Tfw she will never save you

>tfw she will never save you

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I don't need to be saved. I can handle it.

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If you ask another one to deal with your shit and solve it for you you are treatibg others as garbagemen. Man up, quit anime and go punch some trees until you are ready for life.

I can't do that, others are to blame for my problems, it's not my fault. Never was, never will.

>tfw you will never save her
sad days

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>implying being neet needs to get fixed

>tfw nothing to care about

>ugly suicidal bitch that uses you to feel better about herself
No thanks, i'm better off alone

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>I deserve more than that

We don't deserve to be saved. 3D life means sufferings.

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I don't get these threads since the entire point of the series is that Misaki is just as much of a fuck-up as the MC, causing him to realize that change has to come from within and you can't wait for a miracle.

This, Misaki a shit.

Why do people like this slut?

She is the epitome of a selfish woman. She used the MC only to feel better about herself, and you guys are all falling to her just because "she is cute".

She is low tier waifu like Tomoko.

Some user said in a similar thread years ago (holy shit what am I doing with my life) that merely a touch of a woman is a good thing. I dunno if that's true.

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She has pure intentions moron. She needs Satou to feel like she's worthwhile and yet she offers up her help to him completely of her own accord.

Desperate men like this one are the reason why the West is falling.

It's the only kind of female interaction I can realistically imagine myself having

>Bad relationship with parents
>Reluctant member of a cult.
>Dropped out of high school due to depression.

She's portrayed differently in all three versions, but she's still basically me.

Yes don't get me wrong, I believe that the woman figure is absolutely beautiful. The woman psyche on the other hand is utter trash.

>cute girl willingly helping you get your shit together
lmao what am I reading

She doesn't save anyone.

God, I wish the series ended with the successful suicide attempt of Sato.

>TFW i will never get to cuddle with her and tell er everyting will be ok ; (

It's more like
>abused emotionally unstable girl with a death wish helps you expecting you to fall for her to validate herself as a person since you're so worthless that being slighly kind to you must be all it takes

i want this...

emotionally unstable women, that requires my affection to not kill herself. I have used up enough boring staceys to realize how truly wortless tey are. They can just leec off the next guys dick for food, money, and a place to stay.

my Emotionally unstable girl just needs me. and not the money.

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might aswell end it then because theres no escape from 3d lmao

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Pretty much this, but I realized through watching the series that I'm more pathetic than Satou-- I'd have signed the second contract.

>just punch some trees brah

same, we worthless people sould know our place