This is me and my post-op & girlfriend (male) that I met through /soc/.
Love exists guys, if you know where to look.
This is me and my post-op & girlfriend (male) that I met through /soc/.
Love exists guys, if you know where to look.
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot vid, enjoy:
I feel like meeting someone through /soc/ or other shit specifically made for meeting people would just be awkward.
Maybe that's just because I'm a social autist, but I can't imagine getting to know people naturally in that context. Everyone I know I've met through situation (work, school) or shared interest (online friends)
Robot was so desperate he became a faggot.
>fucking a dudes frankenstein pussy
na ill stick wth being lonely thank you very much
Absolutely disgusting.
Me on the left, you on the right thinking about that post.
Seriously how does one even derive arousal from that shit? If I laid my eyes on some post-op axe would I'd go from 100 to 0 instantly.
jfc you stuck your dick in that non healing wound? I'd unironically die a virgin before i did that. I can't decide whether to commend you for your bravery or feel sorry for you
but congrats, a shame she got mutilated though
AHAHAHAAH look at those dude legs you absolute fag and enjoy the inside-out penis
I'm tired of you fag enablers.
Fucking disgusting
homegrown and organic post
not all women need to have real vaginas or 2 x chromosomes user :)
Yes they do queerbait, no amount of ironic shitposting or jewish pilpul will change that.
not ironic, not jewish, but you'd be happier if you weren't so hateful
link doesn't work, post proper one
Hating faggots makes me nothing but happy you ironic jew.
oy vey, i've been found out
submit goyim and we may show you mercy
I wanna middle finger her asshole while I fuck her and afterwards make her suck off her ass smell from my middle finger
I want to caress and rub you up, fuck you hard sideways, lengthways every way. Assuming you're true to your meme, maybe we could talk afterwards or maybe you could see somebody else. Don't matter to me either way.
That's no male girl. That's a female girl.
Dude we didn't even get to see her man made pussy in action? Got more content by any chance???
It's not a girl at all.
fucking disgusting. get the fuck off my board.
doth you have proofs?
>those testosterone muscle hands
fuck off faggot you're not a robot
Got a sauce on that picture user?
she actually looks and sounds pretty cute, but
>post op
this is where you fucked up. just keep the dick, even if it's just a tiny piece of skin flopping around, that's still better than a nasty wound that never heals and leaks puss
Man made pussy can never be in action
they will never be able to orgasm anyway after chopping it off