Nether is back
Nether is back

Attached: 1520457512246.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

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>stronger and lighter than before
What the fuck is going on

is that reall him

no fucking way

It does resemble him. But why is the video so shitty?

He uploaded this a few days ago lol. Wants those youtube shekels

It IS him, literally the same face and rack and plates, he is lighter now though.

That channel has hundreds of world of Warcraft videos on it

Nether is a WoW fag? Full Blaha mode

He had some WoW vids on his old channel too.

>that 40 year old who still plays computer games and even puts the clips on youtube

Why are so many of us lifters fucking losers?

I swear almost every lifter I know has a history or currently plays no-life tier video games. It’s like lifting and no life gaming go hand in hand with each other.

>Exercise in isolation
>Video game in isolation
>Post on image board in isolation

Does anyone here actually have a normal social life and spend most of their time around other people like a normal mentally healthy person?

I went to the mall once but girls tried to talk to me so I stopped going.

This is very true. I lift, train martial arts and spend time on Jow Forums all day. I dont have any friends. But at least i dont game anymore lmao.

Most people start lifting to get out of depression or obesity both caused by playing video games when growing up and having no social life or real life skills


I saw you there too m8, if I see u again i'm gonna smack ur head in

Jow Forums needs to start Uni meetup groups for other Jow Forumstards. That way we can list and Vidya together.

>posting about actual topics on 4chinz is antisocial
>spending eighteen hours a day on facebook and twitter is healthy social behavior
>playing video games is 4 incelz lmao
>zoning out while watching the latest trendy and media approved tv show is true human behavior

anyway to answer your question im married, have a job, and have a degree. still play a lot of ck2 and total warhammer though

I'm in uni, I'm not a social butterfly but I have friends, both from uni and from back in highschool, single now but i've dated in the past. I played mmos in middle school, but so did my friends. I played games in highschool, so did my friends. I kept playing games in uni but I've quit recently cause no free time. I'd still like to though. Point is, being on Jow Forums or playing games doesn't automatically make you a complete loser

>spend most of their time around other people
nah I only really go socialise at parties or nights out, keep to myself other than that most the time

>lifts weights to support his wow habit
absolutely disgusting

filmed in reverse
hanging from the ceiling, film is running backwards

He’s literally called Nether beast. Of course he’s a WoW fag

Why was this gamer bullied off of youtube?

fake lifts apparently.

how did you find this guy?

he stated he was stronger than he actually was, did odd lifts etc. Altho dude has killer body and did lift some heavy shit, he got busted for faking lifts to prove he is as strong as he claims. Shame tho, he really had some knowledge to share and the whole shaman beast aesthetic was kewl af

He's back

Attached: unknown-18.png (639x376, 103K)

By searching his name? Like senpai, go suck your nan, innit

I go over to my friends house to watch anime some times

Attached: 1482746915079.png (555x407, 14K)

his lifts are fake


can I save this pepe?


>the guy with an amazing body and strong lifts + wife and kids is a loser compared to a dude with no legacy who posts on Jow Forums

He has a wife's son. He's lower than any Jow Forumsizen.

Fake lifts and fake natty

"On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures".[1]

May 22: the resurrection pic is the third in order

Attached: netherchronologicalorder.png (2536x668, 2.37M)

lifting can be a pretty nonsocial activity

New Material.

n***d pls go

Can you fucking imagine what would happen if Nether would come back with his normal quality videos performing conventional exercises with impressive numbers?

He's handsome

Attached: mhmm.jpg (1035x791, 196K)


how do you know that? He has mixed kids and his wife is black.

would like to see how alphadestiny would react

>WoW is about mindless grinding to increase meaningless numbers in the game
>Lifting is about mindless grinding to increase meaningless numbers

They are basically the same thing.

The Untrustworthy Charismatic Con Artist King

>doesn't even give a fuck if he publicly declares himself an old ass video game playing troglodytic schizophrenic and possibly sociopathic manchild
>doesn't larp about races, race mixes with an ugly bantu creature because of love while he could obviously "done better", with his looks and manipulation
>40 year old NEET
>fucking jacked, over 220 pounds relatively lean at 6'2
>meme workouts in his cave
>health and vitality obsession, poor as fuck, gets his wife to work for the family and his NEET ass, can't pay for calibrated plates and dumbbells, nature larp - but can somehow pay for cycles

Attached: netherpepe_tttndn.png (609x432, 149K)

>his wife is black
HAHAHAHA why are you lying

how new are you?

Why does he wear a mask? That's fucking creepy how its mouth opens.