Daily reminder that shotas > lolis

Daily reminder that shotas > lolis

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/ss/ > anything else

The bandaid on his knee makes the picture way cuter for me.

Truer words have never been spoken boy

>tfw perpetual cute shota
Feels good lads

lucky, pls post pics i am jelly

Elder God Tier taste

shotas > lolis (shotas) > lolis > shotas (lolis)

This one gets posted everywhere.

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>those wide hips

CUTE CUTE CUUUTE! if only i had someone like you to come home to everyday.

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Aww! Thanks. It's very lonely here.

Bum pic?

no, don't lewd him!

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I dunno I wouldn't mind sharing I guess.

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I am disappointed in your sluttyness, but aroused by your body

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I enjoy sharing. It's really nice hearing compliments.

>ywn dress a shota up in a diaper and girl clothes and then molest him

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I don't know why but Band-Aids are cute

>ywn be a cuteboy with flippy hair and short shorts

I'd very much like to touch you inappropriately my dude.

>tfw this turned into a faggot thread
kys homos

At first it looked okay but when I rotated your pic it really sunk in how wide af your back is and how your ass looks like one from a 40 year old dude, you should work it out somewhat tbqh

You are wrong.

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>not just a pedophile, but a gay pedophile at that
You will be real popular once you get in prison that's for sure

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I hate the way loli is depicted. It's almost always some cute little girl being corrupted, crying, being taken advantage of, or straight up confused. While shota the young boy is depicted as a happy and willing partner, often acting as the initiator.

It seems you haven't been introduced into the world of lolidom yet.

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agreed, but who is best shota?
my vote is pictured
>being a normalfaggot

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I don't like femdom though.

shota's you can play with and relive some of your childhood

i love both desu

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gay shota>/ss/

fight me

Yeah. I think shotas are more innocent than lolis and better at being cute in the "adorable without knowing it" way.

I vote Hiro-tan.


>gay shota
i still remember experimenting with brother when we were young

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Does pedo porn reduces the chances of real pedo abuse?
Fucking pedos die in a fire.

do Angels even have genders?
I hope so ;)

>do Angels even have genders?

does it even matter? :)

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>Does pedo porn reduces the chances of real pedo abuse?
yes. you are an idiot

I'm a lolicon but I wish I wasn't but it's pretty exciting at the same time

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Pls elaborate on what you did with your brother.

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what artist is this? My dick is diamonds

I love shotas, I me this qt 14yo brit gayboy on steam a few years ago and he started sending me a few pics of his butt in girl undies and then a video of him fucking his ass with a dildo, that was the best thing i've seen in a while, he didn't even have any hair at all and looked smooth as hell.

Too bad he was mentally unstable and acted like an asshole most of the time, I got rid of him once he started insulting me because he was on his manperiod or some shit. I'd post what he sent me but I'm not sure if he browses this board or not and he might recognize the pics.

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hi prison gay reddit

wtf, 3d is fucking gross. fuck off pedophile

As much as I'd be interested in seeing it, you'd get v& if you posted a video of a 14yo fucking his ass, user.

he's legal now tho

That doesn't matter, it's CP even if you were to have an old video of yourself masturbating or something at that age.

oh hey a thread

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Nothing too serious because we were 9 and 7. I guess the most memorable stuff was when we tried to "have sex" and it ended up being willy fight with no hands under blankets.


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how is everyone doing on this fine day?

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Okay, but my cocklust is out of control again desu.

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oh fuck, damn you're right im retarded. guess not posting any content of that anytime at all then

Why not both? (more like 70 loli, 30 shota)

Tell me more, please. Originally interested.

Is the character in the pic a boy (male) or a boy (female)?

good question, here's your answer

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He looked like a (female).

yeah i know it's a crossdressing boy

What is the name of the boy?

Completely false but I can occasionally enjoy shota so I'll allow it. Full homo.

no idea, the thing isn't translated to english anywhere yet but here's the full thing if you wanna look through it


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Objectively wrong, though shota is a close second.
Loli is the only good version of the opposite sex.

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