tfw you will always be white

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>Well im quite invested in UK politics and overall i think its just going down hill and as soon as the 'Elites' realise that the terrorist attacks and rapes are happenig in their neighbourhood, they will probably try to do something but that could be 10 years away or so.
>Destroy Israel with a nuke
>Put all of the Rapeugees on a boat back to the middle east shit hole
>Proceed to send more nukes and finish those fuckers.
Israel causes most of the wars and leaves most of the refugees and shit left behind and they just dump them onto Greece,France,UK and other fairly decent countries.

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You'r a fucking brainlet just trying to defend your shit skinned antics.

>pure whites are dying out and evnin some part of the UK being replaced by Polish
finally people are realising that poles arent white

imagine caring about race

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Speak for yourself faggot. I fucking love being black, I've had white girls approach me literally because im black.
Anyway you're probably just an insecure white boy so whatever.

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This TBQHFAM. Is it better to be on top and falling or is it better to be on the bottom and rising? Almost every white person will live in a smaller house than their parents. They won't have enough kids to replace themselves.

The white population peaked over a century ago. They've been becoming more and more of a minority ever since. Although they're still called a "majority" because they haven't become a minority at the country level everywhere yet and that's wrong and whitey needs to apologize.

Stay mad faggot. Go back to your safespace and where you all secretly jerk off to blacks fucking white women

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Imagine being a nigger and your sole way of coping is believing in Jow Forums fakes

>A jewish whore from Israel makes a time stamped post from JIDF headquarters.
>Expecting Jow Forumsacks to buy that horseshit.
Whatever nigger, your skin is still the color of shit so it's no worry of mine.

>falling for the jewish divide and conquer tactic
Life is hard for everyone. Be proud of your heritage, but don't blame your shortcomings or misery on others.... except the jews.

It's the jew's fault.

"Stop talking trash nigger before i put your head on the curb and smash"

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Found this on /v/. Its pretty fucking hilarious how the same white guys that post racist shit online about black men are the same ones that jerk off to them. Your whole fucking race is a fucking joke

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>Browses /v/
>Makes fake posts to prove a point
you niggers can't even race bait on the right thread, typical

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Sure thing, everything that hurts your feelings is fake. Is this video fake too?

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>Shows vid of a few white girls approaching blacks
>"We wuz kangz whitey woman luv black cock ooga booga slavery ooga booga rights"
Point made

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Keep crying, your tears are delicious Jow Forumstard.

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