That guy thread

What kind of retards do you have at your gym Jow Forums?
>that old Chinese lady who stares at you constantly
>old guy who takes his shoes off to use a machine then puts them back on to walk to another machine afterwards only to remove them again
>that middle age guy who puts a big orange towel and water bottle on the bench press while doing cable flies on the other side of the gym
>mainly Middle Aged people who don’t re-rack weights properly or at all
>old lady with Botox and bad lip injections dressed in all pink activewear quarter squatting on one of those half medicine balls with a 1kg weight

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>That older guy who tries to teach people how to squat and deadlift whilst being weak as fuck with terrible form

>that kid that came to the gym alone, worked on a couple of random machines, ran a little on a bike and went home
I wanted to talk to him, to tell him everything about muscle growth and show him couple of lifts and teach him how to build his own program, but then I remembered that I'm DYEL as fuck, so I'm not supposed to be giving advice to anyone.

Hopefully some non-DYELs will help him in his quest to achieve his dreams.

>old guy who takes his shoes off to use a machine then puts them back on to walk to another machine afterwards only to remove them again
I do this but I'm not old. I have shitty adidas that has weird cloudfoam sole, I prefer the stability of my human sole.

He does this for chest fly machines etc

Imagine her walking like that in a gym and getting gangbanged by a pack of 6'4 BBCs haha

Fucking cuck

Come now, she needs a few BBCs to fuck that smug look off her face.

I go to a gym on a military base so...

>Several packs of 3-4 20 year olds doing brosplits
>That one thick asian girl doing dumbell squats in front of everyone
>Roided up black guys everywhere
>That occasional retiree who does curls and looks lost most of the time

this desu

Now I wanna see a porno where a gym girl dressed like that gets blacked.

At my uni gym there's this eastern European dude who starts his workout by saying hi to everyone in his immediate area, and shaking the hands of some of the regulars/heavy lifters.

He doesn't have any set routine, and wears regular clothes when he works out, typically corduroy pants and a long sleeve sweater or t-shirt.

Typically he's doing something on the platforms, though occasionally he'll be on the bench or using dumbells. He loads whatever weight is in the immediate area onto the bar, regardless of how much it weighs, in random order. Rarely does each end equal out to the same weight. He'll do maybe 7 sets with random numbers of reps, and then goes around to highfive/fist bump anyone around him.

One time I caught him at the dumbells doing curls, and struck up conversation with him. Turns out he grew up watching people like Arnold and other body builders, and wants nothing more than to be one of the greats so he comes everyday to do what he can.

I gave him a fist bump and finished my workout.

Last time I saw him, gym staff was giving him shit for having random collections of weights on the bar, and he was smiling and wagging his finger at them between sets.

>that guy that works his ass off and is starting to look really good
>when you see him you cant avoid getting aroused
>then you give him a handjob in the shower
that guy is me fapping after seeing my pump in the mirror

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>Fat old women who do the hip adductors for 15 min and think that means they're hitting the gym
>Older guy with pony tail that walks around creepily and I don't think he ever does a workout
>Thicc black boi that will sit on a bench and do one rep for like 10 sets over the course of an hour

I want to play with her

> that guy who sets up a bench at some weird angle, leaves it in the rack as though he's going to do some benches, then lays on the other bench to do dumbell raises

Wanting blacks to fuck hot white chiks.

>that weirdo who comes to the gym in a hoodie and sweats wether it’s 110 degrees out or 60, never talks to anybody, never takes his hood off, has massive calves and forearms

oh wait that’s me

>the one weird old dude that tries to hang out by the thot corner while not doing enough weight to impress everyone
>that faggot who does deadlifts right in front of the squat rack so noone else can use it
>that autistic asian dude who grunts really loud while doing the seated row machine one arm at a time

I swear to god if it wasnt the fact that I like to go to the gym at like 3am sometimes and for all the milfs and eye candy that runs around at my gym I would be at golds already
I wanna be golds squad 2k18 but 24hr fitness has the milfs and that good good 24hr operation

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i want to play with her ass

>that really skinny guy who is constantly doing either calf raises or machine flyes
>that old guy who goes between machines as fast as possible and will run in place if he’s waiting for a machine
>that girl who aimlessly goes between the leg machines especially the abductor/adductor
>that guy with a neck tattoo shadowboxing between sets of bicep curls

>that 5.7 Italian guy who quarter squats 125lb in the Smith machine then takes a 3min break to stand 2 feet away from you in a empty gyme while you're doing face pulls to watch the world cup on 1 of 7 TVs on the same wall

>that tiny Indian guy with a polo shirt and gold chain doing bicep curls with gloves and getting sweat on everything

Only relatable answer

That's not smug, that's either distain or resting bitch face

the left-wing mind is truly alien

>that guy that pushes the curlers out of the way of the mirror so he can look at himself jogging in place
>that guy that does squats and DLs at the rack but walks around the gym after every rep
>that lady that constantly hogs the ab machines despite being a skelly with absolutely no muscle definition
>that guy that does push ups/sit ups in front of the racks and getting in everyone's way
>that guy that thinks it's smart to tap on your arm or shoulder while you're in the middle of the lift and ruining your form to ask how many sets you have left

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There is an older dude in mine.
>no discernable rutine whatsoever
>random number reps of random exercice with baby weights
>goes super fast
>does this for about 15 min at fucking 5am
>Im the only other person there at the time (plus the owner who gives 0.00 fucks)
At least he never gets in my way. I guess if your rutine is random there is no point on waiting on any particular thing.

Literally ERECT at the thought of a fat, pulsating black cock jammed deep in her ass while she gags in tears from another cock shoved down her throat. Fuck, lads.

You are the reason the west is crumbling. Not even Jow Forums but jesus user, get your shit together.

kek, I know this guy

one time he saw me incline benching 40lb dumbbells
came over to me and said
>you know it's really better for your joints if you do a couple warmup sets before you go heavy
oh, ok thank you
proceeded to increase weight each set until I reached my working weight of 65lbs
and I'm a noodle arms skellyman too

based haha posting

haha, I know this guy too. except instead of eastern european, mine is a poo-in-the-loo

do those types of "bro" gym experiences actually exist? Every gym I've been to had a "keep to yourself" sort of unspoken rule.
Not a "Hey Bruce, how the wife and kids?" vibe


Lol they'd go for the basketball

>implying that race-mixing cuck porn isn't a right wing fantasy

I can't help it man. I'd love to be in her place in that scenario. Imagine being driven to hysteria by the plunging of massive black rods from the front and the back, unf

>the young qt asian girl who's always looking at the floor and never speaks to anyone
>the old women who do nothing but use medicine balls for whatever reason
>the creepy indian dude who just stares at women while barely exercising
>the old guy who dresses in running gear and does nothing but use the treadmill
>the slightly overweight woman in her early 30's who brings her starbuck's to the gym and doesn't understand why she's not losing weight
>the jacked black guy who's clearly on the juice but is friends with everyone
>the young kids who spend 1 min exercising and 59mins texting
>thots taking gym selfies
>the guy who full-blown sprints on the treadmill loud as fuck
>the guy who always looks like he's in pain and is constantly massaging himself between sets

>the young kids who spend 1 min exercising and 59mins texting
The absolute worst. Why would you even bring your phone to the gym?

>Why would you even bring your phone to the gym?
Because my mom is out of town and I want her to be safe.

As an absolute motherfucking unit, I always grab these kids when I see them. I take them to the locker room and give them one of the many copies of "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training" that I carry in my bag. I then tell them that I will personally take their virginity if I see them doing anything other than what Mark Rippetoe recommends within the vicinity of my gym.

where else are you meant to do diddlies in a gym without a dl station? right next to the bench? maybe infront of the dumbbell racks? oh I know, near the treadmills

Teach him good habits user. He sounds like a cool dude

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>the guy who looks like he's in pain and massages himself between every set
Hey fuck you my rotator cuff hurts

Point taken. Thats a valid reason user, and you are a good son user.
What I mean is, why would anyone take selfies and text and shit while at the gym. Seem like a great way to get distracted and waste gainz time.

I have some literal niggers that fucking take every plate to their squat rack, deadlift 2 pl8 then leave everything just fucking everywhere. Fuck people like that

i used to go to a gym that had a friendly atmosphere. indipendant place in an industrial estate. kind of old equipment. alot of the fixed barbell and ez bars where just welded together.
the place was like a pub. guys would come after work lift weights and shoot the shit. lots of old guys. but not like the usuall balls out blowing in the wind types. the types that rep out pull ups and look like they could throw me across the room. place was always nice and cool cause of no isulation. the winter was really nice. wearing a hoodie while doing sets and taking it off to feel the freezing air. unfortunatly though my shifts are all over the place so i go to the 24hr gym down the road instead.

I wish she had more pics

it's so sad when they slip through the cracks like that.

As long as i get to clap the mans cheeks from behind.

>that guy who was fucking massive, caught roiding, and in 6 months went down to dyel mode
>that guy who wants to get big, goes with jacked squad mates and they give him too much weight, you never see him again
>the line of fat pogs who every morning for pt just sit on a bicycle
>that guy who losses all his fat and is an inspiration during deployment, then upon garrison gets fat and chaptered
>the high ranking guys who do crossfit and take up half the gym
>that group that hides in the sauna during pt
>that platoon that always takes the squash court/basketball court for pt when its raining
>that guy who lifts after his haircut and leaves follicles everywhere
>those guys that spend Monday pt in the gym puking in the bathroom
>those same guys that spend all the other days of the week in the bathroom puking
>that guy who you know is gay and spends the time after pt until work formation in the shower

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Every gym has this guy.

>he occasionally goes onto machines, disregards the picture that tells you how to use it and half reps whatever

>that bald boomer that goes on the stationary bike for 5 min, then immediately curls
>the pack of dude bros that take turns on the power rack and barely exercise
>the DYEL and his trainer that makes the dyel bench press for 30 reps of meme weight

what the fuck are you even talking about, nigger?

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>be me
>workout in an indipendant place in an industrial estate
>try to keep to myself and just get my sets done
>annoying 30+ year old manlet comes in 2x week
>"shoots the shit" constantly
>why is he talking to me? I could rep out pullups and throw this faggot across the room
>he never works out, just wears full sweats and runs on the treadmill for 10 mins
>when he leaves he does this weird ritual of stripping off his shirt and walking to his car in the snow, humming the naruto theme song
haven't seen him in a while but the rumor around the gym is that he killed himself

>humming the naruto theme song
This made me lol way harder than it should have. Never even watched the show but goddamit.

I want to play with her butthole after we had dinner at a mexican restaurant.
I want to stick my finger in her tender asshole and oopsie a nugget of shit came out. She farts simultaneously.
Waft of fecal secretions in the air enters my nasal canals.
My semen receptors fire up and I slowly become erect.
She feels embarassed and begins to pull her little shorts up when i stop her. I pull them back down
A soft gentle kiss on her little hiney.
Muah baby
I then tell her to pee.
Pees for me baybee
She does so.
Im stroking to my two penises one of which I added surgically to my obliques for secret conjugal visits at the theater looking at the sexy girls and their pantylines in the gym.
When all is said and restroom we commit a ritual known as coitus.
I inseminate her.
She coincides with the moons.
Venus, mars
Penis, large.

I then suck her tender pepperoni nipples that cover her entire b cup breast tissue.
So tender they open up like a flower.
Your polyps my dear, thwomp thwomp
I can feel your virus.
It tastes of alluminum.
You are fertile and must breastfeed my beauty.
Is the sweety man
With my 5 fingers I spread open her nipple, and use the index finger of my other tendril to stimulate her breast. Like a rectum but in her breast. I want to be gentile, so as to not give her nipple hemmorhoids.
Meanwhile she's releasing like a goat, pellets for daddy God shit.
Zia Annuki Kazüm.
The shiites knew not.
Escribes fortold stories of this.
Fornication so beautiful Jesuit of Nazareth himself spilled seed.
And thus the euphrates was born.
More denial than in egypt.
Her vagina is so beautiful. Like a flower, like i was thinking arbees but unironically.
Her clitoral hood pressed back to reveal a penis
What did God mean by this?
Only I would know because I was there.
And he is inside of us.
My follicles secrete semen.

Me too bro. Personally I take them to our gym's sauna, sit down with them for a sauna session, have a little one on one time. If I feel a connection with them, maybe I'll have a shower with them afterwards, kiss them a little bit, just to give them encouragement haha you know. Gotta help those newbies out, it's the best feeling in the world haha

I'll bring my phone in case somebody needs to reach me but if I actually use it I end up wasting more time than I'd like

ctrl+f segments of that
>no result
holy fuck please be a new pasta


t. low-test cuck that doesn't even lift

You sick bastard.

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at my gym there is a giant open area for doing whatever you want
These fucking retards choose to dl infront of 1 out of 2 squat racks the gym has
they should be shot


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>that guy that tried to do hip thrust but didn't know how the fuck to do them and just jiggle with a barbell for 5 minutes and then left

That guy was me. But a dude was watching me so I though from his point of view I was some dyel that didn't know what the fuck he was doing and then left and never returned.
I had actually finished my workout and was just messing around. That was the first and only time I saw the dude because I usually go at night and that was the only time I've gone in the morning.

five stars post

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>that guy that kickboxes at himself in the mirror in between sets
>that guy that loudly talks to himself while working out

God fucking dammit, this is me exactly. I just started going, how do I not be this guy?

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read the sticky

starting strength + gomad

>When all is said and restroom we commit a ritual known as coitus.
>I inseminate her.
>She coincides with the moons.
>Venus, mars
>Penis, large.

this is literally poetry

campus gym edition
>that decently handsome pajeet that ego lifts (saw him half repping 2.5pl8 squat today)
>that guy that lifts at the same time as me everyday and also works there
>that boomer professor that only runs on the track
>that qt only doing exercises with bands
>that bloatfag benching 3pl8 like it's nothing
>those dyel freshmen only using machines
>those girls that only wear tight gymshark outfits (ie all of them)
>that ugly ripped girl who definitely roids
>gym trainer chad
college gyms are actually a lot less exciting than regular gyms i think

>the sort of jacked manlet who slams the weights to the ground needlessly loud
Its always a white manlet too. Ive worked out with dudes who rep 5pl deadlifts like its their job and never heard them slam weights like Johnny short stack. Been to 4 gyms around the US and every one has this fag.

Holy shit this is honestly really well written, like James Joyce meets salamon rushdie. Gg dude.

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Saved for future use, I will make sure this lives on forever.

>re-rack weights

Is this rly a thing? Never did this desu.

Why would you not just get Vivo/xeroshoes/vibrams/unshoes/literally so many minimalist shoes?

...this is incredible

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Are we witnessing history?

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>that guy that plays his guitar in between sets
>that guy that gives roses to single women
>that guy that needs to be constantly supervised lest he rape someone
>that guy that kicks me out of the rack mid curl
>that guy that longingly looks at the others, wishing to interact with them but talking himself out of it every time
>that guy that brings his dolls and plays with them in the middle of the floor
>that guy that wears plate armour
>that guy that challenged other patrons to play magic the gathering with him
>that girl that never stops talking about her kids/weekend
>that guy that nods and listens but just wants to work out
>that absolute retard that sits in the corner, watching the people and then talking about it in an Icelandic microwaving forum

>the high ranking guys who take up half the gym doing CrossFit
Fucking officers

Started going out with a girl last month
>sex is great and super romantic when just two of us
But lately she’s started getting nervous when we meet, doesn’t want to go out and only come to my place not hers
Came into my workplace with this guy that she called ‘babe’

Think he’s Greek
Both wear friends rings

Go out in last Tuesday night to bowling and run into my nephews sister
>she calls me handsome before my other birthday
She’s with friends so I ask to join them
They have this foreign exchange student there and I think she’s German because she spoke Austrian the entire time.

I go to introduce myself to the father and he asks what my intentions in’s are because he knows his daughter is married to a Greek man.
>manager calls me over
>user you need bowling shoes
Tell her no because I’m her uncle

See someone on the back alley way as I’m taking selfie for tinder
See person vomiting and upload photo
Parents saw profile and want to talk to me about it

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unironically ironically kino

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You should get the plate armor guy to be your friend. When the Deus Vulting starts he's gonna be /yourguy/.

kinda hoping this was a boy

Now this is true goodposting

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you got yourself a high-level Trickster here. help him with his requests or become a victim of his folly. do you accept this quest?

That guy who takes up 2 out of 3 squatracks in order to circuit squats and weighted pullups

>the young qt asian girl who's always looking at the floor and never speaks to anyone

way too many of those at my gym, wanna speak to one but im socially retarded as fuck

>that one really huge dude with vaguely nazi shirts he wears all the time
>be slightly intimidated by him when you start
>after a year you're lifting heavier than him and can actually run laps around him

That was actually really hot. Based on her laying in the bed besides a nigger, and the presence of other niggers in the room, I'm pretty sure she just got done getting gang fucked by a whole pack of hard hitting, feral, big dick niggers. Her pussy and anal cavity is probably stretched to the brim and dripping with prime African load due to back to back jizz shots, or at-least that's how i'm picturing it in my mind.

I'd imagine that she is exhausted from getting fucked so hard and for so long by so many big dick niggers. Her body probably can't withstand any more nigger dick or nigger spunk. Unfortunately, that one big dick alpha nigger with the red hoody, who burst into the room taunting her and exposing her naked flesh as she whimpers and pleads for him to stop, seems to have not gotten his turn at the white slut.

And you can tell by his aggressive attitude, and his willingness to degrade her by slapping her white bottom as he directs her into the bathroom were she will be forced to suck off his massive sized nigger dick, that to him white women are nothing more than cum slaves to be used by superior black men. And that is why I find this pic so fucking hot.

>that one 85 year old that is constantly hooked up to a breathing tube and has colostomy bag and only uses the elliptical while dressed in a dress shirt and jeans

My heart aches when i see him

literally me