Is this good enough to hang myself with...

Is this good enough to hang myself with? It only has about 1 or 2 knots on the actual noose bit but still moves well enough, the belt seems secure although it's a bit short. I don't have any money for rope and I want to hang myself TONIGHT.

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I wouldn't trust a tie desu. unless you want to just suffocate yourself.
Then the belt itself would suffice though.

How can you not even have money for rope.

Also, why not steal some rope if you kill yourself anyway. Makes no sense you liar.

I don't really know anywhere I really could steal rope from. I live in a secluded mountainous town.

I don't mind the suffocation, I just want it to work, is this good enough?

you don't love anyone enough to suffer with life?

Not anymore, the only person I did love enough hurt me

>hurt me
your family will live with scars for the rest of there lives because you don't want to make a change and trust me when i tell you those scars won't heal you just learn to deal with them or they turn into something like how you feel right now.

>I did love enough hurt me
what did she do?

Be careful not to strain the tie too much as it could rip or whatever. Suffocation takes a lot of... motivation so I wouldn't really do it but whatever, people do it sometimes.
Once the blood flow to your brain is cut off for some seconds you should go unconscious *in theory*. If you survive you're a potato. Have fun.

You're gonna kill yourself and ruin someone's day that has to come and clean up your mess. You're gonna take someone else's cash to pay people's salaries to come clean you up. If you've got any family left they're gonna be traumatized over this.
You can't start over if you're fucking dead idiot. If you're so selfish to ruin other people's days and especially your own, then you just haven't thought this through enough. Taking the life you were lucky enough to be given, even if it isn't a good one, you got one, and people with cancer would beg for more time. Why not keep living and just start volunteering your time to help others? Least then you'd be happy

I can genuinely say I've never been really happy aside from her and she left me after a year. I put everything into her hoping I wouldn't get hurt and she threw me away like nothing. I've wanted to kill myself for a long time, she was my last chance.

Maybe it'll hold you if you just lower yourself onto it instead of falling, in which case it might snap, but I think it could probably do the job provided you aren't obese.

Also I think this is just impulsive. Just go to sleep instead and once you wake up get your head straight. Or get drunk until you black out. Not all love is worth dying over.

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>I can genuinely say I've never been really happy aside from her and she left me after a year. I put everything into her hoping I wouldn't get hurt and she threw me away like nothing. I've wanted to kill myself for a long time, she was my last chance.
There are others trust me just go out to the bar and drink alone you will meet some guys after about a week or so if you trust and be friendly and then maybe you can chill and find a new girl.

Cant you compress the jugulars so it takes less time and is less painful then suffocation?

I've had to deal with shit so fuckign beyond what normal people have to go through and I can do life with suffering with the thought that maybe I will be able to do it right one day.

Ask your mother for a hug.

>been really happy
same try finding someone to hang out with that is happy that is what makes me happy.

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dude the meds are not a meme trust me yes they're sold and push for a profit, but by god they do work if you take them everyday and find the one for you.

>not willing to take a pills to not have to put your family through hell

I've been through a lot aswell buddy, it's been 20 years of constant abuse, neglect, harm and occasional rape. I can't stand people now, including my friends and family, and this girl was all I had.

Tried it, I get sick of them eventually

Pick up a hobby like learning how to build a car and them travel with it. You will ruin the day of whoever has to clean you up and traumatize your family.
As for if it works or not, you will probably strangle yourself. It will be really painful and you will regret it but it will be too late at that point

>Tried it, I get sick of them eventually
you are lying to me if you tell me they didn't help also see a professional

dude try being nicer to everyone and acting (faking being happy) this soon will turn into you really being happy if you can't afford to see a doc or w.e about this try this it just werks

100% they didn't, I never trusted them and when they hurt me I cut them off instantly. I've seen a psych before and he was genuinely retarded.

Then you will have to help teach them not to hurt you or start a new life and all of these are possible and you are not alone with these feeling people write songs about them paint about them write books movies the list goes on and there is no shame in liking these things.


I've read your thread. If you are going to end it, that's your decision.

But please, for the love of God, be patient and buy a real, strong rope. If you try that nigger-rigged abomination out, there is a very good chance you will pass out, and then it will break, leaving you with brain damage.

Be patient, you only have to do this once. Do it right.

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This, for the love of god do it right. You dont want to wake up retarded. You won't be able to kill yourself then, you would want to.

remember I love you and feel the same way as you.

doesn't look like it could work with that.
I am hurt as well but I am the one who's at fault, too. yesterday I admitted to my mother that I can't deal with college anymore and don't know what kind of work I should do. she just looks down on me now more than ever.
I feel like I am worth nothing. that's why I decided I need no one. my older brother looks down on me as well and my dad doesn't really care. maybe there's my little brother who tries to make me feel better but still.
I guess I'll just work a full time job and live alone. at least I could feel good then.

sorry OP. I had to get this off my chest. maybe we could be friends or something.