
share your day

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gy pjt

Thump your fucking dickmeat on the keyboard and scream at the top of your lungs

Hey RuPaul lets see how gay this thread will be today, maybe some dick squirting or maybe a trap idk its Sunday

Take some benzos and rub your bussy and boiclit


This is close but fake and I do know the sound of a penis hitting a keyboard user

that other thread just died

Anyone know if the trap came in last night ?

I hate my voice too so please bear with me

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You sound like a faggot stop touching your litle cock and get out and do things wait till real life faggot shit gets harder

stop he's playing with his boipucci and we wanna watch you fucking faggot

you sound fine btw

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Hmm 6'1 of fuckmeat I can still overpower you and cum in your little butt son

be productive then
get a summer job idk. You can talk to your friends online baka, i dont get it

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Lmao not happening



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I would rape you if I was there and you would prob enjoy it

Anyone post a vocaroo of fapping their penis and moaning?

Why do you always sound so fucking weird OP is it drugs or is this how you sound?

I was playing my dick earlier if I can get hard again later I'll post senpai

Do you have any dildos that you can slam into your bussy?

No but I do have a butt plug I can put in if you want later its average size and black it has a wider ring I was worried it would get stuck inside my boipussy

You actually have a nice voice.

How about you go outside and get some sunlight. Vitamin D helps with depression, seriously.

Anal balls work good and you never have to worry about losing them in the bussy user.

Cheer up go on Grindr and find a girl (male) to do things with if not you can always have sex

i havenet had any benz in 24+ hours

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Grindr is full of horny dudes that want to fuck other dudes so if thats your thing I guess its a good place to go


You need some sex OP might help you out

How big is your dick senpai? Maybe lewd discord later?


You should do some fapping for us user


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Slap your dick on the keyboard, this is now not original

I knew you were a faggot! You think his a MALES voice is SEXY jesus OP I knew this is why you make these gay threads

My dick is 7.5x6 so I would say its better then average its fairly thick and nice and straight.


Replied to wrong person eh. Thats a good sized penis senpai not sure if I could take it up the boipucci though I mean I would try thats for sure!

Unxerage and 100% GAY Texas my sides

Come on OP shlick that boiclit and vocaroo it! I can look for some Scottish gay porn and link it to you if that will get ya bussy wet?


Why do people enjoy these threads so much? Lads discord exists for a reason ya'know

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You sound like someone I know.What are the chances?

Mostly for the traps that appear and the chance of lewd homosexual robot stuff I'm guessing

Trap was here few days ago she posted some nice tits I would fuck her bussy for sure

Is there even an R9K discord? I feel like that exists

Hes from the UK and gay so if that fits the person you know it is most likely him

Yes can google it its shit all the others that people post are filled with actual fags aand betas that orbit 1 femanon or orbit a trap its bad

okay,wrong person then

Curious is your friend that sounds like OP gay?


Here I was hoping it would be a chill place to play with randoms

being user is nice, i just dont appreciate the gay user who keeps spamming.

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you have a cute voice no homo

Def not lots of "robots" who hate "normies" tons of 16 year olds absolute garbage dump you might get lucky and find a small one but don't count on it I tried 5 dif servers here and stopped the last one as soon as I was in people were asking about my dick size and fav trap

Just looking for people to chillax with if other friends are busy. Why are people obsessed with fucking traps atm?

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A few gay anons but the good part is when you make these threads they keep their lewd homo shit here instead of going to other threads, so you are making a gay containment thread OP

Fuck if I know I'm a old fag and will never understand this trap shemale shit

You should prob thank the gay user for keeping your thread alive

its just 2 dudes spamming the same shit over and over

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Well actually there is a good chance that it could be 2 or 3 people spamming gay stuff none stop I doubt that many r9k people are as gay as everyone thinks so yes figure 12 hours a minute each post ya man unless everyone here really is that gay

Not a friend,you just sound like a guy from some site(I hope that's vague enough).Answer these questions honestly,please :

>Are you from the USA?
>Does your name start with the letter M?
>Does the name Shaniqua ring a bell?


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Ah,okay,I was wrong then.

Shlick shlick shlick lick daddys boiclit


How many inches flacid is your penis?

How many inches is your dick? When its hard you might as well answer.

What word do you hate the most that you see on Jow Forums for me its "Boiperiod"

3 gay dudes I'm one of the posters I'll buy a mic soon so we can vocaroo together and be lewd

Why don't you play with your cock user? No one else has posted a fap vocaroo yet someone has to step their game up.