broke my ankle in february, so I am trying to get back on track with my legs, but it is a slow process
>170lbs 5'9"
>back squat: 205x5
>deadlift: 285x5
>bench: 180x5
>ohp: 125x5
>pendlay rows: 190x5
broke my ankle in february, so I am trying to get back on track with my legs, but it is a slow process
>170lbs 5'9"
>back squat: 205x5
>deadlift: 285x5
>bench: 180x5
>ohp: 125x5
>pendlay rows: 190x5
oh no no no no
I'll be back to intermediate soon enough
forgot stats:
>157ibs 5'9
>back squat: 175x5
>deadlift 190x5
>bench: 135x10
>ohp: 75x10
>pendlay row: 95x5
>230lbs 5'10
>Back squat low bar : 290x6
>deadlift : 345x7
>bench: 195x5
>ohp: 120x8, 135x3 hasn't moved in months
>pendlay: 185x3
I feel like the stats on this website are fucking bullshit.
No way an average dude can bench 1pl8.
what do you mean
Not him, but unless you go to the gym regularly, you aren't benching 1 plate.
those numbers definitely don’t seem like an untrained lifter to me but this app really makes you feel like a fucking dyel. At least it said i was intermediate on my back for being able to do 10 chin-ups at 200lbs.(even though I still suck dick with rows)
I'm a weak fuck and I hate squats
lel all you bitches with weak ass legs.
Where is your kiddo?
not the one youre responding to either, but some definitely do, Ive seen it
Aspiring nonfat-memelifter. Still a manlet tho
>66kg bw (145lbs) 5'8
>SQ: 160kg (352lbs) - but best set 130kg x 10
>DL: 200kg (440lbs)
>BP: 105kg (230lbs)
>OHP not even once
Yes, I fell for the SS rippletits t-rex meme
when we were 16 in school most of the boys in my class benched 50-60kg
Sounds like you just have monkey arms tbqh.
You yellow green-tits no-shoulders madman
Did a meme routine i saw on IG.
How fix?
Here you go girl. Every day is leg day.
>Back Squat: 205 lbs
>Deadlift: 420 lbs
>Bench Press: 120 lbs
>Overhead Press: 120 lbs
>Pull-up: 50 lbs added
I mog your leg strength brah
90% of untrained men cannot bench 1 plate with proper form and full rom
5'6" 148lbs.
Dips my man.
I climb and run a lot too.
Why you anons hate OHP so much, it's great...
And I'm exploiting it all with my based sumo cheating. No remorse
Yeah, pic related mode. I wish it was fake
Nvm you have better relative strength than me
t. Weightlifter
5/3/1 for beginners
Yeah Im recovering from multiple hospitalizations and fuckarounditis. Stunted 2 years of potential progress sadly
My lower body strength is embarrassing in proportion to my bench. the weird part is that it used to be skewered in lower body favor till i figured out how to train bench properly for myself. also, injury to my tendons and haven't deadlifted for 8 months, lost strength and for some reason on this cut my bench remained while my squat nose dived.
>rows for the hos
nice. here's mine
>bench 185
>squat 225
>dead 315
>ohp 135
Does symmetric strength use ATG squat or parallel squat? Also, which one should I do? I currently do ATG but I used to do parallel.
been doing AlphaDestiny novice program for 7 months now, I'm pretty happy with results
I would assume it's using whatever method you used to lift, so both. You should do whatever feels best to you.
Forgot pic
Somebody fell for the SS+GOMAD
my roommate is a genetic masterpiece and was able to bench 2pl8s for his first time. form was iffy but still was able to put up the weight quite easily
genetics plays a big role in initial strength
Bruh, I'm 5'7 140lb. Can you post a pic of your body to see what I might look like with those lifts?
Which exercise works the calves? I never see that muscle group with a color on anyone else's chart.
same desu tbhonky
I love these
Cleans do
>tfw fell for meme-routine
He was lying to you about not benching before.
Been doing SS for about a year and a half now
stats please. need to see bench and deadlift
novice everything except back/abs/biceps/forearms for which i'm intermediate (been doing pullups since I was 12)
>6'1 190lbs
>1 rep maxes
bench 185
squat 275
deadlift 305
ohp 115
honestly my only two fitness goals are 1/2/3/4 and being able to dunk a basketball again. haven't done that since middle school. i have no desire to leave humanity behind so i'm not quite sure what i'll do when i reach my goals in a year or two
531 for almost 2 years
185 ohp
270 bench
320 squat
340 dead
got to squat and deadlift #s then stopped for 8 months, starting them again this week but my lumbars fused so I probably won't push the weight past what it was
is this normal
are those really the only lifts you do?
Really need to cut but simply can't, eating under like 2500 cals a day is basically impossible. At least for prolonged periods, i could do it for a day or two but i always go back.
Put of curiosity, how many exercises/sets should I do per body part?
>tfw you spent all of last winter skiing moguls and big mountain and wanted to keep your upper bodyweight down to avoid potential knee injuries
how do you deadlift so much with such a low back squat. Or vice-versa?
Pic related
6'5 190 lbs
kek no way you can do linear progression for a years and a half, right?
By meme routine do you mean only 100 reps of bench press every day?
sure, it just seems like you need more arm work if you want it to be really similar strength levels. maybe add more pull ups and dips?
or chest flies or something?
stop being a basedboy and be hungry you fuck
Lvl 50 novice all around. Probably 9 months into lifting. I should probably swtich from SS to something else since the linear progression stopped long ago.
140 lbs
squat 170x5
deadlift 205x5
bench press 145x5
overhead press 95x5
weighted pullups +25x5
pendlay row 105x5
I have become the blue man.
I'm so close to a 545 deadlift.
>320 squat
>sub 4pl8 dead
Explain yourself user
Doubt you are still here OP but how bad was the first few weeks after breaking your ankle? I definitely fucked mine up about 4 weeks ago and it still hurts if it bends the right way but I was able to walk on it right after I injured it and was only on not able to walk for one day after.
I know it doesn't sound like I did anything major but when I did hurt it I heard a crack/pop sound from it...hope this thing just stops hurting after another few weeks.
Probably because I've never tried doing 420 back squat?
How the fuck am i going to get aesthetic then? I will never get a gf.
I couldnt walk on it for the first 6 weeks, and I was in a boot for 6 weeks after that
I came a few mm from a complete break
I would definitely recommend getting it checked out though and try to stay off of it if you are still feeling pain
Your lifts may drop, but it is better to heal in the long run
5'2" womanlet 135lbs
>back squat: 185 for 4
>deadlift: 205 for 3
>bench: lmao 75 for 5
>ohp: lmao 55 for 5
Got my gym membership 6 months ago, started working upper body probably 3 months ago. Couldnt even bench the bar for 3 when i started. Also hit my head pretty hard two weeks ago and every day at the gym feels wonky since. Feelsweakman
I only squat and deadlift this is what i get.
let me be green man already. (9 months)
we complete each other
Squat 115kg
Dead 120kg
Bench 80kg
OHP 45kg
All for 5 reps. Feels good being green.
5'5" dwarfmode 168lb
220x4 bench
295x3 squat
395x2 and 405x1 DL
135x5 ohp
Just finished my first cycle of canditos 6 week cycle, made great progress
Good job lil' buddy!
I've been only training chest and biceps, but symmetric strength doesn't have any measures for the guns
Are you doing LP? (SS, SL, GSLP)
What's your weight/height?
Did you guys reach bodyweight bench on LP?
stop lying op, you are not pendlay rowing more than your bodyweight and benching so little at the same time
started 5weeks ago and still very frustated
bench 120x4
squat 60x4
ohp 55x4
penday row 60x4
was very motivated first but progress is coming too slowly
eating 3200kcal/day, not easy. also take brotein. sleep 6-7h (just cant sleep more) but am very stressed atm
considering roids because its my third try to start lifting and again i see no progress
What routine are you on?
Are you lifting with good form?
6'2 192lbs
am doing ivysaur 448 and instead of adding weight every week, i could only add once
recorded myself to see if form is right and im sure its good. only that i need heelplates for squats but im stretching every day to improve my squat form
Do GSLP and the progress will be faster
Also probably a form issues because of muscle imbalance/flexibility issues
Started in September, took a break for 2 months because moving.
New gym is comfy, always fewer than 10 people there at any given time, squat rack pretty much never in use, nor is the bench. Everyone always does cardio or machines. Mostly old people or underageb&s, making me the strongest person I have seen there so far, tied with one other dude.
ok i read a bit into gslp
after an exercise, when i hit 2x5 1xamrap, can i go on decrease the weight and do some more volume for hypertrophy or is it counterproductive strength-wise?
5'11, 80kg. Don't know what you mean by LP, I've just been doing the big 4 exercises for 3x5 and accessories.
don't bother yet
LP is linear progression, a routine like GSLP, SS, SL
What's your routine exactly? I'm 181cm 72kg and i got stuck at 65kg bench last time, with similar numbers for other lifts
For my chest I do flat bench, incline dumbbell press and flat dumbbell flies, finish with dips to failure. I have been able to add 2.5kg every couple of weeks to my bench with that, but I'm struggling to get above 80kg. I do it 3x a week so I guess the only thing I recommend is hitting chest as often as you can.
187cm 80kg
>back squat: 100kg for 5
>deadlift: 130kg for 5
>bench 90kg for 5
>ohp: 60kg for 5
and then i also tossed in pendlay row 80kg for 5 and dip with added 1pl8 for 8
just reached novice on DL